wood@gatech.UUCP (11/07/87)
Hello netlanders, I have been doing some work with functional programming languages (well with fp) and have heard about sml (standard ml) but I can not seem to find any information on it. Is there anyone out there who has worked with sml; has references or actual manuals, papers, etc on line which they could e-mail me; and where or how does one acquire a copy of the system? (have I forgotten anything? :-) ) Since I have nothing so far, I would appreciate any information you can provide. Thanx in advance, -- David Wood School of Information & Computer Science, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332 CSNet: wood @ GATech ARPA: wood%GATech.CSNet @ CSNet-Relay.ARPA uucp: ...!{akgua,allegra,hplabs,ihnp4,linus,seismo,ulysses}!gatech!wood
kamin@uiucdcsb.cs.uiuc.edu (11/10/87)
The language ML has been around quite a while, and Standard ML is a recent attempt to standardize it. I mention this because there is a larger literature on previous versions of ML than there is on Standard ML. Here are some places to look: Original ML (this was not a stand-alone language processor; rather, ML was a kind of overgrown command language for a proof system called LCF): Gordon et al, A Metalanguage for Interactive Proof in LCF, 5th POPL, 1978 Gordon et al, Edinburgh LCF, Springer LNCS 78 Cardelli ML (a stand-alone version implemented by L. Cardelli): Cardelli, ML under UNIX, Bell Labs Tech. Memo. (I don't have any other publication info.) Standard ML: Milner, A Proposal for Standard ML, Symp. on Lisp and F. P., 1984, 184-197 The latter is the only reference I can find describing Standard ML itself, and it is not intended for the beginner - in fact, it is one of the most terse language descriptions I've ever seen. As far as obtaining a copy, Dave MacQueen (Bell Labs) and Andrew Appel (Princeton) are nearing completion of a new implementation (Vax and 68020), as reported in a recent paper: MacQueen and Appel, A Standard ML Compiler, Symp. on Functional P. L.'s and Computer Arch, 1987, Springer LNCS 274. I suggest writing to MacQueen (Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ 07974) or Appel (Dept. of C.S., Princeton U., Princeton, NJ 08544). Sam Kamin U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign