[comp.lang.misc] Program Extraction / Calculus of Constructions

dwights@ogccse.ogc.edu (Dwight Spencer) (02/08/89)

At the recent POPL '89 conference in Austin, Texas, the following paper
was presented:

      Extracting {F sub omega}'s programs from prooofs in the calculus of
      constructions   -   C. Paulin-Mohring (INRIA and LIENS)

I hope to locate someone who attended this conference and is willing to send
me a copy of this paper. Please contact me by E-mail / phone.

I am also searching for any very recent work/bibliographies concerning program
extraction from various type calculi and also the calculus of constructions
as a specification/design language.

Thanks in advance for any help.

- Dwight Spencer

Dwight L. Spencer
Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering
Oregon Graduate Center, Beaverton, Oregon, USA, 97006-1999
E-mail: dwights@cse.ogc.edu  Phone: (503) 690-1121 x7369