[comp.sys.apple] Triva contest questions and answers

) (01/19/90)

I only received two sets of answers so I'll not worry about scoring them 
here's the questions again with the answers.

       Copyright (C) 1989 by the Apple II RoundTable of GEnie.
                        All rights reserved.

About Apple II Trivia

On December 12, 1989, the A2 RoundTable held its first-ever Apple II Trivia
game.  The game operator for the session was Andy Finkenstadt, the originator
of online CB games on GEnie.

In Apple II Trivia, a question is asked by the Game Operator.  Players then
have thirty seconds in which to /SEND their answer to the Game Operator. 
Because /SEND is used, your answer does not appear in public, and thus,
everyone can answer simultaneously.  The Game Operator decides the correctness
of your answer.  Those who get the answer correct will have their success
broadcast in public to all players; those who don't receive a /SEND telling
them of their errors.  Players can guess only once for each question.

Points are awarded based on the number of responses and the number of correct
answers.  For example, if ten people responded to a question, each would
"contribute" one point to that question's point value.  (This doesn't mean that
they actually lose a point, just that their response adds one to the point
value.)  A question's point value is divided equally among those who correctly
answered the question.  So if five people out of ten got the right answer, each
would receive two points.  There is no penalty for incorrect answers.


 1.  What HyperCard-like program for the Apple II was actually released before

 2.  What software publisher's name is intended to reflect "clarity and

 3.  Who designed the 65816 microprocessor?

 4.  What did Steve Jobs sell to help fund Apple when it first started?

 5.  What was the first company to produce an accelerator card for the Apple

 6.  Of the Apple 3.5 and the UniDisk 3.5, which is the "smart" drive?

 7.  What does the C in 65C02 and 65C816 stand for?

 8.  What was the original name of Roger Wagner's software company?

 9.  In what year was the Disk II drive introduced?

10.  What magazine did Gary Little, creator of Binary II and author of Point To
     Point, edit briefly?

11.  Who designed the filecard interface used by Appleworks?

12.  What kind of Apple IIe is incapable of displaying double-hires graphics,
     even with 128K?

13.  What company originally developed the user interface used by the Macintosh
     and IIgs?

14.  What Dan Gorlin game for the Apple II was made into a video arcade game?

15.  What Apple II computer was designed by Frogdesign, the West German firm
     also responsible for the look of the Sony Walkman?  (Note: "design" here
     means the look of the computer, not the electronics.)

16.  What was Robert Lissner's first name, as displayed on the startup screens
     of early versions of AppleWorks?

17.  What natural ocurrence rudely interrupted Apple's IIc introduction party?

18.  During what sporting event in January, 1984 did Apple first run its
     now-famous "1984" ad?

19.  In what year was AppleWorks introduced?

20.  Who wrote Integer BASIC, the first BASIC available for the Apple II?

21.  What pinball wizard wrote the paint program included with the AppleMouse

22.  What joystick manufacturer, formerly Hayes, changed its name to avoid
     confusion with the modem company of the same name?

23.  What company did John Sculley, CEO of Apple, work for before Apple?

24.  What was Apple's internal code name for the Apple II Memory Expansion

25.  What company developed the PostScript page description language built into
     most Apple (and other companies') laser printers?

26.  What is the formatted data capacity (in kilobytes) of a standard Apple
     5.25" floppy (with no operating system)?

27.  What is the maximum size (in megabytes) of a disk device under ProDOS?

28.  What DOS 3.3 utility was originally called FISHEAD?

29.  What is the standard format for CD-ROMs called?

30.  What clone manufacturer did Apple successfully stop from selling Apple II+

31.  At what trade show was the Apple II introduced?

32.  How much did the original Apple I computer cost?

33.  What company was bought by Claris to acquire the program that eventually
     became AppleWorks GS?

34.  What magazine is published by MindCraft Publishing?

35.  How fast was the processor in the Apple III?

36.  What computer ran SOS, the Sophisticated Operating System and forerunner
     of ProDOS?

37.  What program is the AppleWorks data base based upon?

38.  Which third-party clock does ProDOS support?

39.  How many sectors did a DOS 3.2 disk have on each track?

40.  What was the first spreadsheet program and what computer did it run on?

41.  What Apple II model appeared briefly in the film 2010: Odyssey Two?

42.  What is the traditional name of the Beagle Bros beagle?

43.  What magazine offered a free subscription to each and every Apple owner?

44.  What IIgs arcade game is advertised as being faster than the Mac version?

45.  How many bytes are there in a "K"?

46.  What Apple Fellow invented the concept of a notebook-sized computer called
     the Dynabook?

47.  What company marketed the first CP/M card for the Apple II?

48.  What was the first popular internal modem for the Apple II?

49.  What color was the original technical reference manual for the Apple II?

50.  What Apple vice-president got in a tiff at Applefest with Bill Mensch?


These will be posted in a seperate message next week

Permission is hereby granted to not-for-profit user groups to reprint
this transcript in its entirety, provided that this notice is included.

To sign up for GEnie, follow these simple steps:

1.  With your computer and modem, dial 1-800-638-8369.

2.  When you connect, type HHH and hit the RETURN key.

3.  The computer will type U#=.  You respond with XJM11706,GENIE.

4.  Now answer the questions and you will be able to use GEnie the next
    working day.  Be sure to have a credit card or checking account
    number handy when you sign up.




 1.  TutorTech                          26.  140K
 2.  Claris                             27.  32 Megabytes
 3.  Bill Mensch                        28.  FID
 4.  His Volkswagen Microbus            29.  High Sierra
 5.  Saturn Systems                     30.  Franklin
 6.  The UniDisk 3.5                    31.  The West Coast Computer Faire
 7.  CMOS                               32.  $666.66
 8.  Southwestern Data Systems          33.  StyleWare
 9.  1979                               34.  Nibble
10.  A+                                 35.  2 Megahertz
11.  Bruce Tognazzini                   36.  The Apple III
12.  Revision A                         37.  QuickFile
13.  Xerox                              38.  ThunderClock
14.  Choplifter                         39.  13 sectors
15.  Apple IIc                          40.  Visicalc; the Apple II
16.  Rupert                             41.  Apple IIc
17.  An earthquake                      42.  Sophie
18.  The Super Bowl                     43.  Softalk
19.  1983                               44.  Crystal Quest
20.  Steve Wozniak                      45.  1024
21.  Bill Budge                         46.  Alan Kay
22.  CH Products                        47.  Microsoft
23.  Pepsico                            48.  Hayes MicroModem
24.  Slinky                             49.  Red
25.  Adobe                              50.  Jean-Louis Gassee