eldorado@EN.ECN.PURDUE.EDU (David D Jansen) (02/11/90)
Keywords: Julia Set To all those who helped solve the Mandelbrot generator, THANK YOU!! Here is another challenge for you, if ya feel up ta it. I don't know much about fractals. What I do know about the Julia set is, you take a point, square it, add a constant and repeat the procedure. But what exactly happens if it goes to 1 (or in this case two squared) after a given number of iterations, I am not sure. I believe that is where my problem is. I thought that the point is in the set if it goes to 1 after say 100 iterations. Again, I would appreciate any help I can get. It has the same type declaration as the previous posting. I may write a fractal mountain procedure if YOU feel up to it :^). procedure generatingxy (var pages:screen;c:imaginary;var fraccalc:boolean); var hold:real; complex:imaginary; numittr:integer; length:real; xloop:integer; yloop:integer; begin for xloop:=1 to hor do begin complex.a:=(xloop/hor*(pages.where.max.a-pages.where.min.a))+pages.where.min.a; for yloop:=1 to ver do begin complex.b:=(yloop/ver*(pages.where.max.b-pages.where.min.b))+pages.where.min.b; numittr:=0; repeat hold:=complex.a; length:=sqr(complex.a) + sqr(complex.b); complex.a:=length + c.a; complex.b:=2 * hold * complex.b + c.b; numittr:=numittr + 1; until (length < squaredradius) or (numittr = maxiter); if (length <= squaredradius) and (numittr = maxiter) then pages.bitmap[xloop,yloop]:=true; end; writeln (xloop/hor*100:5:2,'% done'); end; fraccalc:=true; end; Dave Jansen (The Gilded One) eldorado@en.ecn.purdue.edu "We have to make all our programs idiot-proof. Idiots are very intelligent!"