[comp.sys.apple] 2 Questions

ko0g+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU (Kevin O'Neill) (03/21/90)

I just found this bb, so the questions have probably been asked before.

I have an Apple //e circa '83 (not enhanced) with the usual stuff from that
era:  128k, two 5.25" drives, DOS3.3.  I've recently added a 3.5" 800k drive
in order to run a specific ProDOS package for educators.  There are other
programs, written in Applesoft Basic, for which I need help in either of two

  Q1:  Can I access the 3.5" drive from DOS3.3?
       One of the programs stores data and calculations to a 173k disk; at
       present this disk is max-ed out at 137 records, and I have to increase
       the file by approx. 10%.  There is obviously not enough room.
       I have the option of splitting the data file and storing it on two
       disks, but I'd rather make use of the expanded space on the 3.5"
       drive.  Problem is I can't seem to identify it via DOS3.3; I've
       tried to format a disk there using INIT HELLO, S7,D1 and it just
       sits there amazed at my ignorance.

       Do I need a more recent version of DOS?  What am I missing here?

  Q2:  Can I convert from Applesoft Basic to IBM Basic?
       Another related program reads selected portions into memory from the
       data file in order to run an iterative series of calculations and store
       the calculations to the disk for further work & reports.  The program
       runs extremely slowly (Applesloth?), and additional increases in the
       size of the data file retrieved to memory are likely going to
       max-out at some point.

       I would like to get these programs over to my IBM PS/2, for obvious
       reasons.  Can I get there from here, without manually re-entering the
       programs (I'm not concerned about the data)?  I've been advised to
       take an intermediate step:  //e -> mac -> IBM, but the folks advising
       me are not familiar enough with the //e to suggest how to accomplish
       this; they advised me to look for help here.  Soooo ... HELP!

       Any suggestions would be most appreciated.

jordan@hpfcdj.HP.COM (Steve J. Jordan) (03/23/90)

DOS 3.3, to the best of my knowledge, cannot access 3.5" drives.