[comp.sys.apple] Good move

Tabakal@UB.CC.UMICH.EDU (11/18/89)

Let me also put in my 5 cents for the fine job Brint did
with the Info-Apple newslist.  It was a lot of work that
certainly couldn't have been much fun.
Actually, I wouldn't waste bandwidth just for that,
except that I wanted to compliment Apple as well for
doing a good legal move.  I was waiting the group
to change its name to info-apple(TM) eventually.
Now that you own distribution rights, it takes care of
an amusingly sticky problem.
So much for being a law student...
    Todd A. Bakal                              I believe in the Cubs,
    U of M Apple User's Group                  Bo's national championship
    Ann Arbor, Michigan                        chances, and my Apple ][gs. 
    Internet: Tabakal@ub.cc.umich.edu          FTP:
    UUCP: ...!uunet!ub.cc.umich.edu!tabakal    BITnet: Tabakal@UMICHUB

danr@pro-tcc.cts.com (Dan Roberts) (11/22/89)

In-Reply-To: message from Tabakal@ub.cc.umich.edu

Hey Net. Sorry about that last one. That was supposed to be posted privately
but it got away from me.
Daniel Roberts            Proline: danr@pro-tcc
50 East Mound Street      CI$:     71271,1437
Columbus OH 43215         INET:    danr@pro-tcc.cts.com
                          UUCP:    crash!pnet01!pro-tcc!danr