[comp.lang.misc] Initial teaching languages and ABC

steven@cwi.nl (Steven Pemberton) (01/29/88)

Concerning the discussion about initial teaching languages, and in
particular ABC:

	ABC was originally designed as a beginner's language, as a
suitable replacement for BASIC: it is as simple as BASIC to learn, and
it is interactive. However, it is much easier to use than BASIC, and
of course has structured commands and data types.  In the course of
its development, it has become an attractive language for
non-beginners too, despite its simplicity.

- There are only 5 data-types: 2 basic types (numbers and strings),
  and 3 constructors (records, sorted lists and sorted tables).

- There are no limits to the size of values (apart from memory size), so
  numbers for instance are unbounded (no maxint, or the like).

- The type system is completely orthogonal, so you can have lists of
  any other type, for instance.

- There are no declarations, but it is strongly typed, using type

- Global variables are 'persistent': if you come back after logging out,
  all your variables are still there as you left them. This means that
  there is no need for separate file-handling commands or data-types.

- It is an algorithmic language; the commands are what you'd expect: IF,
  WHILE, assignment, etc. You can define your own commands and
  functions. As Tim Budd pointed out, there are refinements which
  directly support top-down programming.

- Indentation is used rather than BEGIN-END or { } to indicate nesting.

Here's a simple example: building a telephone list.

>>> PUT {} IN tel		(>>> is the prompt; 'PUT expr IN location'
				is assignment; this initialises tel
				with the empty table)
>>> PUT 4141 IN tel["Lambert"]
>>> PUT 4071 IN tel["Steven"]
>>> PUT 4159 IN tel["Tim"]

>>> WRITE tel["Steven"]

>>> WRITE tel					(You can write any ABC value)
{["Lambert"]: 4141; ["Steven"]: 4071; ["Tim"]: 4159}	(Sorted on the keys)

>>> WRITE keys tel
{"Lambert"; "Steven"; "Tim"}

>>> FOR name IN keys tel:
       WRITE name, ":", tel[name] /		( / gives a newline)
Lambert: 4141
Steven: 4071
Tim: 4159

>>> HOW TO DISPLAY table:		(Define a command to do the same.
       FOR key IN keys table:		 ABC is polymorphic, so DISPLAY
          WRITE key<<10, table[key] /	 works for any kind of table;
					 << gives a field width)
>>> DISPLAY tel
Lambert    4141
Steven     4071
Tim        4159

>>> PUT {} IN user			(Create the inverse table,
>>> FOR name IN keys tel:		 from numbers to names)
       PUT name IN user[tel[name]]

>>> WRITE user[4071]

>>> HOW TO RETURN inverse table:	(Make it a function; again, this
       PUT {} IN inv			 will invert any kind of table)
       FOR key IN keys table:
          PUT key IN inv[table[key]]
       RETURN inv

>>> WRITE inverse tel
{[4071]: "Steven"; [4141]: "Lambert"; [4159]: "Tim"}	(Sorted on the keys)

To give an idea of the use of refinements, here is a function to
create a cross-reference of a text document. Text documents are
represented in ABC using a table with line numbers as keys, and a
string as items. For instance:

>>> DISPLAY poem
1         I've never seen a purple cow
2         I hope I never see one
3         But I can tell you anyhow
4         I'd rather see than be one

Here's the function:

HOW TO RETURN index doc:		(index is the name, doc the parameter)
   PUT {} IN index
   FOR line.no IN keys doc:
   RETURN index
TREAT LINE:				(This is a refinement)
   FOR word IN split doc[line.no]:	('split' splits a string into words)
   IF word not.in keys index:
      PUT {} IN index[word]
   INSERT line.no IN index[word]	(Insert line.no in list of
					 numbers stored for the word)

>>> DISPLAY index poem
I          {2; 2; 3}
I'd        {4}
I've       {1}
a          {1}
anyhow     {3}
be         {4}
but        {3}
can        {3}
cow        {1}
hope       {2}
never      {1; 2}
one        {2; 4}
purple     {1}
rather     {4}
see        {2; 4}
seen       {1}
tell       {3}
than       {4}
you        {3}

Now, to reply to some of Tim Budd's remarks:
> For a long time it only ran under Unix (I believe this may have since
> changed).
It now runs under Unix, MS-DOS, on the Macintosh and on the Atari ST.

> It is not noted for its speed.
It's an interpreter; still it compares well with the Unix Pascal
interpreter, and the arithmetic is often faster than Unix bc.	

> It uses a lot of memory.
Yes, the current version does everything in store. We have an
experimental version with virtual store running, but not released.

> For more information, write
> 	ABC Implementation
> 	CWI / AA
> 	Postbox 4079
> 	1009 AB Amsterdam
> 	the Netherlands
> 	or send a note to my good friend steven pemberton (who will
> 	probably regret I mentioned this) at steven@mcvax.uucp

I don't regret it at all. Send me your paper-mail address, and I'll
send more information, and put you on our mailing list. steven@cwi.nl
is the official address, for modern mailers.

Steven Pemberton, CWI, Amsterdam; steven@cwi.nl

kers@otter.hple.hp.com (Christopher Dollin) (01/30/88)

/ otter:comp.lang.misc / steven@cwi.nl (Steven Pemberton) /  5:21 pm  Jan 28, 1988 /
Concerning the discussion about initial teaching languages, and in
particular ABC:

	ABC was originally designed as a beginner's language, as a
suitable replacement for BASIC: it is as simple as BASIC to learn, and
it is interactive. However, it is much easier to use than BASIC, and
of course has structured commands and data types.  In the course of
its development, it has become an attractive language for
non-beginners too, despite its simplicity.

- There are only 5 data-types: 2 basic types (numbers and strings),
  and 3 constructors (records, sorted lists and sorted tables).

- There are no limits to the size of values (apart from memory size), so
  numbers for instance are unbounded (no maxint, or the like).

- The type system is completely orthogonal, so you can have lists of
  any other type, for instance.

- There are no declarations, but it is strongly typed, using type

- Global variables are 'persistent': if you come back after logging out,
  all your variables are still there as you left them. This means that
  there is no need for separate file-handling commands or data-types.

- It is an algorithmic language; the commands are what you'd expect: IF,
  WHILE, assignment, etc. You can define your own commands and
  functions. As Tim Budd pointed out, there are refinements which
  directly support top-down programming.

- Indentation is used rather than BEGIN-END or { } to indicate nesting.

Here's a simple example: building a telephone list.

>>> PUT {} IN tel		(>>> is the prompt; 'PUT expr IN location'
				is assignment; this initialises tel
				with the empty table)
>>> PUT 4141 IN tel["Lambert"]
>>> PUT 4071 IN tel["Steven"]
>>> PUT 4159 IN tel["Tim"]

>>> WRITE tel["Steven"]

>>> WRITE tel					(You can write any ABC value)
{["Lambert"]: 4141; ["Steven"]: 4071; ["Tim"]: 4159}	(Sorted on the keys)

>>> WRITE keys tel
{"Lambert"; "Steven"; "Tim"}

>>> FOR name IN keys tel:
       WRITE name, ":", tel[name] /		( / gives a newline)
Lambert: 4141
Steven: 4071
Tim: 4159

>>> HOW TO DISPLAY table:		(Define a command to do the same.
       FOR key IN keys table:		 ABC is polymorphic, so DISPLAY
          WRITE key<<10, table[key] /	 works for any kind of table;
					 << gives a field width)
>>> DISPLAY tel
Lambert    4141
Steven     4071
Tim        4159

>>> PUT {} IN user			(Create the inverse table,
>>> FOR name IN keys tel:		 from numbers to names)
       PUT name IN user[tel[name]]

>>> WRITE user[4071]

>>> HOW TO RETURN inverse table:	(Make it a function; again, this
       PUT {} IN inv			 will invert any kind of table)
       FOR key IN keys table:
          PUT key IN inv[table[key]]
       RETURN inv

>>> WRITE inverse tel
{[4071]: "Steven"; [4141]: "Lambert"; [4159]: "Tim"}	(Sorted on the keys)

To give an idea of the use of refinements, here is a function to
create a cross-reference of a text document. Text documents are
represented in ABC using a table with line numbers as keys, and a
string as items. For instance:

>>> DISPLAY poem
1         I've never seen a purple cow
2         I hope I never see one
3         But I can tell you anyhow
4         I'd rather see than be one

Here's the function:

HOW TO RETURN index doc:		(index is the name, doc the parameter)
   PUT {} IN index
   FOR line.no IN keys doc:
   RETURN index
TREAT LINE:				(This is a refinement)
   FOR word IN split doc[line.no]:	('split' splits a string into words)
   IF word not.in keys index:
      PUT {} IN index[word]
   INSERT line.no IN index[word]	(Insert line.no in list of
					 numbers stored for the word)

>>> DISPLAY index poem
I          {2; 2; 3}
I'd        {4}
I've       {1}
a          {1}
anyhow     {3}
be         {4}
but        {3}
can        {3}
cow        {1}
hope       {2}
never      {1; 2}
one        {2; 4}
purple     {1}
rather     {4}
see        {2; 4}
seen       {1}
tell       {3}
than       {4}
you        {3}

Now, to reply to some of Tim Budd's remarks:
> For a long time it only ran under Unix (I believe this may have since
> changed).
It now runs under Unix, MS-DOS, on the Macintosh and on the Atari ST.

> It is not noted for its speed.
It's an interpreter; still it compares well with the Unix Pascal
interpreter, and the arithmetic is often faster than Unix bc.	

> It uses a lot of memory.
Yes, the current version does everything in store. We have an
experimental version with virtual store running, but not released.

> For more information, write
> 	ABC Implementation
> 	CWI / AA
> 	Postbox 4079
> 	1009 AB Amsterdam
> 	the Netherlands
> 	or send a note to my good friend steven pemberton (who will
> 	probably regret I mentioned this) at steven@mcvax.uucp

I don't regret it at all. Send me your paper-mail address, and I'll
send more information, and put you on our mailing list. steven@cwi.nl
is the official address, for modern mailers.

Steven Pemberton, CWI, Amsterdam; steven@cwi.nl

kers@otter.hple.hp.com (Christopher Dollin) (01/30/88)

/ otter:comp.lang.misc / kers@otter.hple.hp.com (Christopher Dollin) /  4:25 pm  Jan 29, 1988 /
/ otter:comp.lang.misc / steven@cwi.nl (Steven Pemberton) /  5:21 pm  Jan 28, 1988 /
Concerning the discussion about initial teaching languages, and in
particular ABC:

	ABC was originally designed as a beginner's language, as a
suitable replacement for BASIC: it is as simple as BASIC to learn, and
it is interactive. However, it is much easier to use than BASIC, and
of course has structured commands and data types.  In the course of
its development, it has become an attractive language for
non-beginners too, despite its simplicity.

- There are only 5 data-types: 2 basic types (numbers and strings),
  and 3 constructors (records, sorted lists and sorted tables).

- There are no limits to the size of values (apart from memory size), so
  numbers for instance are unbounded (no maxint, or the like).

- The type system is completely orthogonal, so you can have lists of
  any other type, for instance.

- There are no declarations, but it is strongly typed, using type

- Global variables are 'persistent': if you come back after logging out,
  all your variables are still there as you left them. This means that
  there is no need for separate file-handling commands or data-types.

- It is an algorithmic language; the commands are what you'd expect: IF,
  WHILE, assignment, etc. You can define your own commands and
  functions. As Tim Budd pointed out, there are refinements which
  directly support top-down programming.

- Indentation is used rather than BEGIN-END or { } to indicate nesting.

Here's a simple example: building a telephone list.

>>> PUT {} IN tel		(>>> is the prompt; 'PUT expr IN location'
				is assignment; this initialises tel
				with the empty table)
>>> PUT 4141 IN tel["Lambert"]
>>> PUT 4071 IN tel["Steven"]
>>> PUT 4159 IN tel["Tim"]

>>> WRITE tel["Steven"]

>>> WRITE tel					(You can write any ABC value)
{["Lambert"]: 4141; ["Steven"]: 4071; ["Tim"]: 4159}	(Sorted on the keys)

>>> WRITE keys tel
{"Lambert"; "Steven"; "Tim"}

>>> FOR name IN keys tel:
       WRITE name, ":", tel[name] /		( / gives a newline)
Lambert: 4141
Steven: 4071
Tim: 4159

>>> HOW TO DISPLAY table:		(Define a command to do the same.
       FOR key IN keys table:		 ABC is polymorphic, so DISPLAY
          WRITE key<<10, table[key] /	 works for any kind of table;
					 << gives a field width)
>>> DISPLAY tel
Lambert    4141
Steven     4071
Tim        4159

>>> PUT {} IN user			(Create the inverse table,
>>> FOR name IN keys tel:		 from numbers to names)
       PUT name IN user[tel[name]]

>>> WRITE user[4071]

>>> HOW TO RETURN inverse table:	(Make it a function; again, this
       PUT {} IN inv			 will invert any kind of table)
       FOR key IN keys table:
          PUT key IN inv[table[key]]
       RETURN inv

>>> WRITE inverse tel
{[4071]: "Steven"; [4141]: "Lambert"; [4159]: "Tim"}	(Sorted on the keys)

To give an idea of the use of refinements, here is a function to
create a cross-reference of a text document. Text documents are
represented in ABC using a table with line numbers as keys, and a
string as items. For instance:

>>> DISPLAY poem
1         I've never seen a purple cow
2         I hope I never see one
3         But I can tell you anyhow
4         I'd rather see than be one

Here's the function:

HOW TO RETURN index doc:		(index is the name, doc the parameter)
   PUT {} IN index
   FOR line.no IN keys doc:
   RETURN index
TREAT LINE:				(This is a refinement)
   FOR word IN split doc[line.no]:	('split' splits a string into words)
   IF word not.in keys index:
      PUT {} IN index[word]
   INSERT line.no IN index[word]	(Insert line.no in list of
					 numbers stored for the word)

>>> DISPLAY index poem
I          {2; 2; 3}
I'd        {4}
I've       {1}
a          {1}
anyhow     {3}
be         {4}
but        {3}
can        {3}
cow        {1}
hope       {2}
never      {1; 2}
one        {2; 4}
purple     {1}
rather     {4}
see        {2; 4}
seen       {1}
tell       {3}
than       {4}
you        {3}

Now, to reply to some of Tim Budd's remarks:
> For a long time it only ran under Unix (I believe this may have since
> changed).
It now runs under Unix, MS-DOS, on the Macintosh and on the Atari ST.

> It is not noted for its speed.
It's an interpreter; still it compares well with the Unix Pascal
interpreter, and the arithmetic is often faster than Unix bc.	

> It uses a lot of memory.
Yes, the current version does everything in store. We have an
experimental version with virtual store running, but not released.

> For more information, write
> 	ABC Implementation
> 	CWI / AA
> 	Postbox 4079
> 	1009 AB Amsterdam
> 	the Netherlands
> 	or send a note to my good friend steven pemberton (who will
> 	probably regret I mentioned this) at steven@mcvax.uucp

I don't regret it at all. Send me your paper-mail address, and I'll
send more information, and put you on our mailing list. steven@cwi.nl
is the official address, for modern mailers.

Steven Pemberton, CWI, Amsterdam; steven@cwi.nl