[comp.sys.apple] HELP, is there any way to recover t

mrn31796@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (03/09/90)

There are two different things you can try  to recover this disk with.
The first is a program called BAG of TRICKS II by Quality Software 
This program will read the data and re-format the disk then write the
data back on.  This program should be used as a last resort.

The other is an old way of ignoring discrepensies in the way a disk is
formatted.  Here's what you have to do:

	1) get a copy of the SYSTEM MASTER disk from an apple //+ or //e
				(dos 3.3 version)

   	2) after it loads up and gives you the prompt type the following
	   exactly as you see it

		B988:18 60
		B925:18 60

	3) copy the disk and hope it works

Hope all this helps and that you can follow it
          ___________________        E-mail to:         
         / /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ \          mrn31796@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Internet)
        / /_/~\_____________\ \         neuliep@mrcnext.cso.uiuc.edu (I-net)  
     /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\      FREE0102@vmd.cso.uiuc.edu (Bitnet)
    |  V8                 plymouth|                         |   _______  r    
    \ ___________________________ /   Go ILLINI!            |     | |    u
     \|\_______________________/|/                          |    apple   l
     | |  //   |MRN 360|   \\  | |   Drive '74 Plymouth     |     | |    e
     | |.O/    ~~~~~~~~~    \O.| |             Roadrunners! |   ~~~~~~~  s    
    ..-..                     ..-..    "I'm not employed so I can say whatever
 . . .                           . . .     the hell I want to say!"