[comp.lang.misc] How are YOU using perl?

john@viper.Lynx.MN.Org (John Stanley) (04/08/88)

In article <720@hadron.UUCP> klr@hadron.UUCP (Kurt L. Reisler) writes:
 >Which would be an appropriate news group for the discussion of uses of
 >Larry Wall's outstanding "perl" program?  I would be intersted in
 >learning what uses you are putting it to, and what kind of tricks have
 >been developed.  I am also interested in seeing how the "format"
 >statement has been used.  
 >Thanks in advance,

  Sounds to me like we need to start a comp.lang.perl newsgroup.  I'd
certanly be in favor of creating one...

John Stanley (john@viper.UUCP)
Software Consultant - DynaSoft Systems
UUCP: ...{amdahl,ihnp4,rutgers}!meccts!viper!john

karl@haddock.ISC.COM (Karl Heuer) (04/11/88)

In article <800@viper.Lynx.MN.Org> john@viper.Lynx.MN.Org (John Stanley) writes:
>In article <720@hadron.UUCP> klr@hadron.UUCP (Kurt L. Reisler) writes:
>>Which would be an appropriate news group for the discussion of uses of
>>Larry Wall's outstanding "perl" program?
>Sounds to me like we need to start a comp.lang.perl newsgroup.

Sounds to me like you should hold the discussion in comp.lang.misc.  If the
topic persists, you'll have more support for a newsgroup (from those who want
to get it out of c.l.m); if it dies out, then it didn't deserve one.

Karl W. Z. Heuer (ima!haddock!karl or karl@haddock.isc.com), The Walking Lint