[comp.sys.apple] Sophomoric activities

JDA@CU.NIH.GOV ("Doug Ashbrook") (03/05/90)

>     ][f the new machines (ROM 04?) include a built-in SCSI port
Maybe I am a picky old codger, but when I have over 100 pieces of
mail to read through, I just delete those that have hard to read text
such as these.  I figure that the author must not have much to say if
they need to "dress up" their text.  Please give the newsgroup a

J. Douglas Ashbrook                                   (301) 496-5181
INTERNET: JDA@CU.NIH.GOV     or     jda%nihcu.bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu
National Institutes of Health, Computer Center,   Bethesda, MD 20892

-+- Remember.  If some weirdo in a blue suit offers you some MS-DOS,

gbrown@tybalt.caltech.edu (Glenn C. Brown) (03/06/90)

JDA@CU.NIH.GOV ("Doug Ashbrook") writes:

>>     ][f the new machines (ROM 04?) include a built-in SCSI port
>      ~
>Maybe I am a picky old codger, but when I have over 100 pieces of
>mail to read through, I just delete those that have hard to read text
>such as these.  I figure that the author must not have much to say if
>they need to "dress up" their text.  Please give the newsgroup a

>J. Douglas Ashbrook                                   (301) 496-5181
>INTERNET: JDA@CU.NIH.GOV     or     jda%nihcu.bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu
>National Institutes of Health, Computer Center,   Bethesda, MD 20892

>-+- Remember.  If some weirdo in a blue suit offers you some MS-DOS,

Why don't YOU give the newsgroup a break! "APPLE ]["  Happens to
be what comes up on my //+'s screen everytime I boot up!  Jeeez!  It
takes no more Net Bandwidth to say "][" than "//" and some // users
like having fun with their machines!  So what if they type "]["?
They enjoy it and IT DOEDN"T HURT YOU!

What I cannot stand are jerks who have sigs as long as their messages!

You have 7 lines of message & 7 of sig.

--Glenn (You can find one of my addresses in the header.  I don't want
multiple copies of whatever you have to say!)

fadden@cory.Berkeley.EDU (Andy McFadden) (03/07/90)

In article <1990Mar6.050652.773@spectre.ccsf.caltech.edu> gbrown@tybalt.caltech.edu (Glenn C. Brown) writes:
>JDA@CU.NIH.GOV ("Doug Ashbrook") writes:
[>>somebody wrote:]
>>>     ][f the new machines (ROM 04?) include a built-in SCSI port
>>      ~
>>Maybe I am a picky old codger, but when I have over 100 pieces of
>>                                     Please give the newsgroup a
>>J. Douglas Ashbrook                                   (301) 496-5181

>Why don't YOU give the newsgroup a break! "APPLE ]["  Happens to
>be what comes up on my //+'s screen everytime I boot up!  Jeeez!  It
>takes no more Net Bandwidth to say "][" than "//" and some // users
>like having fun with their machines!

The original poster was writing "If", not "//f."  He also likes to write
___                      |~~
 | hings like this, with |~~ ancy capital letters at the start of each
paragraph.  That's what Mr. Ashbrook was complaining about.  If you're
going to post a flame, at the *least* you should know what you're talking

>What I cannot stand are jerks who have sigs as long as their messages!

What I cannot stand are people who have to tell the whole world what they
cannot stand.  Take this to e-mail; I don't want to have to watch you two
bicker, and neither does the rest of the world.

>--Glenn (You can find one of my addresses in the header.  I don't want
>multiple copies of whatever you have to say!)

I don't want even one.  Stop.  Followups to alt.flame.

fadden@cory.berkeley.edu (Andy McFadden)