(Ken Johnson) (02/15/88)
Preliminary announcement BRITISH LOGO USER GROUP CONFERENCE 1988 This year's conference will be held at the College of Saint Paul and Saint Mary, CHELTENHAM, England, from Friday 2 September to Sunday 4 September 1988. The conference is intended for primary and secondary teachers, advisory teachers, teacher trainers, anyone interested in the use of microcomputers in schools and in particular the Logo programming language. The conference will include a series of activities for beginners in Logo and a chance to hear about teachers' experiences in their classrooms. Conference fees will be: Residential Non-residential Members 80 pounds 55 pounds Non-members 90 pounds 65 pounds For further details, or if you want to offer to present a paper, please write to: The British Logo User Group P O box 79 WALSALL West Midlands England WS5 3RW -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From Ken Johnson, AI Applications Institute, The University, EDINBURGH Phone 031-225 4464 ext 212 Email (Ken Johnson) (05/10/88)
I have booking forms for the British Logo User Group annual conference, 2-4 September 1988, in the College of Saint Paul and Saint Mary, CHELTENHAM, U.K. To get a copy write either to me Ken Johnson AI Applications Institute 80 South Bridge EDINBURGH Scotland EH1 1HN or to The British Logo User Group PO Box 79 WALSALL West Midlands WS5 3RW -- Ken -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From Ken Johnson, AI Applications Institute, The University, EDINBURGH Phone 031-225 4464 ext 212 Email