[comp.lang.misc] Free audio tape about Logo

ken@aiva.ed.ac.uk (Ken Johnson) (12/11/87)

Logotron Limited have prepared an audio tape called "Logo comes of age". 

Although it is basically a plug for the Logotron product, (it contains a
reference to the mythical "LCSI standard", for example) there is a lot
of interesting chat about how Logo is actually used. 

Playing time 45 minutes. 

Free from:
 Logotron Limited,
 Dales Brewery,
 Gwydir Street,
 England CB1 2LJ

	Phone (0223) 323656

From Ken Johnson			| Phone 031-225 4464 Ext 212
     AI Applications Institute		| Email k.johnson@ed.ac.uk
     80 South Bridge			|
     The University			|
     EDINBURGH, Scotland EH1 1HN	|

"Things will get worse before they get worse."