warden@grad1.cis.upenn.edu (Robert Warden) (04/04/91)
After cleaning house, I've decided to sell my old Apple IIe to whoever wants it. HARDWARE: Apple IIe 5.25" Disk II with all cables/controller card Monochrome Monitor III (green) - plus stand Apple Paddles & Kraft joystick Applied Engineering RAMWORKS II - 1 meg. memory expansion board & 80-col. card. Currently contains 256K. Replaces 80-col. card. Includes RAMdrive and Desktop Expander software. Standard Apple 80 column card. Grappler Plus printer interface card Hayes MicroModem IIe - 300 baud modem card SwyftCard ROM word processor card MANUALS: All original manuals for above cards. Also: Apple IIe owner manual Applesoft Tutorial Applesoft BASIC programmer's Reference Manual (vol 1&2) Apple II (6502) assembly language SOFTWARE: SubLogic Flight Simulator II -color (IIc compatable) Infocom: Zork I, II, III The Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy Witness Suspended Beagle Bros.: Shape Mechanic (ProDOS & DOS 3.3 versions) Pronto-DOS Misc.: Gato - submarine simulator/game Hard Hat Mack Choplifter Microsoft Typing Tutor Olympic Decathlon Campaign Trilogy Borg Please send any questions/offers via e-mail to warden@grad1.cis.upenn.edu I'm very willing to negotiate. After a while, anything not sold, I'll sell for $5 over the cost of shipping (including the Apple IIe!!!! - well maybe $10 over the cost for this :) ) ** If you buy all the hardware, all the software is FREE, but I'm also willing to scavenge parts. ************************************************************************** * Rob Warden University of Pennsylvania * * warden@grad1.cis.upenn.edu * **************************************************************************