[comp.sys.apple] VT100 Key Mapping

jb10320@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Jawaid Bazyar) (02/20/90)

Can any of you folks out in AppleLand send me a list of VT100 special
function keys (like PF1, PF2) and their ascii equivalents (ESC char
or something like that, I imagine).  I'm writing a little terminal program
and key-mapping is the next thing to go in.

Also, does anyone have any idea where I can get VT220 programmer's information?
I've looked around campus a bit and can't find any (we've got lots of TEKs but
no DECs).

Thanks in advance ...

Jawaid Bazyar               | This message was posted to thousands of machines
Junior/Computer Engineering | throughout the entire civilized world. It cost
jb10320@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu    | the net hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars.         

jb10320@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Jawaid Bazyar) (02/20/90)

Can any of you folks out in AppleLand send me a list of VT100 special
function keys (like PF1, PF2) and their ascii equivalents (ESC char
or something like that, I imagine).  I'm writing a little terminal program
and key-mapping is the next thing to go in.

Also, does anyone have any idea where I can get VT220 programmer's information?
I've looked around campus a bit and can't find any (we've got lots of TEKs but
no DECs).

Thanks in advance ...

Newsgroups: comp.sys.apple
Subject: VT100 Key Mapping
Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana

Can any of you folks out in AppleLand send me a list of VT100 special
function keys (like PF1, PF2) and their ascii equivalents (ESC char
or something like that, I imagine).  I'm writing a little terminal program
and key-mapping is the next thing to go in.

Also, does anyone have any idea where I can get VT220 programmer's information?
I've looked around campus a bit and can't find any (we've got lots of TEKs but
no DECs).

Thanks in advance ...

Jawaid Bazyar               | This message was posted to thousands of machines
Junior/Computer Engineering | throughout the entire civilized world. It cost
jb10320@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu    | the net hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars.         

lvirden@pro-tcc.cts.com (Larry Virden) (02/24/90)

In-Reply-To: message from jb10320@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu

Did you find the info that you wanted wrt vt100 and vt200?  Actually, if you
want to provide a REAL boon, go for vt330 - that is a superset of vt100 and
200 terminals!  As for info, I would suggest checking with your local DEC
office - you should be able to get a manual there.  If you are associated with
a university, perhaps there are some terminal manuals lying around.  Also, you
could check at the library - have them do a literature search for ANSI
terminal standards, etc.
Larry W. Virden                 ProLine: pro-tcc!lvirden
674 Falls Place                 Work:   lvirden@cas.bitnet
Reynoldsburg, OH 43068-1614     Aline:  LVIRDEN
                                CIS:    75046,606