danr@pro-tcc.cts.com (Dan Roberts) (11/14/89)
Help! I have recently installed a PCT on my Apple IIGS. Normally I boot from a hard disk in slot 7 using System 5.0.2. I have been unable to sucessfully turn on the PC TRansporter in this situation. When I do a cold shutdown and boot from a 3.5 with the AE software on it everything seems to work fine. I have not tested everything yet but at least the Op system comes up and SimCity mostly runs (Won't see the mouse and has a problem with certian keys but playable) Hardware is Apple IIGS with the following. Slot one is empty-Port 1 has IW2 Slot two has Parl Printer card Port 2 has Hayes Compt modem Slots 3,4,5 are empty. Mouse and 3.5 and 5.25 disks are plugged into appropriate ports. Slot 6 has the PCT which has attached to it another Apple 3.5 Drive Slot 7 has a CMS SCSI card with 2 CMS hard drives on it. Aux Mem slot has 1.5 Meg AE GSRam card Also attached is sound card from hyperstudio. Dan ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Roberts Proline: danr@pro-tcc 50 East Mound Street CI$: 71271,1437 Columbus OH 43215 INET: danr@pro-tcc.cts.com UUCP: crash!pnet01!pro-tcc!danr
lhaider@pro-sol.cts.com (Lawrence Haider) (11/16/89)
In-Reply-To: message from danr@pro-tcc.cts.com >I have recently installed a PCT on my Apple IIGS. Normally I boot from a hard >disk in slot 7 using System 5.0.2. I have been unable to sucessfully turn on >the PC TRansporter in this situation. >When I do a cold shutdown and boot from a 3.5 with the AE software on it >everything seems to work fine. >I have not tested everything yet but at least the Op system comes up and >SimCity mostly runs (Won't see the mouse and has a problem with certian keys >but playable) [...other stuff deleted] I have very much the same setup as you, and have no problem with the PCT. Only one thing you might be doing wrong; you mentioned that you have the 3.5" and 5.25" drives hooked up to the appropriate ports. That means that the GS sees the 5.25" drives in slot 6, even though it is daisy chained from slot 5. Try setting your Control Panel to Your Card for slot 6 in the slot assignments. You can't use the Apple type 5.25" drives this way, but its the best way of setting things up that I can think of. Apple said that the IIgs can use 128 devices when it was first released. When are they going to make good on that promise. Or have I just been missing something for all these years? I've got 7 disk devices and can use only 5 at a time, depending on the Control Panel settings. Is there a way around this anyone? lhaider@pro-sol.cts.com
danr@pro-tcc.cts.com (Dan Roberts) (11/17/89)
In-Reply-To: message from danr@pro-tcc.cts.com Thank you for the replies I've recd so far on this. I will respond via E-mail when I get a chance to try all the suggestions. I wanted to post this note to say that SIMCity works with the mouse if the operator remembers to install the MSMouse SYS. Basicly there are two drivers needed. One from the AE ProDos Disks and one from the AE MSDos disks and I had only installed one of them. Dan ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Roberts Proline: danr@pro-tcc 50 East Mound Street CI$: 71271,1437 Columbus OH 43215 INET: danr@pro-tcc.cts.com UUCP: crash!pnet01!pro-tcc!danr
mattd@Apple.COM (Matt Deatherage) (11/17/89)
In article <13649.apple.net@pro-sol> lhaider@pro-sol.cts.com (Lawrence Haider) writes: > >Apple said that the IIgs can use 128 devices when it was first released. When >are they going to make good on that promise. Or have I just been missing >something for all these years? I've got 7 disk devices and can use only 5 at >a time, depending on the Control Panel settings. Is there a way around this >anyone? > >lhaider@pro-sol.cts.com I thought this was laid to rest in InCider or A+ a couple of years ago. While it is true that the SmartPort firmware can theoretically handle up to 127 devices in the built-in SmartPort chain, the power supply to the computer can't possibly handle that many 3.5" drives (or anything else, for that matter). In addition, ProDOS 8 can only handle 2 devices per slot (which makes a maximum possible mapping of 14 devices, unless you rewrite ProDOS 8 and break everyone), which further limits things. This is the same kind of "not making good on the promise" as it is when you realize that today nuclear holocaust is "theoretically allowed for", but we haven't done that yet, either. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matt Deatherage, Apple Computer, Inc. | "The opinions expressed in this tome Send PERSONAL mail ONLY (please) to: | should not be construed to imply that Amer. Online: Matt DTS | Apple Computer, Inc., or any of its ThisNet: mattd@apple.com | subsidiaries, in whole or in part, ThatNet: (stuff)!ames!apple!mattd | have any opinion on any subject." Other mail by request only, please. | "So there." -----------------------------------------------------------------------------