[comp.sys.apple] More Applefest/Computerfest news...

saa33413@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (01/10/90)

David_Kopper@DGC.MCEO.DG.COM writes:
...That is why they are bringing in other computers (current guesses from them
(and these are ONLY GUESSES)) is that the show will be divided up into Apple
II, PC, and Mac (about 1/3 each)....

I just got an AE DataLink 2400 yesterday.  Applied Engineering put a flyer in
with the modem (and I assume they're also packing them in their other products
currently) to the same effect.  They were not too enthusiastic about this
departure from tradition, as this quote shows.

     However, the May 1989 AppleFest included a development that concerns
     Applied Engineering very much.  For the first time, the promoters of
     AppleFest included Macintosh and Macintosh products.  Applied 
     Engineering believes that this was a grave mistake.  Macintosh already
     has a bi-yearly show called MacWorld, which is 100% Macintosh and
     solely dedicated to that computer.  This year a new Macintosh show, 
     MacDex, will begin.  Including Macintosh in the traditional Apple II
     show only dilutes the significance of and support for the Apple II.

Talk about a disturbing thought.  It's bad enough that everyone tries to make
the Apple II function like a Macintosh.  It started with MousePaint, and lives
today as the IIGS, which was hailed by some as a "color Mac" years before a
true color Mac existed.  You can compare and analyze the II and Mac until hell
freezes over.  The Apple II and the Macintosh are two different breeds of
machines.  A lot of bad blood has been exposed by people who forget this simple
fact.  If they were the same thing, Apple would have quit making one machine
or the other a long time ago.

Just as the machines are different, they should enjoy the privilege of having
shows all to themselves.  The Mac nuts can have their MacWorld and the II
users can have AppleFest.  CMI's bringing-in of the Mac sounds a lot like a
drunk crashing some rich folks' party.

AE gave some addresses to send your gripes to, if you're as pissed by Apple
and CMI (mostly CMI, I think) as they are.

     Mr. Vidar J. Jorgensen             Customer Relations
     Managing Director                  Apple Computer, Inc.
     Cambridge Marketing, Inc.          20525 Mariani Ave.
     1 Forbes Rd.                       Cupertino, CA  95014
     Lexington, MA  02173

You might also be able to E-mail Apple, but I can't say for sure.  (Might
root@apple.com forward the message, or is there a Customer Relations "user"
on their system?)

Finally, I hope Applied Engineering doesn't mind if I borrowed some of their
lines.  If they will stand behind their words (knowing them, they will), then
they shouldn't mind that I borrowed a bit from their letter.

| Scott Alfter                          | A keyboard--how quaint!             |
| Internet:  saa33413@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu  |                                     |
|            free0066@vmd.cso.uiuc.edu  |                    -- M. Scott      |

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