[comp.sys.apple] Need list of system errors

S825177@UWEC.BITNET (JEFFREY SORTE) (02/06/90)

I have asked this question before, and was amazed that I received no
response!  Did anyone see my message? (I did).  Anyways, I am looking
for a "catch-all" list of GS system errors, fatal system errors, etc...

I do have the TB Ref. Volumes 1 & 2, but they only list the TB errors.
Preferably, I would like to get this info electronically.  Is there a
technote or something?  Being a "poor college student" (getting to be
a bad cliche`) I can't afford to buy all the manuals that are published.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

Jeff Sorte  -  S825177@UWEC.BITNET
%Slipped Bit Error% - Can't find NIFTY.SIG

farrier@Apple.COM (Cary Farrier) (02/09/90)

In article <900205.22493705.033462@UWEC.CP6> S825177@UWEC.BITNET (JEFFREY SORTE) writes:
>I have asked this question before, and was amazed that I received no
>response!  Did anyone see my message? (I did).  Anyways, I am looking

Here you go:

* GS/OS Error Codes
no_error        equ    $00             ; no error has occured
bad_system_call equ    $01             ; bad system call number
fst_load_fail	equ    $02	       ; couldn't load FST
invalid_pcount  equ    $04             ; invalid parameter count
gsos_active     equ    $07             ; gsos already active
dev_not_found   equ    $10             ; device not found
invalid_dev_num equ    $11             ; invalid device number
drvr_bad_req    equ    $20             ; bad request or command
drvr_bad_code   equ    $21             ; bad control or status code
drvr_bad_parm   equ    $22             ; bad call parameter
drvr_not_open   equ    $23             ; character device not open
drvr_prior_open equ    $24             ; character device already open
irq_table_full  equ    $25             ; interrupt table full
drvr_no_resrc   equ    $26             ; resources not available
drvr_io_error   equ    $27             ; I/O error
drvr_no_dev     equ    $28             ; device not connected
drvr_busy       equ    $29             ; driver is busy & not available
drvr_wr_prot    equ    $2B             ; device is write protected
drvr_bad_count  equ    $2C             ; invalid byte count
drvr_bad_block  equ    $2D             ; invalid block number
drvr_disk_sw    equ    $2E             ; disk has been switched
drvr_off_line   equ    $2F             ; device off line / no media present
bad_path_syntax equ    $40             ; invalid pathname syntax
invalid_ref_num equ    $43             ; invalid reference number
path_not_found  equ    $44             ; subdirectory does not exist
vol_not_found   equ    $45             ; volume not found
file_not_found  equ    $46             ;
dup_pathname    equ    $47             ; create or rename with existing name
volume_full     equ    $48             ;
vol_dir_full    equ    $49             ; volume directory full
version_error   equ    $4A             ;
bad_store_type  equ    $4B             ; bad storage type
end_of_file     equ    $4C             ;
out_of_range    equ    $4D             ; position out of range
invalid_access  equ    $4E             ; access not allowed
buff_too_small  equ    $4F             ; buffer too small
file_busy       equ    $50             ; file is already open
dir_error       equ    $51             ; directory error
unknown_vol     equ    $52             ; unknown volume type
parm_range_err  equ    $53             ; parameter out of range
out_of_mem      equ    $54             ; out of memory
dup_volume      equ    $57             ; duplicate volume name
not_block_dev   equ    $58             ; not a block device
invalid_level   equ    $59             ; specified level outside legal range
damaged_bitmap  equ    $5A             ; 
bad_path_names  equ    $5B             ; invalid pathnames for change_path
not_system_file equ    $5C             ; not an executable file
os_unsupported  equ    $5D             ; operating system not supported
stack_overflow  equ    $5F             ; too many applications on stack
data_unavail    equ    $60             ; data unavailable
end_of_dir      equ    $61             ; end of directory has been reached
invalid_class   equ    $62             ; invalid FST call class
res_not_found   equ    $63             ; file does not contain req. resource
invalid_fst_id  equ    $64             ;
invalid_fst_op  equ    $65             ; FST does not handle this type of call
fst_caution     equ    $66             ; FST handled call, but result is weird
resource_exist	equ    $70		;Cannot expand file, resource exists
res_add_err	equ	$71		;cannot add res fork to this type file
network_error	equ	$88		;Generic network error.

* Fatal Errors:

unclaimed_irq   equ    	$01             ; unclaimed interrupt
sd_scm_dealloc  equ    	$02		; deallocation error
sd_scm_alloc    equ    	$03             ; allocation error
wrong_os_ver    equ    	$11             ; wrong operating system version
bad_queue	equ	$77		; the notification_queue is corrupted.

Cary Farrier
| Cary Farrier                          | Internet  : farrier@apple.com   |
| Apple II Systems Software Engineering	| UUCP      : apple!farrier       |
| Apple Computer, Inc.                  | Fax       : (408) 974-1704      |
| 20525 Mariani Ave.                    | AppleLink : FARRIER             |
| Cupertino, CA 95014                   |  or farrier@applelink.apple.com |
|          I don't speak for Apple Computer, our products do.             |

dlyons@Apple.COM (David A. Lyons) (02/10/90)

In article <900205.22493705.033462@UWEC.CP6> S825177@UWEC.BITNET (JEFFREY SORTE) writes:
>I have asked this question before, and was amazed that I received no
>response!  Did anyone see my message? (I did).  Anyways, I am looking
>for a "catch-all" list of GS system errors, fatal system errors, etc...
>I do have the TB Ref. Volumes 1 & 2, but they only list the TB errors.
>Preferably, I would like to get this info electronically.  Is there a
>technote or something?  Being a "poor college student" (getting to be
>a bad cliche`) I can't afford to buy all the manuals that are published.
>Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

I'm sorry I didn't respond before--it was because I didn't have anything
very useful to say:  I don't know of a comprehensive list (and there
can't be one, because any application can call SysFailMgr with whatever
error code it wants to--it doesn't have to be a number that comes back
from a toolbox  or OS call.

Technical Notes generally do -not- just reproduce information already
available in other manuals; TNs elaborate, explain, correct, clarify,
etc, and in the process they necessarily duplicate some material, but
they refer you to the original source for the rest of the story.

 --David A. Lyons, Apple Computer, Inc.      |   DAL Systems
   Apple II Developer Technical Support      |   P.O. Box 875
   America Online: Dave Lyons                |   Cupertino, CA 95015-0875
   GEnie: D.LYONS2 or DAVE.LYONS         CompuServe: 72177,3233
   Internet/BITNET:  dlyons@apple.com    UUCP:  ...!ames!apple!dlyons
   My opinions are my own, not Apple's.