(Chun-Yao Liao) (03/02/90)
Hi! guess what, today I showed a friend at my working place the Apple //gs (ROM 01 without TWGS) After showing him several demos and programs, I asked him how fast he believe the processor is. This friend of mine is an IBM person, not an Apple person..., but he told me that it seems to be 8 MHz or more, but no more than 12 MHz! Wow! our 2.8 (actually 2.5) MHz gs actually act as one of 8 MHz IBM machine?! well, that was from an IBM people's point of view, but relatively interesting isn't it? -- |I want Rocket Chip 10 MHz, Z-Ram Ultra II, UniDisk 3.5 | | |I want my own NeXT, 50MHz 68040, 64Mb RAM, 660Mb SCSI, | Chun Yao Liao | | NeXT laser printer, net connection. | Accepting Donations!| /* If (my_.signature =~ yours) coincidence = true; else ignore_this = true; */