[comp.sys.apple] I need a communiations program fo

w0033@desire.wright.edu (01/20/90)

You may want to look into Kermit which for the II is up to version 3.78 (or at
least that's the newest one I have). There is also Talk is Cheap v2.03. I don't
know much about it other than the fact that my copy dates about  Feb 88. I
would suspect there is a new version floating around somewhere. Kermit is
pretty well accepted since so many PCs and mainframes seem to like its
protocall for file transfer. I would recommend you go with a comercial package
such as ProTerm. It is really my favorite. Large scrollback buffer, pretty good
terminal emulation, supports most transfer protocalls including Kermit and
Zmodem, Online editor so you can use a full screen editor if you are forced
into some sort of connection that uses a line editor like vi.

SEWALL@UCONNVM.BITNET (Murph Sewall) (01/21/90)

On Sat, 20 Jan 90 05:19:04 GMT you said:
>You may want to look into Kermit which for the II is up to version 3.78 (or at

You are a tad (a couple of years :-) out of date.  The current Kermit version
is 3.86.

>least that's the newest one I have). There is also Talk is Cheap v2.03. I don't
>know much about it other than the fact that my copy dates about  Feb 88. I

Talk Is Cheap is no longer shareware (hasn't been for a year or so).
ZLink (available from APPLE2-L) is still shareware.

>protocall for file transfer. I would recommend you go with a comercial package
>such as ProTerm.

A commercial package costs more money than ZLink and, of course, Kermit is
free.  If you want software which communicates with your host as a VT100
and can transfer files, then Kermit is hard to beat.

/s Murph <Sewall%UConnVM.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.Edu>         [Internet]
      or ...{psuvax1 or mcvax}!uconnvm.bitnet!sewall     [UUCP]
 + Standard disclaimer applies ("The opinions expressed are my own" etc.)

sbennett@pro-novapple.cts.com (Stephen Bennett) (02/02/90)

In-Reply-To: message from w0033@desire.wright.edu

TIC (Talk is Cheap) is now in version 2.05 (last I heard -- and may have moved
on from there), and is now commercial -- no longer shareware as it was

I agree that ProTERM is a pretty good program...  it's what I use, and I've
found it more flexible, powerful, and easy to use than any other comm program
I've tried...

Kermit does have two distinct advantages over ProTERM, however -- it's not a
commercial program (I think it's freeware/PD, but I forget since it's been so
long since I looked at it), and it's made to work VERY well with file
transfers with mainframes, et al.  It doesn't have the range of luxurious
features that ProTERM does, but <shrug>  that's why ProTERM is commercial!

           |  ProLine...: pro-novapple!sbennett                 |
           |  UUCP......: crash!pro-novapple!sbennett           |
           |  ARPA......: crash!pro-novapple!sbennett@nosc.mil  |
           |  InterNet..: sbennett@pro-novapple.cts.com         |

SASQUATCH@ALBION.BITNET ("Kevin Lepard, 629-1827", 517) (02/03/90)

From:   IN%"Info-Apple@Apple.COM"  2-FEB-1990 13:00:26.94
Subj:   RE: I need a communiations program fo

Received: from CMS.CC.WAYNE.EDU by ALBION.BITNET; Fri, 2 Feb 90 12:57 EST
Received: by WAYNEST1 (Mailer R2.04) id 7975; Fri, 02 Feb 90 12:56:02 EST
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 90 11:08:37 EST
From: Stephen Bennett <sbennett@PRO-NOVAPPLE.CTS.COM>
Subject: RE: I need a communiations program fo
Reply-to: Info-Apple@Apple.COM
Message-id: <E4BB8D85DAFF000B82@ALBION.BITNET>
Comments: To: info-apple@apple.com

>In-Reply-To: message from w0033@desire.wright.edu

>TIC (Talk is Cheap) is now in version 2.05 (last I heard -- and may have moved
>on from there), and is now commercial -- no longer shareware as it was

TIC is now in version 3.10.  Version 2.05 is pretty out of date.  TIC is
what I use when I'm not on the VAX.  It has excellent uploading and
downloading capabilities, and a really nice text editor.  Cost is $40 from
Carolina System Software 3207 Berkeley Forest Drive, Columbia, SC
29209-4111.  A bonus is that TICs author, Don Elton, can be reached from
the net at delton@pro-carolina.cts.com  I don't have anything to do w/
Carolina System Software except that I use TIC and think it is a very good

>Kermit does have two distinct advantages over ProTERM, however -- it's not a
>commercial program (I think it's freeware/PD, but I forget since it's been so
>long since I looked at it), and it's made to work VERY well with file
>transfers with mainframes, et al.  It doesn't have the range of luxurious
>features that ProTERM does, but <shrug>  that's why ProTERM is commercial!

Kermit is excellent.  It is also free and available online.  I recommend
trying that before you spend any money on something else.

>           /====================================================\
>           |  ProLine...: pro-novapple!sbennett                 |
>           |  UUCP......: crash!pro-novapple!sbennett           |
>           |  ARPA......: crash!pro-novapple!sbennett@nosc.mil  |
>           |  InterNet..: sbennett@pro-novapple.cts.com         |
>           \====================================================/

Kevin Lepard
Bitnet:  Sasquatch@albion.bitnet
Disclaimer:  These opinions do not necessarily represent those of Albion
College, but they probably should.  Besides, I'll deny it all in court,

mitch@rbdc.UUCP (Mitch Berry) (02/04/90)

Well speaking of kermit working WELL with mainframes..nowadays mainframes have
x,y,zmodem on them...unix does, so does vax & prime...and you CAN transfer
xmodem over the telenet network with a few settings (i have them if ya want
[Mitch Berry (Thrashing Rage)|UUCP:mitch@rbdc.UUCP|PROLINE:thrash@pro-Dchamber]
"I want to play my music, As loud as I please. I want to grow my hair down to
 my knees. I wont get a job and be punching your clock, Won't be another number
 in your lay off slot."  DRI -- 'You Say I'm Scum'  $FLAMES > /dev/null^m