[comp.lang.misc] Looking for RF-Maple

ijd@otter.hple.hp.com (Ian Dickinson) (04/22/88)

Does anybody have a reference for the language RF-Maple, which I remember
reading about a few years ago.  It is a synthesis of relational and
functional styles (hence RF), written by  a Canadian University (hence
Maple).  I seem to remember Paul Voda having something to do with it
(poss. one of the authors of the paper I was reading), but I could be
completely wrong on that one.

Ideally, I would like to know if the source or executables are available
on a research basis (ie cheap/free, but not necessarily supported).

Many thanks in advance for any information,

|Ian Dickinson,           Hewlett Packard Laboratories,  Bristol,  England|
|net: ijd@hplb.uucp   ijd%idickins@hplabs.HP.COM     ..!mcvax!ukc!hplb!ijd|
|"I've been to every single book I know               +-------------------+
| To soothe the thoughts that plague me so"  -Sting   | voice: 0272-799910|
|Nevertheless,  my opinions are entirely my own fault |                   |

gunars@spsspyr.UUCP (Gunars V. Lucans) (04/27/88)

In article <2400016@otter.hple.hp.com> ijd@otter.hple.hp.com (Ian Dickinson) writes:
>Does anybody have a reference for the language RF-Maple ...  I seem to 
>remember Paul Voda having something to do with it ...

I don't know anything about RF-Maple, but I've got a lead to Paul Voda.  He's
started up a company that has developed a language called Trilogy (reviews in
the 3/88 issue of Byte and the 4/88 issue of Computer Language).  Trilogy
combines aspects of procedural (Pascal, C), declarative (Lisp, Prolog) and
and relational database languages.

			Dr. Paul J. Voda
			Complete Logic Systems, Inc.
			741 Blueridge Ave.
			North Vancouver, B.C.   V7R 2J5
			(country-code??) 604/986-3234

Gunars V. Lucans -- SPSS Inc, Chicago -- ..!ihnp4!chinet!spsspyr!gunars

john@viper.Lynx.MN.Org (John Stanley) (04/28/88)

In article <271@spsspyr.UUCP> gunars@spsspyr.UUCP (Gunars V. Lucans) writes:
 >I don't know anything about RF-Maple, but I've got a lead to Paul Voda.
  [info on Trilogy deleted...]
 >			Dr. Paul J. Voda
 >			Complete Logic Systems, Inc.
 >			741 Blueridge Ave.
 >			North Vancouver, B.C.   V7R 2J5
 >			(country-code??) 604/986-3234

  Anyone know if Paul has a usenet address?

John Stanley (john@viper.UUCP)
Software Consultant - DynaSoft Systems
UUCP: ...{amdahl,ihnp4,rutgers}!meccts!viper!john