[comp.sys.apple] CALL FOR DISCUSSION: Renaming comp.sys.apple comp.sys.apple2

spike@world.std.com (Joe Ilacqua) (01/08/90)

	This is a formal call for discussion of the renaming
comp.sys.apple to comp.sys.apple2.  The comp.sys.apple group is for
discussion of Apple // (][,2) computers, *not* all Apple computers.
Newcomers to news often post Macintosh questions to comp.sys.apple.

	It is generally felt that changing the name to comp.sys.apple2
will cut down on postings about "The Computer for the Rest of Them".

	In addition there is currently a vote running for the creation
of comp.sys.apple2.tech.  There will be slightly less chaos in the
universe if comp.sys.apple is renamed.

	This discussion will last two weeks and barring major
objections will be followed by a vote.

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