brianw@microsoft.UUCP (Brian WILLOUGHBY) (02/03/90)
In a previous article (anthony c girardin) writes: > > - how to get in touch with wdc. 602/962-4545 they are very cooperative. They answered a lot of my questions about the various other companies who use 65C8xx processors in their equipment (mostly microcontrollers, telecommunications and life support systems because of the low power CMOS) If you are interested, call them and ask for their data sheets for various 6502 processors (some with RAM and I/O devices built in). > - the price of a 10mhz 65c816. A 10MHz 65C802 was sold to me at 8MHz prices ($24.84) in July of 1989, because WDC had just started producing them and hadn't set a price yet. I'm sure they've set a price by now, but probably a little higher. July 1989 65C802 pricing: MHz price 4 $17.80 6 $20.70 8 $24.84 10 $??.?? At that time, WDC indicated that they sold out of every batch of 65C816's as soon as they get them. So there was no inventory of '816 parts except for low speeds. > - the frequency the oscillator should be. Call Applied Engineering, 214/241-6069, and ask them - it's their product. Don't give up if the first person who answers the phone doesn't know, AE can't afford to hire geniuses to sit around and answer the phones, but they can usually hook you up with someone who can answer your questions. > - if there is a minimum order on the number of chips that > you can buy. (if so, are people on the net ordering together.) Curiously enough, WDC ONLY makes direct orders - they have no distributors. Minimum order is $50.00 (that's why I purchased the 10 MHz chip that I'm still not using :-) >anthony c girardin > >arpa: >bitnet: girardin@sunybcs Brian Willoughby UUCP: ...!{tikal, sun, uunet, elwood}!microsoft!brianw InterNet: microsoft!brianw@uunet.UU.NET or: microsoft!brianw@Sun.COM Bitnet brianw@microsoft.UUCP