[comp.sys.apple] THANKS

halp@TCGOULD.TN.CORNELL.EDU ("Bruce P. Halpern") (12/12/87)

Sources of AppleWorks Patches:

_Open-Apple_ is produced by Tom Weishaar 12 times/yr for $24/yr. Subscriptions to Open-Apple, P.O. Box, 6331, Syracuse NY 13217. Editorial materials and problem/solution letters on Apple ][ matters to 
Open-Apple, P.O.Box 7651, Overland Park, Kansas, 66207.

Apple-Works _Forum_ is edited by Cathleen Meritt for The National AppleWorks 
Users Group (NAUG) at same frequency and cost as _O-A_. Subscriptions to NAUG, 
Box 87453, Canton MI 48187 (3130397-1594). Editorial materials and AppleWorks 
problems to (I think) NAUG, 45366 Applewood, Canton  MI 
****DISCLAMER: My comments, etc., are my own shakey opinions ********

  |  Bruce P. Halpern  Psychology & Neurobiology & Behavior Cornell Ithaca |
  |  ARPA: halp@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu                                     |
  |  BITNET: HALP@CRNLTHRY      D57J@CORNELLA      D57J@CRNLVAX5           |
  |  PHONE: 607-255-6433    Uris Hall, Cornell U., Ithaca, NY 14853-7601   | 

MCL9337@TAMVENUS.BITNET (05/06/88)

Everyone who responded to the ProLine send situation, thanks a lot.

I will try them all today!



DOUG@ECL.PSU.EDU ("Douglas H. Hughes") (03/19/89)

Thank you to everybody that sent address's for my request about pro-carolina.
I used the simplest one.. PSUVAX1.UUCP... It is the closest (being right
here at the university). thanks again.
    Doug Hughes
BITNET: doug@psuecl.bitnet
INTER:  doug%psuecl.bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu

mattd@Apple.COM (Matt Deatherage) (03/21/89)

I want to thank those of you who have made me feel welcome on the net in the
past few days, and haven't given me Grief for briefly discussing things
such as customer dissatisfaction, which clearly isn't my job.

However, it is the job of a lot of people at Apple.  They are employed pretty
much just to make sure that our customers are happy.  If not, these folks
want to change it.  If the consensus is that you folks would like an address
or two that you could complain through, I'd be happy to see what I could
find.  (Don't bother to reply just to ask for the list; just mention it in
some other reply you'll be writing.)

Also, since it is these people's job to keep the customers happy, and it's
not mine, it's not really fair for me to try to answer mail on the subject
(I've gotten a fair amount on this topic in the past few days).  Similarly,
I fervently hope that Customer Relations isn't advising people over the phone
which parts of the 128K memory map are reserved for ProDOS 8 and which are
free to use.

So if you send me mail about company policy or customer dissatisfaction, please
be aware that I'm probably not going to give you the answer you want.  I'm
simply not qualified.  I'm always interested in opinions, but the phrase
in the disclaimer says "PERSONAL mail ONLY" (or something similar).  Neither
I nor Keith nor Mark (nor, really, any of the engineers on here) tell you why
or why not Apple has or hasn't released something, or what our plans are, or
any of that stuff.

(having to deal with this makes me stupid.  I've been staring at an assembly
language program that's not working for several weeks, now.  It's a math-
oriented kind of thing, and I was making a spare copy of a long variable. The
code in question:

          lda temp3
          ldx temp3+2
          sta temp7
          sta temp7+2

Having been buried in the midst of a long string of lda/ldx/sta/stx quartets,
I completely missed it until doing some fairly advanced debugging.  Did I
mention that personal computers are evil?)

Anyway, thanks for making me feel welcome.

Matt Deatherage, Apple Computer, Inc. | "The opinions expressed in this tome
Send PERSONAL mail ONLY (please) to:  | should not be construed to imply that
AppleLink PE: Matt DTS  GEnie: AIIDTS | Apple Computer, Inc., or any of its
CompuServe: 76703,3030                | subsidiaries, in whole or in part,
Usenet:  mattd@apple.com              | have any opinion on any subject."
UUCP:  (other stuff)!ames!apple!mattd | "So there."

wombat@claris.com (Scott Lindsey) (03/22/89)

From article <27638@apple.Apple.COM>, by mattd@Apple.COM (Matt Deatherage):
>           lda temp3
>           ldx temp3+2
>           sta temp7
>           sta temp7+2
>           ^^^
> Having been buried in the midst of a long string of lda/ldx/sta/stx quartets,
> I completely missed it until doing some fairly advanced debugging.  Did I
> mention that personal computers are evil?)

That's what macros are for.  :-)

	movelong temp3,temp7

On a related topic, I've never really understood why people use AX like that.
Is there really any advantage over

	lda temp3
	sta temp3+2
	lda temp7
	sta temp7+2

which is how (I think) the `movelong' I use does it.

Scott Lindsey     |"Cold and misty morning. I heard a warning borne in the air
Claris Corp.      |    About an age of power when no one had an hour to spare"
ames!claris!wombat| DISCLAIMER: These are not the opinions of Claris, Apple,
wombat@claris.com |    StyleWare, the author, or anyone else living or dead.

dvac@drutx.ATT.COM (Daniel Vachon) (03/23/89)

In article <27638@apple.Apple.COM>, mattd@Apple.COM (Matt Deatherage) writes:
> However, it is the job of a lot of people at Apple.  They are employed pretty
> much just to make sure that our customers are happy.  If not, these folks
> want to change it.  
> Matt Deatherage, Apple Computer, Inc. 

Well Matt, I called Apple a week ago about the SCSI interface, and was treated
very well.  I called back today to get some technical information on the same,
and was greated openly by one of the support reps, who had some greatly needed
information about the Apple SCSI -> Adaptec combination.  I would like to say
that I am VERY satisfied with the treatment that I have gotten with Apple.  

Later - Dan Vachon -     !ucbvax!att!mtuxo!mtgzz!drutx!dvac

WILLY@BUCLLN11.BITNET (Willy Trappeniers) (04/12/89)

     Dear Info-Apple List members,
  Thank you all for your answers about my request of Mon, 3 april 89.
  I give you an extract of the answers in order to help other users.

>Could anyone tell me, if it is possible, how to contact directly from BitNet
>somebody on the AppleLink network. I was looking for a gateway, but never
>found one.


This is bound to come up now and then because it's SOooo non-standard.

The "official" gateway for BITNET is to:

Send email to: XB.DAS@STANFORD
Subject: user@APPLELINK

<text of message>

Weird huh?! (but it DOES work).

user%Applelink@Apple.COM will work, but it's a violation of proper
administrative procedure.  Given the oddball nature of the DASNET gateway,
it's hard to be sympathetic about administrative rules.  The DASNET gateway
was introduced as an "experiment" (I wonder if anyone plans to draw any
conclusions about its utility) before Apple was granted an Internet

From:     <MSER001@ECNCDC> Scott Hutinger

If you are on the Internet, send to:
 user@applelink.apple.com                     or
If you are on BITNET, but not the Internet,
you must use the DASNET gateway at Stanford.  Following are the instructions
on how to do that.
Sending to AppleLink from BITNET
1.    In the TO field, enter the DASNET address:  XB.DAS@STANFORD.BITNET
2.    In the SUBJECT field, enter the AppleLink Address followed by:
So it looks like this:
3.    If you type a ! after the address in the subject field, you can
insert comments, but the subject line must be limited to 29 characters.
where the USER1 is the address name at applelink.

======================================================================== 22

The following message arrived at the DASnet Dead letter Office.  What you
were doing was fine (to address folks at AppleLink), but it looks like
your e-mail system does not allow the "@" character in the subject field.
This is true of other BITNET sites also.  So, we allow the "&" character
as an alternative.  For example:  USER&applelink!Hello

I see that your e-mail system does allow you to set the person's
name in the "to" field.  So, you might be able to use a new feature we
are trying.  You can put the DASnet address in the "to" field if you
can get it in the following form:

    To:    "USER@applelink" <XB.DAS@STANFORD.BITNET>

or you can use the DASnet Address equiv.


I am told that many systems on BITNET allow you to set the name that is
in quotes.  We do need the quotes to be there.

Your messages with the DASnet Address in the quoted part of the "To:"
address worked!!  Great!

You message to ST... on AppleLink was fine.  The only problem is that
I am not on AppleLink (AppleLink is just one of the many e-mail
systems that uses the DASnet service), so your message to me did not
have the correct address.  The technique worked fine, however and the
other message was fine (PS: it was delivered to AppleLink at about 10
a.m. PDT).

Using the "to" field syntax, my address would be:

    "[11RUSS]Russ" <XB.DAS@STANFORD>

Were you able to enter the address in just this way, or did you
have to do something special to get this format from your e-mail
system?  We would like to pass the correct info. on to the AppleLink
support folks, who we are meeting with next week.  I think using
"to" field addressing will be a big help to other BITNET users who
communicate with AppleLink folks.

Thank you for helping with the test of our new feature that lets
us take our address from the quoted part of the "to" field.
From:         Willy Trappeniers <WILLY@BUCLLN11>
To:           "RUSS@11.DAS.NET" <XB.DAS@STANFORD>

Thanks again for helping me to address people on the AppleLink via the
DASnet gateway. There is no problem to use the new feature: "TO" field
addressing from bitnet, also there is no problem to put the @ sign in a
subject field.

   1) To put @ char in a header field of a mail: encounter the @ char
by "quotes ".
Also we can put the name in the subject field and address like this:
           mail XB.DAS at STANFORD

   2) Use of the new feature ("TO" field)
      a) With no names file:
           mail XB.DAS at STANFORD
mailer ask: Name for XB.DAS
your answer: RUSS"@"11.DAS.NET     (don't forget the quotes)
mailer ask: subject?
your answer: .....

      b) With a USER NAMES file set up:
Create the names file like this:
Nickname: RUSS          Userid: XB.DAS
                          Node: STANFORD
                          Name: "RUSS@11.DAS.NET"
Don't forget the "quotes " in the name field otherwise the @ char will not be
tranfered to the field when extracted by the mailer.
But... if you set up a USER NAMES file for one user at XB.DAS then all other
users for XB.DAS need to be have a set up.
You can not longer use the 2) a- way because the command:
    mail XB.DAS at STANFORD will always extract the name from that
first user and no Name for XB.DAS will be asked by the mailer.


  Thanks again to Info-Apple list and members.
   With compliments.

      Willy Trappeniers

      |  /|  /  o  /   / |   /       Universite Catholique de Louvain
      | / | /  /  /   /   L_/
      |/  |/  (_ (__ (__   /         Faculte des Sciences Agronomiques
      _____Trappeniers____/                  Departement MILA
      Hard-Software Design                 Unite de GENIE RURAL

 Tel.  : +32 (10) 47.36.95           Smail : U.C.L - GERU
 Fax   : +32 (10) 47.47.45                   3, Place Croix du Sud
 Telex : 59037 UCL-B                         B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
 Bit   : <WILLY@BUCLLN11.Bitnet>             Belgium
Acknowledge-To: <WILLY@BUCLLN11>

emerrill@pro-carolina.UUCP (Eric Merrill) (06/02/89)

Thanks for all of your responses to my question about deleting DA's from
memory.  Even though, I can't do what I want to do, at least I know I'm not
crazy...  :-)  Thanks a lot!!

 |                                                                           |
 |  Eric Merrill    INET: emerrill@pro-carolina.cts.com    SPACE FOR RENT!!  |
 |              Alink PE:  Doc Neuro  GEnie:  e.merrill        CHEAP!!       |
 |           ARPA: crash!pro-carolina!emerrill@nosc.mil       $49.95/MO      |
 |  UUCP: [ sdcsvax nosc ] !crash!pro-carolina!emerrill     or best offer    |

eddie@CC.MSSTATE.EDU (Eddie Mikell) (09/19/89)

Thanks to everyone for the answer to my missing 5.25 drive.  Heck, it seems
like I did forget to install that sucker.

Eddie H. Mikell

ditz@EN.ECN.PURDUE.EDU (Michael R Ditz) (12/05/89)

     First of all I would like to thank all the people who responded to my
request for information on a second 3.5" drive for my GS.  You all helped in
making my decision.

     Secondly, I just read news from Brian Greenstone where he was talking
about writing for Softdisk.  In it he mentioned the games that he had written.
Three of these I have.  The other two, Senseless Violence and Orbizone, I do
not.  The ones I have are very good, and I would like to find where I can
get a copy of these.  If anyone has these, I think we would all appreciate
them being posted to comp.binaries.apple2.  Easier yet, If you know of an
ftp site or other service, I could get them from their.



koziarz@halibut.nosc.mil (Walter A. Koziarz) (03/13/90)

My thanks to those who responded to my recent posting requesting assistance in
recovering AppleWorks data.

Walt K.