c60c-3cg@e260-3f.berkeley.edu (Alvin Williams) (02/20/90)
For sale: Laser 128 computer. (Apple //e compatible, with built in comosite, RGB video, parallel, serial printer, modem, joystick/mouse ports.) Magnavox CM8506 color composite monitor. (Also has RGB video, but RGB occationally doesn't work right.) Volksmodem 12 1200 baud modem. Panasonic KXP-1091 dot matrix printer. Also includes communications programs, word processors, games and other miscellaneous software. TOTAL PRICE: $575.00 or best offer. (I will pay shipping.) If you're interested, send e-mail to me: c60c-3cg@web.berkeley.edu Thanks, Dave Williams c60c-3cg@web.berkeley.edu