[comp.sys.apple] My request for help with QuitGS

lee@TIS.COM (Theodore Lee) (03/03/90)

I have no way of knowing whether anyone was kind enough to answer
my question (or what else is going on in the AppleII world) since the
line connecting the site I read info-apple on to the world has been ill for
the last several days, and probably won't be fixed for several more.  Sooooooo,
please allow me to repeat the question and plead that any responses
(past or for the next week or so) be sent directly to this address.

Question:  I am trying to use QuitGS to leave one application and start
up another.  (eventually I'd like to be able to return back to the original
one, but let's take this one step at a time.)  It works fine if the
application I'm leaving is very very small and doesn't do much.  On
the other hand, when I put the call into my real application, which
turned out to be moderately large (it has a couple of windows, so it
uses most of the toolbox, including resources, and GS/OS) it comes
up with error $201 (can't allocate block.)  It doesn't seem to matter
whether I put the QuitGS call before the ShutDownTools call or after.
The application is written in TML Pascal II, as is the one I'm going to
(at least in this test; eventually I want to go to a specific P8
application.)  What else should I be doing that I'm not?  Clearly
somone knows what should be done since the Finder does it OK all the

Ted Lee <lee@TIS.COM>