koeneman@trex.rutgers.edu (Juergen Koenemann) (05/08/89)
I'm working on a project "Empirical Studies of Programmers" which looks at human expert strategies to comprehend computer programs. The N-lift scheduling problem has been used in the literature to demonstrate different design techniques and to analyse human design strategies (work done at MCC). I am interested in studying how people comprehend complex , "real world" code. For this purpose, I am looking for code (in any language) which implements (parts of) the control problem of scheduling N-elevators. Working solutions to toy versions (e.g. developed in the course of a software engineering class) are especially welcome. Please email code and/or requests for further info and/or references to published code to koeneman@paul.rutgers.edu Thank You for your attention! Jurgen Koenemann Dept. of Psychology Rutgers -- The State University of New Jersey Busch Campus New Brunswick, NJ 08903 USA -- Juergen Koenemann koeneman@paul.rutgers.edu