[comp.sys.apple] HD cost vs. RAM cost

jason@madnix.UUCP (Jason Blochowiak) (03/12/90)

dcw@lcs.mit.edu (David C. Whitney) writes:
> [Deleted previous comments about pricing, etc.]
>I was talking about a complete HD system. If I open up a MacWEEK or
>Macworld and flip to an ad for a HD, then I see prices of $400 for
>20MB and then it goes up. I was thinking in terms of the average joe
>who doesn't want to build his own. At that price, RAM is about 3 times
>as much per meg as a HD (80ns for roughly $65 these days).

	Oops, you're right about the low end. I guess that when I see 20Mb for
$315, and 80Mb for $495 (just the mech), I don't think that there's much of a
choice... 4 times the capacity for less than double the price. Stick a case
w/ power supply on for, say, $200 (MacZone does this, and assembles, tests,
and formats the thing as well - no, I don't work for them [std. disclaim]).
So, say $500 for 20Mb (yeah, it can be gotten cheaper), and $700 for 80Mb.
At the higher end, there's an 8/1 price advantage over the RAM - my needs
kind of precluded me from looking at the ~2.5/1 price advantage at the
lower end.

	Btw, it does seems as if the HD prices are moving down fairly nicely
as well - the $700 for 80Mb is about what I paid for my 64Mb awhile ago (year,
year and a half? I don't remember). That's roughly 30% increase in capacity
for the same price.

	Speaking of this stuff: Does anyone know if the 4Mb SIMMs can be put
in an OctoRAM card? I'm not interested in doing it at the moment, but I may
be at some point in the future.

>Dave Whitney
>dcw@sun-bear.lcs.mit.edu  ...!mit-eddie!sun-bear!dcw  dcw@athena.mit.edu

                      Jason Blochowiak - jason@madnix.UUCP
or, try:         astroatc!nicmad!madnix!jason@spool.cs.wisc.edu
       "Education, like neurosis, begins at home." - Milton R. Saperstein

asd@mace.cc.purdue.edu (Kareth) (03/13/90)

In article <1167@madnix.UUCP> jason@madnix.UUCP (Jason Blochowiak) writes:

>	Btw, it does seems as if the HD prices are moving down fairly nicely
>as well - the $700 for 80Mb is about what I paid for my 64Mb awhile ago (year,
>year and a half? I don't remember). That's roughly 30% increase in capacity
>for the same price.

Ain't seen NOTHING yet!  Gigabyte drives, yes, 1000+Meg!, for PC's are
soon to be hitting the market and I recall a price for one of them being
around $2500.  This was in PC Week I think.  Granted not all the
companies were that cheap, but even at $3000 or so, that's SIGNIFICANTLY
cheaper per meg than anything currently out there.  A 20Meg drive would
have to run $60-80 to compete against that.  Course, $3000 is alot of
money, but on a $/meg basis, these suckers are CHEAP!

>	Speaking of this stuff: Does anyone know if the 4Mb SIMMs can be put
>in an OctoRAM card? I'm not interested in doing it at the moment, but I may
>be at some point in the future.

Seriously doubt it as the jumper blocks are hardcoded to specific memory
sizes and the manual says that ONLY those configurations can be used.
Besides using 4MB SIMMS would only allow you to put two on the board, if
it were possible.  Wouldn't be gaining anything, and it'd probably be
lot more expensive than just getting regular 1MB SIMMS, at least
currently I would think.


cwilson@NISC.SRI.COM (Chan Wilson) (03/14/90)

In article <4387@mace.cc.purdue.edu> asd@mace.cc.purdue.edu (Kareth) writes:
>In article <1167@madnix.UUCP> jason@madnix.UUCP (Jason Blochowiak) writes:
>>	Btw, it does seems as if the HD prices are moving down fairly nicely
>Ain't seen NOTHING yet!  Gigabyte drives, yes, 1000+Meg!, for PC's are
>soon to be hitting the market and I recall a price for one of them being
>around $2500.  This was in PC Week I think.  Granted not all the

I'm more interested in the optical drive that's in production. 680mb-1 gig 
capacity.  Considering that they interface to Suns, Macs, and other things,
they should work on a GS.  They do cost a bit more than your run-of-the-mill
680mb hard drive, but then again, you can't get buy another platter for
~$100, giving you another 680mb to play with...

For those of you a little more down to earth on the storage
requirements (data always expands to fill a given storage medium, ask
any system admin.), Atasi Technology in San Jose, CA [800/726-8872]
has a good deal on >100mb hard drives.  They've got 104mb for $800,
250mb for $1600, 300mb for $1900.. two year warranty.  Sounds pretty
good.  I called them today and verified that they would work on a GS.
(Some mac drives, most notably DataFrame and SuperMac don't use a true
SCSI drive, and won't work on a GS)

No, this isn't an ad, I don't work for them, etc. etc. ad nausum.  I just
think this is a good deal.

    Chan Wilson -- cwilson@nisc.sri.com <!> I don't speak for SRI.
Janitor/Architect of comp.binaries.apple2 archive on wuarchive.wustl.edu
  "And now, the penguin on top of the television set will explode."