[comp.sys.apple] Help!

edber@pro-generic.cts.com (Ed Berlot) (05/17/89)

I backed up my hard disk some time ago, to 3.5 disks using Apple Backup
don't like image backup programs).  Backup // is pretty smart, before it will
continue backing up, it verifies the diskette that everything is alright.
FINE! Then my hard disk(Profile) decied that it wanted to screw up (rather
Proterm after it crashed once and I restarted from the monitor). So I copied
all the newest files, then Zapped the hard disk with a utility that Zeros
every block out. No problem.

 Now over the last week or so I've been busy doing other things, so the hard
disk was left alone. Today I decided I wanted to restore it. It seems that
the first 3.5 has developed some errors(about 4 blocks as confimred by Copy 2
Plus). Seems that Backup // cannot handle bad sectors, it declares an I/O
error and aborts.  

 The problem? I can't restore my hard disk.

Equipment :

Apple //e enhanced
Unidisk 3.5
Apple Backup // v1.1A(as modifed by Morgan Davis to handle 3.5 disks).
Profile 5mb.

Help required:

If anyone has any ideas, please post them to the net, or get me in Email.
if you know(MORGAN) how Backup // stores the information on the disk, I may
able to get it out manualy(though I would perfer it to easier than that).

Help, suggestions, soloutions will be greatly appreciated!

Ed Berlot


|                                                                          |
| Edber@Pro-Generic             BIX: Edber      Genie :Edber               |
|                                                                          |
| I used to love her but I had to kill her...                              |


barak@lakesys.UUCP (Mark Litscher) (06/14/89)

Ok all of you apple guru's out there, I need help!

I have a apple //c, with a unidisk 3.5, 1200bps modem, and a printer. I wrote
this ml program in an attempt to get my unidisk to eject a disk. when I execute
it nothing happens, but if I change the command number in line 1020 to a FF,
there is a message saying 'An error has occured: 01' <- bad command number.
this was written using S. C. Macro assembler. The equates file has equates for
cout, crout, prbyte, etc. print is a subroutine that prints out the ascii that
is pointed to by the return address on the stack until it encounters a
character with the hi-bit cleared, then it prints the last character with the
high bit set, updates the stack, and returns.
-----------------------------------< Cut Here >------------------------

0000           .or $2000
0001        .in /ram/equates
0002 zpagelo    .eq $f9
0003 zpagehi    .eq $fa
1000 start  jsr locate
1001        bcs error
1010        jsr dispatch
1020        .hs 04
1030        .da plist
1040        bcs error
1050        rts
1060 error  pha      
1065        jsr print
1070        .at -"An error has occured: "
1080        pla
1090        jsr prbyte
1100        rts
1110 *--------------------------------
1120 dispatch   .eq *
1130        jmp (zpagelo)
1140 *--------------------------------
1150 plist  .hs 03       ;parameter count
1160        .hs 01       ;device number
1170        .da ctrllst  ;address of the control list
1180        .hs 04
1190 *--------------------------------
1200 ctrllst    .eq *
1210        .hs 00
1220 *--------------------------------
5000 locate lda #$c7
5010        sta zpagehi
5020        lda #0
5030        sta zpagelo
5040        ldx #7
5050 .1     ldy #7
5060 .2     lda (zpagelo),y
5070        cmp sigtab,y
5080        beq .3   
5090        dec zpagehi
5100        dex
5110        bne .1
5120        sec
5130        rts          ;not found
5140 .3     dey 
5145        dey
5150        bpl .2
5160 .4     lda #$ff      
5170        sta zpagelo
5180        ldy #0
5190        lda (zpagelo),y
5200        clc
5210        adc #3
5220        sta zpagelo
5230        clc
5240        rts
5250 sigtab .hs ff.20.ff.00
5251        .hs ff.03.ff.00
9999        .in /ram/super.print.sbr

-----------------------------------< Cut Here >------------------------

|  Mark Litscher                        |  "Ahead warp zillion!"             |
|  barak@lakesys.COM                    |  "Ack phbbbt!"                     |

guest@tree.UUCP (Lady Bacardi) (07/29/89)

  I have an Xcomp hard disk that  has started to refuse to format. I have
swapped out drives, internal SVA cards, "interface" cards and data
compresion cards all with the same result!  Even the backup copy of the
formatter program produces the same "Can't write Grey Marks" error.
  Does anyone know of this system? Anyone got a Apple Pascal DECOMPILER? 
The company has gone out of business and was kind enought to NOT include
the source text so I am very stumped as to what is wrong and cannot set
up a continous loop to locate the part(s) that failing.
  Can anyone help me??

neilh@pro-sol.cts.com (Neil Haldar) (10/22/89)

        I am working on a rather simple, easy program. However, this being my
first try, I am having problems! Right now, the most troubling thing is my
GS/OS LOAD segment. I can't get the sucker to load a file! AHHHG!
        Please, if you have source code that will help, or have more questions
to me, send me e-mail! Either on the net, or (preferribly) via e-mail. Thanks
for anyone who helps!

***** Ahh... the woes of starting to program...  *****

ST802148@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU (Evan) (11/21/89)

ARGH! A directory on my hard drive has failed and I really don't want to have t
o redo the entire drive. Does anyone know of how to use Block Warden to fix a d
irectory, or maybe some other way? I used Mr. fixit, but it ships over it sayin
g Directory Too Large.  HELP!

saw@pro-abilink.cts.com (Alan Woods) (11/24/89)

In-Reply-To: message from ST802148@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU

The first thing you need to do is a backup using something that backs the
volume on a block by block method, like Prosel's backup.  It would be
preferable to also backup those blocks that are marked as unused in the
bitmap.  The next thing you will need is a copy of the Prodos Technical
Reference manual and/or Beneath Apple Prodos so you can figure out the
directory and subdirectory file layouts.  Then you just go through the files
(using block warden's follow command, looking to see if the information in the
file is in the right place and either restore or makeup the information that
should go there.  You basically rebuild the directory by hand.  Subdirectories
also show the location they are stored in their parent directory, so you will
have to make sure the pointers for a directory point to the correct place in
their parent directory.  Which directory was it that crashed?  A normal
directory or one that you created?  Did it have a bunch of files in it?  Are
the lost files really required?  If the files can be deleted, you can use a
documented method of removing entries from directories, then let Mr Fixit fix
the bit map to show the correct blocks used.  This will of course require all
the other files to be in good shape, or it may make a bad situation worse?

Above all else, extreme care and patience will be required.

If you would like help, some of us here do disk recoveries for varying fees
ranging from free to a few hundred dollars depending on the kind of day we'e
had.  Fortunatly, we usually have pretty good days.

 Alan Woods
 ProLine: pro-abilink!saw
    UUCP: crash!pro-abilink!saw
    ARPA: crash!pro-abilink!saw@nocs.mil
    INET: saw@pro-abilink.cts.com
  Bitnet: saw%pro-abilink.cts.com@nosc.mil
    ICBM: N32-26.485 W99-42.035 WGS-72  <--- (Thanks, Vic!:)

sgreen@pro-tcc.cts.com (Scott Green) (03/03/90)

:        My apple will not download.  It will upload.  But when I try to
:download it creates a file for it on the disk, recieves about 32 blocks, then
:says either the disk is write protected <without even running the disk drive,
:and I've tried both disk drives, and checked the switch> or it says disk
: Could this be the fault of my serial card?  I have a Promethious SeriALL
:card.  I know it's not the modem, Its done it on two different modems.  I
:haven't had trouble with anything else.  So I doubt it's the drive controller
:card, but I don't know.
:Any guesses?

        I never       (  Proline: sgreen@pro-tcc
        Really        )  UUCP:   crash!pro-tcc!sgreen
     cared to be      (
         Real         )             70*7

SEWALL@UCONNVM.BITNET (Murph Sewall) (03/05/90)

On Fri, 2 Mar 90 23:58:21 EST you said:
>:        My apple will not download.  It will upload.  But when I try to
>:download it creates a file for it on the disk, recieves about 32 blocks, then
>:says either the disk is write protected <without even running the disk drive,
>:and I've tried both disk drives, and checked the switch> or it says disk
>: Could this be the fault of my serial card?  I have a Promethious SeriALL
>:card.  I know it's not the modem, Its done it on two different modems.  I
>:haven't had trouble with anything else.  So I doubt it's the drive controller
>:card, but I don't know.

The problem is software, not hardware.  What are you using to attempt to
download?  Are you ***SURE***!!! your know what /volume/file.name the
software is trying to write to (often enough error messages misrepresent
the actual problem)?  Have you tried downloading with something else?
What transfer protocol are you using (XModem or XModem/CRC are HARD to
foul up, but recent posts to this board indicate the ZModem can run into
difficulties, and while YModem ought to be as trouble free as XModem, when
in doubt, try an older protocol)?

It CAN'T be the modem; it's unlikely to be the cable; if you haven't any
problem uploading and reading mail, the serial card doesn't appear to be
at fault.  The most likely explanation is the software is trying to write
to a /VOLUME/ that isn't present.

/s Murph <Sewall%UConnVM.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.Edu>         [Internet]
      or ...{psuvax1 or mcvax}!uconnvm.bitnet!sewall     [UUCP]
 + Standard disclaimer applies ("The opinions expressed are my own" etc.)