[comp.lang.misc] my course notes on Concepts of ObjeOriented Programming Languages

rickers@drexel.UUCP (Rick Wargo) (12/23/87)


    Here is a quick guide that I had put together for a just-for-the-heck-of-it
Concepts of Objected-Oriented Programming Languages Course.  I have not been
reading the news lately, I hope this is not too out of date.  I have had many
requests for this in the past, but I have not been able to find it until today.
I hope that it self explanatory (it should be 8-).

    It is structured not by topic, but by order of reference.  I have found
these references valuable and well worth reading.



Concepts of Object-Oriented Programming
   -  from Elements Of Object-Oriented Programming
         Elements Of Object-Oriented Programming
         Geoffrey Pascoe
         of DoD Computing Systems Research Division (MD)
         Byte Magazine
         Volume 11  Number 8 (August 1986)  pages 139-144
      -  information hiding
         -  important for ensuring reliability fo software
         -  reduces inter-dependencies
         -  state of a software module contained in private variables
            accessible from only within the scope of the module
         -  most languages support information hiding
               static variables in functions in C
      -  data abstraction
         -  could be considered a way of using information hiding
         -  programmer defines an abstract data type
            consists of an internal representation
            a set of routines to access and manipulate the data
      -  dynamic binding
         -  poly-morphism
            the same message can elicit a different response depending on the receiver
            done at runtime
            no need to modify existing code
      -  inheritance
         -  sub/super classing
      -  automatic storage management
         -  better known as garbage collection
         -  should qualify as fifth important element
   -  from ObjC Reference Manual
         Objective C Reference Manual
         1984  -  PPI
         Sandy Hook, CT
      -  a computational metaphor
            operands replaced by objects (private data - encapsulated
      -  operator/operand model vs. object message model
         -  operator/operand model
               similar to a switchboard concept.  user must select which 
               operators to match each specific operand.
            plugs are the set of operators
            sockets are the addressable operands
         -  message/object model
            no interdependencies
                  user is responsible for knowing and respecting all data 
                  type assumptions.
                  user is responsible for selecting objects and telling them 
                  what to do.  objects are responsible for deciding how to 
                  implement each command.
      -  binding
         -  user-specified binding
               example languages - C, Pascal, Fortran
               seperate routines to manipulate independent types
                ex. prnPoint(point) ; prnRectangle(rect)
         -  static binding
               example languages - Simula, Ada, CLU
               programmer specifies abstract name of operation, compiler 
               differentiates at compile time.
               example: print(point); print(rect)
         -  examples
                  if want to add objects, need to update all switch 
               for all elements in (variant) array
                  print each one
                        need to use switch statement depending upon data 
                        type of aray element.
            example of dynamic binding
                  not reusable because all switch statements need to be 
                  updated when a new data type is added.
      -  new basic concepts
         -  object
               set of organized data/operations
         -  class
               a description of whatUs shared by a group of similar objects
         -  method
               how an object will perform one of its operations
               "a functional call"
         -  message
               a request for an object to cayy out a method
      -  operations done by objects, not to objects
      -  a message expression
         -  receiver
               identifies the object that will receive the message
         -  selector
               identifies the message being sent to the receiver
         -  arguments
               same as functional arguments
         -  keywords
      -  factory objects
         -  main function
               creating new unitialized objects
      -  parts of an object
         -  shared part
            describes what is similar among all objects of this class
            methods are shared
                  template (or structure) describing private data of each 
            called the class structure
         -  private part
            actual values held in each instance
      -  methods (or behaviors)
         -  may have format arguments
         -  can return a value
         -  names need not be unique across classes
         -  not called directly by name, but by a dispatch table
         -  can access private data of it receiver
      -  self
         -  available automatically to every method
         -  identifies the object receiving the message
      -  inheritance
         -  a technique for organizing information into specialization/generalization hierarches
         -  class description
               specifies only how the class being defined differs from some 
               existing class (the suoerclass)
         -  root class
               a generic, non-specialized class at the top of the hierarchy 
               tree, usually specified by "Object."
         -  code reusability
         -  multiple inheritence
            "toy truck" example
               should it be a member of the "toy" class?
               should it be a member of the "truck" class?
   -  from Smalltalk-80 - The Interactive Programming Environment
         Smalltalk-80 - The Interactive Programming Environment
         "The Orange Book" as opposed to "The Blue Book"
         Adele Goldberg - Xerox PARK
         Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.  1984
      -  Adele Goldberg
         -  group manager at PARC (Software Concepts Group)
         -  responsible for documenting the system
      -  Larry Tesler
         -  first introduced the system browser
            enriched by Dan Ingalls
      -  General system configuration for Smalltalk
         -  high-resolution bitmapped display screen
         -  a typewriter keyboard
         -  a pointing device
      -  objects
         -  a uniform representation of information
         -  has "private memory"
            can only be manipulated by the operations in the objects interface
         -  capability to manipulate stored info
         -  capability to carry out some activity
      -  objects and messages
         -  encourages modular design
         -  implementation of one object cannot depend on internals of another
            only on how they respond to messages
         -  used to implement the entire programming environment
         -  used to represent:
            text strings
            spatial locations
            text editors
            and all other system components
      -  classes
         -  objects that respond to the same messages in the same way
         -  objects in a group are called instances of the class
         -  ability to create a subclass of an existing class
            adds new functionality
            adds new private memory
            modifies or prohibits existing functionality
      -  advantages of Object-Oriented Programming
         -  information known privately to an object is protected
            can only be accessed by methods of the object
         -  a simple and expressive model for the relationship of parts & wholes via classes and inheritance
         -  objects support modularity
         -  interaction is same within all levels of complexity
      -  message expressions
         -  represent interactions between components of a Smalltalk system
         -  describe receiver, selector and possible arguments
      -  cascaded messages
         -  multiple messages to the same object
      -  method
         -  describes how an object will perform one of its operations
      -  class descriptions
         -  a class name
         -  the superclass of the class
         -  a declaration of the variables to the instances
         -  the methods used by instances to respond to messages
      -  kinds of variables accessed by methods
         -  instance variables
            exist for the lifetime of the object
            represent the current state of an object
         -  temporary variables
            created for specific activity
            available only for durations of that activity
            represents the transitory state necessary to execute a method
         -  class variables
            shared by all instances of a class
         -  global variables
            shared by all instances of all classes
         -  pool variables
            shared by the instances of a subset of classes in the system
      -  metaclass
         -  a class whose instances are themselves classes
         -  analagous to a factory object
      -  method determination
         -  message is searched for in the methods of the receivers class
         -  if not found, searched for in that classes superclass, etc.
         -  if not found (stops at root class (Object))
            that class generates the message doesNotUnderstand: (selector)
         -  self
            search own methods first for message
         -  super
            search superclass methods first for the message
      -  programming involves
         -  specification of one or more class descriptions
         -  creating instances of the class
         -  sequencing messages to the instances
      -  keyword
         -  an identifier with a trailing colon (:)
      -  keyword message
         -  a message with one or more arguments whose selector is made up of one or more keywords
   -  from Software ICUs
         Software ICUs
         Lamar Ledbetter and Brad Cox  of PPI
         Byte Magazine
         Volume 10  Number 6 (June 1985)  pages 307-316
      -  Software IC
         -  a reusable software component
      -  encapsulation
         -  defines a data structure and a group of procedures for accessing it
         -  users access the data structure only through standardized interfaces
            carefully documented
      -  hardware world achieves a high amount of reusability
         -  through the development of standards
      -  operator/operand versus message/object
      -  Hardware ICUs
         -  custom circuits from individual components
         -  reusability
            possible because chip packaging makes hardware environment independent of the detailed workings of the chip
            high degree of reusability through standards
            dynamic binding and encapsulation are at the root of reusability
         -  division of responsibility
            defined and enforced through messaging
         -  hardware components delivered in un-modifiable form
         -  a hardware designer never starts from scratch
      -  Software ICUs
         -  directly support the concept of rapid prototyping
         -  direct relationships to Hardware ICUs ideas
   -  from A Taste of Smalltalk
         A Taste Of Smalltalk
         Ted Kaehler  (Xerox PARC & Apple)
         Dave Patterson  (University of CA, Berkeley)
         1986  W.W. Norton & Co., Inc.
      -  Smalltalk-80 is
         -  a civilized programming environment
         -  the premier OOPL
      -  uniform treatment of different kinds of info
         -  similar to Lisp in this aspect
         -  examples
      -  Smalltalk roots
         -  where developed
               Developed in the Learning Research Group at XeroxUs Palo 
               Alto Research Center (PARC) in the early 1970Us.
         -  major ideas belong to Alan Kay
         -  early implementation by Dan Ingalls
            first person to write code for
               multiple overlapping windows
               opaque pop-up menus
         -  Smalltalk-80 is a "presentable" version of Smalltalk-76
         -  license 2 is the standard system (active)
         -  license 1 is older (available from Apple)
      -  methods
         -  a Smalltalk procedure or subroutine
         -  can have arguments
            message selectors
               a method is a procedure, a selector is the procedure name
               use selector to find right method to execute
         -  a description of one of an objectUs operations
            not an action
      -  objects
         -  a package of data and procedures that belong together
         -  like a Pascal record, but much richer
         -  self
            a way of referring to the object
            used for recursion
         -  all return an object as its result
            default is self
      -  modular code
         -  well established in computer science
         -  alone does not make a program Object-Oriented
   -  from Object-Oriented Programming for the Macintosh
         Object-Oriented Programming for the Macintosh
         Kurt Schmucker  of PPI
         Hayden Book Company  1986
      -  effects of the Object-Oriented approach
         -  significant reductions in
            development time
            size of source code
      -  notions central to Object-Oriented programming
         -  objects
         -  classes
         -  methods
         -  inheritance
      -  the classes protocol
         -  set of messages of a class
      -  a reference
         -  an objects address
      -  methods
         -  call by desire
            message sender need not worry about anything
            just sends what it desires the object to do
      -  a root class
         -  the place for hierarchy to start
      -  method overhead
         -  when implemented in a sufficiently clever manner
         -  as small as 1.75 times that of the standard procedure call
      -  time penalty less than 10 percent
      -  hybrid languages
            most so-called objected-oriented languages fall into this class.  
            Smalltalk is a true OOL
         -  allow to choose between an Object-Oriented approach and a conventional procedural one
         -  make use of existing libraries
         -  less of a culture shock
         -  learned in less time
         -  allow to choose between a method and subroutine call
      -  methods
         -  private methods
            used only by the class designer
         -  basic methods
            very rarely (or never) overridden
         -  class methods
            instance methods of the class (factory)
      -  class instance variables
         -  rarely used
      -  metaclass
         -  a classUs class
      -  multiple inheritance
         -  ability to be a subclass of more than one class
         -  very powerful
         -  examples
               a subclass of the classes "house" and "boat"
               is it a house or a boat?
               a subclass of the classes "rects" and "rhombi"
            circular queues
               a subclass of the classes "queues" and "linked lists"
         -  primary immediate ancestor class
            inherits most from this class
            on conflict of methods, inherits from this class
         -  searching for method now more complex
            tree becomes a graph (acyclic)
            more difficult and time consuming
         -  existing languages that support multple inheritance
            Object Logo
                  available for $79.95 from Coral Software
            ExperCommon LISP
      -  unique instance methods
         -  provide storage of a method in the object itself
         -  not stored in its classUs message and method table
         -  Object Logo demonstrates this
   -  from The C++ Programming Language
          The C++ Programming Language
         Bjarne Stroustrup
         AT&T Bell Labs
         Murray Hill, NJ
         Addison Wesley Publishing Company  1986
      -  C++
         -  is a superset of the C programming language
         -  originally called C with classes
      -  data abstraction
         -  partition an application into manageable pieces
            done by defining new data types that closely match the concepts of the application
      -  classes
         -  a user defined type
         -  provides
            guaranteed initialization of data
            implicit type conversion for user defined types
            dynamic typing
            user controlled memory management
            mechanism for overloading operators
      -  features not related to classes
         -  symbolic constants
         -  inline substitution of functions
         -  default function arguments
         -  overloaded function names
         -  free store management operators
         -  a reference type
      -  operator overloading
         -  same operator has different meanings in different contexts
      -  constructors
         -  class initializers
      -  destructors
         -  class cleaner-uppers
      -  derived classes
         -  inheritance
      -  friends
         -  lets a function be the friend of two or more classes
      -  virtual functions
         -  defined in a derived class
      -  overloaded function names
         -  a certain routine is called depending upon function arguments
      -  self reference is accomplished via the variable "this"
      -  auto-initialization is accomplished via constructors
      -  cleanup is done via destructors
   -  from Usenet discussion, C++
         Bjarne Stroustrup article
         date ????
      -  is a better C
         -  argument type checking and type conversion
         -  free store operators (new & delete)
         -  scoped and typed constants
         -  inline functions (function semantics with macro efficiency)
      -  supports data abstraction
         -  data hiding
         -  member functions (operations on objects of a class)
         -  constructors (optional guaranteed initialization)
         -  destructors (optional implicit cleanup)
         -  operator overloading (+ * / etc; and also () [] and =)
         -  user defined type coercion
         -  references
      -  supports Object-Oriented programming
         -  (single) inheritance (sub/super classes)
         -  virtual functions (a bit like Smalltalk methods, but fast)