[comp.sys.apple] HyperC bitset type

BRL102@psuvm.psu.edu (Ben Liblit) (02/08/90)

HyperC has a data type "bitset" which appears to be similar to Pascal's SET
type.  Does anyone have information on the proper syntax for using this type?
What operators are available to manipulate bitsets?

What I know so far:

Looking through <std.h>, the declaration syntax appears to be

    bitset <identifier> { <type> };

Such as "bitset valid {char}" to declare a character set named valid.  Certain
sets already exist, in LIBC.  Among these are alphaset, numset, alnumset, and
hexset.  There is a function inset, and an operator "in" that appear to check
for inclusion in a set:

    if (response in valid) ...
    if (inset (response, valid)) ...

Anyone out there know anything else about the bitset type?

                      Ben Liblit
                      BRL102 @ psuvm.bitnet -- BRL102 @ psuvm.psu.edu
                      "Fais que tes reves soient plus longs que la nuit."