robertr@well.UUCP (Robert J. Rodriguez) (01/08/90)
I purchased a Datalink Modem (2400 baud) about 2 months ago, and in general I'm very happy with it. However, I'm running into occasional problems at 1200 baud. After running the Apple IIE enhanced for about 20-25 minutes at 1200 baud, characters start to get progressively garbled in both directions, and AT commands are sometimes converted to A% or A$ or A>, which the modem doesn't accept. Even the output from a command like AT &V comes out jumbled. Only turning off the machine for a couple of hours clears up the problem. Oddly, the problem never occurs at 300 or 2400 baud. My machine currently has a CPM card, a mouse, 2 drives (5.25 inch), a fan and a surge protector. Has anyone seen a similar bug? I tried to contact Applied Engineering but their technical support line has been constantly busy.
TSEMM@ALASKA.BITNET ("Ed 'Apple Guru' Moore") (01/08/90)
In my High School, the same thing happened with a dataline 1200. We traced it down to the fan, and bought a system saver IIGS, and it worked fine after that. Maybe your fan isn't working up to par?