[comp.lang.misc] Bibliography for ECOOP'89 Proceedings.

ncjuul@freja.diku.dk (Niels Christian Juul) (07/21/89)

Dear fellow-netters.
This bibliography contains the Proceedings of the European Conference on
Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP'89).
The format is bibtex, with the inclusion of two extra field-names:
	'Class' 	gives keywords for the article.
	'Abstract'	gives an abstract of the article.
Remove anything before the CUT-line, and any traillings, after the TUC-line.
--Niels Chr.
-------------------------- > C U T  here < ----------------------
% File: Bibliography/ecoop89.bib
% Proceedings of ECOOP'89 European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming.
% Compiled by Niels Christian Juul, DIKU, Denmark,  89.07.21.
% Though throughfull proof-readings has been done, no warrenty is given that
% contents of this document is complete correct (neither should it be
% complete incorrect).
% Macro defs.:
% ============
@string{ ecoop89 = "{ECOOP'89} {P}roceedings of the 1989 {E}uropean 
		    {C}onference on {O}bject-{O}riented {P}rogramming" }
@string{ bcsws   = "{B}ritish {C}omputer {S}ociety {W}orkshop {S}eries" }
% Bib.items 
% ==========
% The books containing the 1st, 2nd and 3rd ECOOP proceedings, 
% ie. for the years 1987, 1988 and 1989:
	Key		= "ECOOP'87",
        Editor		= "J. B\'{e}zivin and J.-M. Hullot and P. Cointe and 
			   H. Lieberman",
	Title		= "ECOOP'87,
			   European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming,
			   Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 276", 
	Year		=  1987,
	Publisher	= "Springer-Verlag",
	Abstract	= "Conference held the 15--17 June 1987 in 
			   Paris, France.
			   Proceedings contains 23 refereed 
			   and 2 invited papers"
	Key		= "ECOOP'88",
        Editor		= "S. Gjessing and K. Nygaard",
	Title		= "ECOOP'88,
			   European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming,
			   Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 322",
	Year		=  1988,
	Publisher	= "Springer-Verlag",
	Abstract	= "Conference held the 15--17 August 1988
			   in Oslo, Norway.
			   Proceedings contains 22 refereed (selected from 103)
			   and 1 invited papers"
	Key		= "ECOOP'89",
        Editor  	= "Stephen Cook",
	Title		= "{ECOOP'89}, Proceedings of the 1989 {E}uropean 
			   {C}onference on {O}bject-{O}riented {P}rogramming, 
			   {B}ritish {C}omputer {S}ociety {W}orkshop
	Month		=  jul,
	Year		=  1989,
	Publisher	= "Cambridge University Press",
	Abstract	= "Conference held the 10--14 July 1989 at 
			   East Midland Conference Centre,
			   University of Nottingham, England.
			   Proceedings contains 21 refereed (selected from 90)
			   and 2 invited papers"
% The contents of the 1989 Proceeding (ECOOP'89):
	Key		= "Raj and Levy",
        Author  	= "Rajendra K. Raj and Henry M. Levy",
	Title		= "{A {C}ompositional {M}odel for {S}oftware {R}euse}",
	Pages   	= "3--24",
	Institution 	= "Department of Computer Science, FR-35,
			   University of Washington, Seattle, Washington",
	Booktitle   	=  ecoop89,
	Month		=  jul,
	Year		=  1989,
	Editor  	= "Stephen Cook",
	Publisher	= "Cambridge University Press",
	Organization	=  bcsws,
	Abstract	= "Emerald is a strongly-typed object-oriented 
			   language designed for programming distributed 
			   applications. Among other things, it provides
			   abstract typing, type conformaty, and complete
			   seperation of type from implementation. While
			   Emerald supports type inheritance, it does not
			   support behavior sharing among objects for 
			   simplifying distribution. To increase Emerald's
			   utility in general-purpose programming, some
			   support for software reuse is needed. Our research
			   reveals that inheritance-based techniques commonly
			   used in other object-oriented systems for obtaining
			   reuse are inappropriate for Emerald. As an 
			   alternative to traditional inheritance, a 
			   compositional model, in which objects are composed 
			   from simpler entities, is proposed, outlined and 
			   analyzed in this paper.",
	Class		= "conformaty, inheritance, reuse, composition,
			   Emerald, Jade"
	Key		= "Taenzer Ganti and Podar",
        Author  	= "David Taenzer and Murthy Ganti and Sunil Podar",
	Title		= "Problems in Object-Oriented Software Reuse",
	Pages   	= "25--38",
	Institution 	= "U S WEST Advanced Technologies",
	Month		=  jul,
	Year		=  1989,
	Publisher	= "Cambridge University Press",
	Booktitle   	=  ecoop89,
	Organization	=  bcsws,
	Editor  	= "Stephen Cook",
	Abstract	= "This paper discusses problems in object-oriented 
			   software reuse and tools that can be used to help 
			   alleviate these problems. Two approaches to software
			   reuse in object-oriented programming enviroments are
			   presented: {\em construction} and {\em subclassing}.
			   We have identified an inter-class dependency which 
			   seems to cause problems during the creation of
			   new subclasses. This issue, which we call the 
			   {\em yoyo} problem, is related to objects sending 
			   themselves messages which may cause the execution 
			   of methods up and down the class hierarchy.
			   Tools we have build to help with these problems are
	Class		= "inheritance, reuse, subclassing, self, 
			   enviroment, Objective-C"
	Key		= "Sakkinen",
        Author  	= "Markku Sakkinen",
	Title		= "Disciplined Inheritance",
	Pages   	= "39--56",
	Institution 	= "{University of Jyv\"{a}skyyl\"{a}}, 
			   Department of Computer Science, Finland",
	Month		=  jul,
	Year		=  1989,
	Publisher	= "Cambridge University Press",
	Booktitle   	=  ecoop89,
	Organization	=  bcsws,
	Editor  	= "Stephen Cook",
	Abstract	= "Several other properties of objects are regarded as
			   more important than inheritance. Inheritance is 
			   classified into two alternatives: {\em insidential}
			   and {\em essential}. Incidential inheritance is a 
			   matter of implementation and software engineering,
			   and should be completely encapsulated. Essential
			   inheritance models important relationships in the 
			   problem domain, and should be completely vissible. 
			   It is then attempted to model inheritance in terms 
			   of aggregation and dependence. A number of omissions
			   and divergences and some surprising parallels are
			   found in the treatment of inheritance in existing
			   object-oriented languages and previous literature.
			   This contribution does not pretend to close the 
			   case yet: for instance, intermediate forms between
			   purely incidential and purely essential inheritance
			   are not discussed.",
	Class		= "inheritance, encapsulation, complex objects, type,
			   compability, delegation, programming discipline, 
			   class design"
	Key		= "Cook",
        Author  	= "William R. Cook",
	Title		= "A Proposal for Making Eiffel Type-safe",
	Pages   	= "57--70",
	Institution 	= "Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto, USA.",
	Month		=  jul,
	Year		=  1989,
	Publisher	= "Cambridge University Press",
	Booktitle   	=  ecoop89,
	Organization	=  bcsws,
	Editor  	= "Stephen Cook",
	Abstract	= "Statically type-correct Eiffel programs may produce
			   run-time errors of several reasons. 1) Attributes 
			   may be redeclared during inheritance, invalidating
			   assignments in the superclass. 2) A formal method 
			   argument type may be restricted in violation of the
			   contravariance of function types. 
			   3) Two applications of a generic class are assumed
			   to conform if the actual arguments conform. The 
			   third problem is solved by case analysis on the 
			   variance of generic parameters. Declaration by 
			   association provides a solution to the first two 
			   problems, but suffers from additional difficulties.
			   {\em Type attributes}, or generic parameters with 
			   default values, are suggested as a replacement for 
			   most cases of declaration by association. The 
			   special association type used to express type 
			   recursion cannot be explained using type attributes,
			   and it appears to be a truly novel construct for 
			   typing object-oriented programs. One consequence
			   of this construct is that Eiffel's conformance 
			   hierarchy is a proper subset of its inheritance 
	Class		= "conformance, inheritance, class, type, superclass,
			   covariance, contravariance, generic, Eiffel"
	Key		= "Deutsch",
        Author  	= "L. Peter Deutsch",
	Title		= "The Past, Present and Future of Smalltalk",
	Pages   	= "73--87",
	Institution 	= "ParcPlace Systems",
	Month		=  jul,
	Year		=  1989,
	Publisher	= "Cambridge University Press",
	Booktitle   	=  ecoop89,
	Organization	=  bcsws,
	Editor  	= "Stephen Cook",
	Abstract	= "Smalltalk has firmly established itself as a 
			   contributer to software technology, a practically 
			   useful application development enviroment, and a 
			   participant in the commercial marketplace.
			   This paper reviews its evolution, survey its current
			   roles, and offers some opinions about its future. 
	Class		= "history, future, programming enviroment, Smalltalk"
	Key		= "Yokote, Teraoka and Tokoro",
        Author  	= "Yasuhiko Yokote and  Fumio Teraoka and 
			   Mario Tokoro",
	Title		= "A Reflective Architecture for an Object-Oriented 
			   Distributed Operating System",
	Pages   	= "89--106",
	Institution 	= "Sony Computer Science Laboratori Inc., Japan",
	Month		=  jul,
	Year		=  1989,
	Publisher	= "Cambridge University Press",
	Booktitle   	=  ecoop89,
	Organization	=  bcsws,
	Editor  	= "Stephen Cook",
	Abstract	= "This paper proposes the Muse object model 
			   which provides a reflective architecture 
			   for an object--oriented distributed operating 
			   system. The model makes a clear
			   distinction between meta hierarchy and class 
			   hierarchy. It provides an inheritance mechanism for
			   programming/compile--time facility and a delegation
			   mechanism for run--time facility. It also helps to 
			   manage physical resources which are indispensable 
			   in describing operating systems. The paper also 
			   describes the structure of the Muse operating 
			   systems which is being implemented
			   based on the Muse object model.",
	Class		= "reflective, distributed operating system,
			   inheritance, class, meta hierarchy, model, Muse"
	Key		= "Briot",
        Author  	= "Jean-Pierre Briot",
	Title		= "Actalk: a Testbed for Classifying and Designing 
			   Actor Languages in the Smalltalk-80 Enviroment",
	Pages   	= "109--129",
	Institution 	= "Equipe Mixte LITP - RXF, Universit\'{e} Pierre et
			   Maie Curie, Paris, France",
	Month		=  jul,
	Year		=  1989,
	Publisher	= "Cambridge University Press",
	Booktitle   	=  ecoop89,
	Organization	=  bcsws,
	Editor  	= "Stephen Cook",
	Abstract	= "This paper discribes a system for designing and
			   classifying actor languages. The system, named {\it
			   Actalk}, is based on a minimal kernel 
			   introducing actors into Smalltalk--80.
			   The Actalk kernel extends passive and
			   sequential objects activated by synchronous messages
			   passing into active and concurrent actors 
			   communicating by asynchronous messages 
			   passing. This defines a sub--world
			   of actors embedded into the Smalltalk--80 
			   programming language and environment, which is 
			   left unchanged. The Actalk kernel is composed of 
			   only two Smalltalk--80 classes. Simulating
			   current actor languages or designing
			   new ones is achieved by defining subclasses of 
			   these two kernel classes. All such 
			   extensions are implicitly classified by the 
			   inheritance mechanism and unified into the Actalk 
			   enviroment. We are currently extending the standard
			   Smaltalk--80 programming environment to design a 
			   specific one dedicated to Actalk concurrent 
			   The motivations and the goals which 
			   led to design the Actalk system are first discussed.
			   Then the structure and implementation of the kernel
			   of Actalk is detailed. The very good integration of 
			   this kernel into the Smalltalk--80 programming 
			   language and the enviroment is demonstrated through
			   some examples. Interests and limits of combining 
			   objects with actors are then discussed. In the last
			   part of the paper, we demonstrate
			   the expressive power of the Actalk kernel by 
			   extending it to simulate the two main actor 
			   computation models and programming languages, 
			   namely, the Actor model of computation, and the 
			   Abcl/1 programming language.",
	Class		= "object, concurrency, actor, kernel, integration,
			   modularity, combination, classification,
			   enviroment, simulation, Smalltalk-80,
			   ConcurrentSmalltalk, Act*, Abcl/1"
	Key		= "Kafura and Lee",
        Author  	= "Dennis G. Kafura and Keung Hae Lee",
	Title		= "Inheritance in Actor Based Concurrent 
			   Object-Oriented Languages",
	Pages   	= "131--145",
	Institution 	= "Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech.
			   Blacksburg, Virginia, USA",
	Month		=  jul,
	Year		=  1989,
	Publisher	= "Cambridge University Press",
	Booktitle   	=  ecoop89,
	Organization	=  bcsws,
	Editor  	= "Stephen Cook",
	Abstract	= "Inheritance is a valuable mechanism which enhances
			   reusability and maintainability of software. 
			   A language design based on the actor model of 
			   concurrent computation faces a serious problem 
			   arising from the interference between concurrency 
			   and inheritance. A similar problem also occurs 
			   in other concurrent object--oriented languages. 
			   The problems found in existing concurrent 
			   object--oriented languages are described, and a 
			   solution based on a concept called behavior 
			   abstraction is presented.",
	Class		= "real-time, reuse, open interface, actor,
			   concurrency, inheritance, behavior abstraction"
	Key		= "Kaiser, Popovich, Hseush and Wu",
        Author  	= "Gail E. Kaiser and Steven S. Popovich and 
			   Wenwey Hseush and Shyhtsun Felix Wu",
	Title		= "{MELD}ing Multiple Granularities of Parallelism",
	Pages   	= "147--166",
	Institution 	= "Columbia University",
	Month		=  jul,
	Year		=  1989,
	Publisher	= "Cambridge University Press",
	Booktitle   	=  ecoop89,
	Organization	=  bcsws,
	Editor  	= "Stephen Cook",
	Abstract	= "Programming language design for parallel and/or
		distributed systems typically follows one of three
		approaches. The first is to parallelize and/or distribute
		conventional sequential languages such as Fortran, C and
		Lisp {\it via} a parallelizing compiler and remote
		procedure call. The second approach is to add concurrent
		constructs to what is fundamentally a sequential
		language, as was done for Ada, Argus, Avalon
		and Modula--2. The third is to design a fundamentally
		concurrent language, as has been done for
		ConcurrentSmalltalk, Emerald, Mentat and SISAL.
		These approaches add a nice
		set of facilities for one style of concurrent programming
		while ignoring other styles. We are developing a
		concurrent programming language, MELD, that supports a
		range of concurrent styles by supporting multiple
		programming paradigms at multiple levels of granularity.
		MELD integrates four paradigms: 1) Object--oriented, with
		encapsulated classes, multiple inheritance and active
		objects. 2) Macro dataflow, where the ''macro''
		implies the dataflow is at the source code level - among
		statements - rather than the machine level. 3) Module
		interconnection, with modular units called {\it features}
		that bundle together related classes and exports classes
		for use by other features. 4) Transaction processing, for
		fault-tolerance and concurrency control within
		applications and among users.\\  
		First we give a brief overview of the language, ignoring
		concurrency issues. Then we describe how MELD integrates
		several granularities of parallelism, in particular,
		cuncurrency among users, among objects, among methods and
		among statements. We compare MELD to a number of other
		concurrent object--oriented programming systems, and
		briefly describe the implementation. We conclude by
		summarizing our contributions. The appendix gives a small
		demonstration program.",
	Class		= "multiple inheritance, concurrency, modules,
			   features, parallellism, Meld"
	Key		= "Dixon",
        Author  	= "G. N. Dixon and G. D. Parrington and
			   S. K. Shrivastava and S. M. Wheater",
	Title		= "The Treatment of Persistent Objects in Arjuna",
	Pages   	= "169--189",
	Institution 	= "Computing Laboratory, University of Newcastle upon 
			   Tyne, UK",
	Month		=  jul,
	Year		=  1989,
	Publisher	= "Cambridge University Press",
	Booktitle   	=  ecoop89,
	Organization	=  bcsws,
	Editor  	= "Stephen Cook",
	Abstract	= "{\it Arjuna} is a programming system which provides
			   a set of tools for constructing fault--tolerant 
			   distributed 	applications. It supports an 
			   object--oriented model of omputation in which 
			   atomic actions (atomic transactions)
			   control sequences of operations invoked upon
			   persistent objects. Persistent objects outlive the
			   applications that create them and this paper 
			   concentrates on the mechanisms within {\it Arjuna} 
			   that are concerned with their management. 
			   The paper describes how these
			   mechanisms are related to the other {\it Arjuna}
			   mechanisms required by atomic actions for the
			   distribution, concurrency control, recovery and 
			   commitment of persistent objects.",
	Class		= "atomic transaction, persistency, fault-tolerant,
			   distribution, C++, Arjuna"
	Key		= "Shapiro, Gautron and Mosseri",
        Author  	= "Marc Shapiro and Philippe Gautron and 
			   Laurence Mosseri",
	Title		= "Persistence and Migration for C++ Objects",
	Pages   	= "191--204",
	Institution 	= "INRIA, France",
	Month		=  jul,
	Year		=  1989,
	Publisher	= "Cambridge University Press",
	Booktitle   	=  ecoop89,
	Organization	=  bcsws,
	Editor  	= "Stephen Cook",
	Abstract	= "We describe the support to object management of the
		distributed object--oriented operating system SOS. We
		discuss the integration of object migration and storage
		into C++ programs, a language not designed for that
		purpose. The necessary support is split between the
		compiler and a run--time object management system.
		Migration and storage preserve the type and structure of
		the objects, which may be user--defined and arbitrarily
		Our mechanisms are simple, generic, and require little
		programmer intervention. The key elements are dynamic
		classes, a generalized pointer type which allows to
		efficiently refer to an object, pre--requisite objects,
		and a mechanism for object re--initialization.",
	Class		= "persistency, migration, dynamic linking, dynamic
			   type-checking, object-oriented operating system, 
			   C++, SOS"
	Key		= "Kahn",
        Author  	= "Kenneth M. Kahn",
	Title		= "Objects --- A Fresh Look",
	Pages   	= "207--223",
	Institution 	= "Xerox PARC, USA",
	Month		=  jul,
	Year		=  1989,
	Publisher	= "Cambridge University Press",
	Booktitle   	=  ecoop89,
	Organization	=  bcsws,
	Editor  	= "Stephen Cook",
	Abstract	= "Actors and object--oriented programming have survived for
		about twenty years without significant changes  in the
		basic conception of what an object or actor is. Looking
		at object--oriented programming from the concurrent logic
		programming framework leads one to question the very
		basic assumptions of objecthood. Need there be only
		a single port through which all messages to an
		object arrive? Or can there be several input ports
		corresponding to different capabilities or viewpoints?
		When a message is put on a port why can't there be
		more than one listener jointly reacting? What is the
		identity of an object and why do we think it persists over
		time? Would it be useful to be able to transfer
		communication ports? Perhaps a busy object should be able
		to clone itself and share the incoming requests and later
		All of these ways of stretching the notion of objecthood
		are expressible in a straight--forward and natural manner
		in concurrent logic programming languages. Concurrent
		logic programming techniques have been developed and are
		in common use which exploit these extra degrees of
		freedom. These techniques are presented along with a
		discussion of their importance and utility. The lesson
		which I hope object--oriented programmers will draw from
		this paper is that there is novel, relevant, and useful
		research going on in the concurrent logic programming
	Class		= "logic, actors, port, object identity, concurrent
			   logic programming"
	Key		= "Pun and Winder",
        Author  	= "Winnie W. Y. Pun and Russel L. Winder",
	Title		= "A Design Method For Object-Oriented Programming",
	Pages   	= "225--240",
	Institution 	= "Department of Computer Science, University 
			   College London, England",
	Month		=  jul,
	Year		=  1989,
	Publisher	= "Cambridge University Press",
	Booktitle   	=  ecoop89,
	Organization	=  bcsws,
	Editor  	= "Stephen Cook",
	Abstract	= "This paper describes the primary framework of a 
		design method targeted at object--oriented programming. The
		design method is not a revolutionary one but adopts
		appropriate ideas and graphical constructs from existing
		design methods. It is specially tailored to the
		characteristic features of object--oriented programming
		languages. This paper mainly discusses the structure and
		some of the preliminary ideas of the design method.",
	Class		= "design methods, structure chart, inheritance,
			   design layer"
	Key		= "Attardi, Bonini, Boscotrecase, Flagella, Gaspari",
        Author  	= "Guiseppe Attardi and Cinzia Bonini and Maria
			   Rosaria Boscotrecase and Tito Flagella and 
			   Mauro Gaspari",
	Title		= "Metalevel Programming in CLOS",
	Pages   	= "243--257",
	Institution 	= "Artificial Intelligence Division, DELPHI SpA, 
	Month		=  jul,
	Year		=  1989,
	Publisher	= "Cambridge University Press",
	Booktitle   	=  ecoop89,
	Organization	=  bcsws,
	Editor  	= "Stephen Cook",
	Abstract	= "The facilities of the Metaobject Protocol are 
			   explored to incorporate various paradigms of 
			   object--oriented programming within the Common 
			   Lisp Object System (CLOS). The basic principles 
			   of metalevel programming are sketched and
			   the technique is applied to develop atomic objects,
			   persistent objects and graphic objects for CLOS.",
	Class		= "metaobject, atomic objects, persistency, 
			   inheritance, CLOS"
	Key		= "Malanfant, Lapalme and Vaucher",
        Author  	= "Jacques Malanfant and Guy Lapalme and Jean Vaucher",
	Title		= "{ObjVProlog:} Metaclasses in Logic",
	Pages   	= "257--269",
	Institution 	= "Laboratoire INCOGNITO, Universit\'{e} de 
	  	  	   Montr\'{e}al, Canada",
	Month		=  jul,
	Year		=  1989,
	Publisher	= "Cambridge University Press",
	Booktitle   	=  ecoop89,
	Organization	=  bcsws,
	Editor  	= "Stephen Cook",
	Abstract	= "This paper presents an extension of logic 
			   programming towards object--oriented programming
			   through the adaption of the {ObjVLisp} model to 
			   Prolog. The resulting system is called {ObjVProlog},
			   which provides metaclasses and unifies
			   metaclass/class/instance concepts in a systematic 
			   and reflective way. The {ObjVProlog} system and its
			   implementation are described. Metaclasses are 
			   shown to be a very powerful tool. In this paper, 
			   we use them in an object--oriented way to develop 
			   a {\it part-whole hierarchy} and also for logic 
			   programming to define objects that behave like 
			   expert systems. Several other potential uses
			   are discussed: faster objects, parallelism, object
			   versions with virtual copy mechanisms and 
			   objects with a specialized logic.",
	Class		= "logic programming, metaclasses, meta-programming,
			   reflective, part-whole hierarchy, ObjVProlog, 
	Key		= "Mueller and {Pr\"{o}frock}",
        Author  	= "Gerhard {{M\"{u}ller}} and 
			   Anna-Kristin {Pr\"{o}frock}",
	Title		= "Four Steps and a Rest in Putting an Object-Oriented
			   Programming Enviroment to Practical Use",
	Pages   	= "271--282",
	Institution 	= "Nixdorf Software Engineering GmbH, F.R. Germany",
	Month		=  jul,
	Year		=  1989,
	Publisher	= "Cambridge University Press",
	Booktitle   	=  ecoop89,
	Organization	=  bcsws,
	Editor  	= "Stephen Cook",
	Abstract	= "Designing and developing an object--oriented 
			   programming 	enviroment is an exciting task. 
			   Putting it into practice is a different matter 
			   entirely. We did both. This paper reports on 
			   the achievements and setbacks encountered in
		putting A.S.E., an object--oriented programming language
		and associated enviroment, to practical use in
		application software development projects. Although the
		experience outlined is based on a limited number of
		projects of various sizes, it might be expected that
		object--oriented programming is well--suited for
		modelling a wide class of applications problems. The
		authors conclude that as increasing use is made of the
		object--oriented approach, so too will the traditional
		development cycle see major changes which will not only
		bring forth better applications, but also lead to
		problems in moving traditional programmers into the
		object--oriented world.",
	Class		= "programming enviroment, development style,
			   experience, A.S.E."
	Key		= "Gamma, Weinand and Marty",
        Author  	= "Erich Gamma and {Andr\'{e}} Weinand and Rudolf 
	Title		= "Integration of a Programming Enviroment into
			   ET++ --- A Case Study",
	Pages   	= "283--297",
	Institution 	= "Institut {f\'{u}r} Informatik, University of 
			   {Z\"{u}rich}, Switzerland",
	Month		=  jul,
	Year		=  1989,
	Publisher	= "Cambridge University Press",
	Booktitle   	=  ecoop89,
	Organization	=  bcsws,
	Editor  	= "Stephen Cook",
	Abstract	= "ET++ is an object--oriented application 
			   framework designed to provide a
			   foundation for interactive graphic applications 
			   with a consistent user
			   interface. ET++ is implemented in C++ and runs 
			   under UNIX and SunWindows or the
			   X11 window system. This paper 
			   presents a case study of the integration of a
			   programming environment consisting 
			   of an {\it inspector}, a {\it class
			   browser}, and a {\it hierarchy viewer} 
			   into ET++ based on an extended runtime
			   support for C++. As an enhancement 
			   of the programming environment a prototype
			   of a {\it hypertext cookbook} 
			   illustrating the application building process
			   with ET++ is briefly discussed. 
			   The paper also includes a discription of the
			   basic functionally of ET++ and a 
			   discussion of the design and implementation of
			   the programming environment. 
			   Emphasis is put on the benefits of using an
			   object--oriented application framework.",
	Class		= "application framework, user interface, run-time
			   support, programming enviroment, teaching, C++,
	Key		= "Friedrich, {H\"{o}llinger}, Stary and Stumptner",
        Author  	= "Gerhard Friedrich and Wolfgang {H\"{o}llinger} and 
			   Christian Stary and Markus Stumptner",
	Title		= "{ObjView:} A Task-Oriented, Graphics-Based Tool for 
			   Object Visualization and Arrangement",
	Pages   	= "299--310",
	Institution 	= "Technical University of 
			   Vienna, Austria",
	Month		=  jul,
	Year		=  1989,
	Publisher	= "Cambridge University Press",
	Booktitle   	=  ecoop89,
	Organization	=  bcsws,
	Editor  	= "Stephen Cook",
	Abstract	= "The {ObjView} tool provides interactive, 
			   graphics--based access to object,
			   relationship and methods, supporting 
			   the varied activities of designing
			   components for automatic routing systems. 
			   The visualization uses a
			   object--oriented representation of 
			   complex technical systems including context
			   specific information (attributes, 
			   methods, etc.) which encourages users to
			   manipulate and view parts of the 
			   system in a modular fashion. It supports
			   navigation along physical and 
			   functional object relationships, as well as
			   direct selection of objects from a 
			   graphical representation of the internal
			   system model. A preliminary version of 
			   the application has been implemented to
			   demonstrate the functional and 
			   organization features of the user
	Class		= "visualization, user interface, automatic routing,
	Key		= "Madavy, Campbell, Russo and Leyens",
        Author  	= "Peter W. Madavy and Roy H. Campbell and Vincent F. 
			   Russo and Douglas E. Leyens",
	Title		= "A Class Hierarchy for Building Stream-Oriented File
	Pages   	= "311--328",
	Institution 	= "University of Illinois at Urbane-Champaign, USA", 
	Month		=  jul,
	Year		=  1989,
	Publisher	= "Cambridge University Press",
	Booktitle   	=  ecoop89,
	Organization	=  bcsws,
	Editor  	= "Stephen Cook",
	Abstract	= "This paper describes the object--oriented 
			   design and implementation of a family
			   of stream--oriented file systems under UNIX 
			   and under an object--oriented
			   operating system called {\it Choices}. 
			   A class hierarchy provides an
			   object--oriented taxonomy of the algorithms 
			   and data structures used in the
			   design of this family. The family includes 
			   the System V file system, the 4.2
			   BSD file system, and the MS--DOS file system.
			   The class hierarchy has been developed by a 
			   series of experiments that are
			   designed to lead to a framework for 
			   object--oriented file systems. The class
			   hierarchy for stream--oriented file systems 
			   is the product of the second
			   experiment in this series in which we 
			   revised a class hierarchy for UNIX--like
			   file systems to include the MS--DOS file system. 
			   We describe the hierarchy, how it evolved 
			   from the first experiment to the second, 
			   and review the lessons that we
			   have learned from the two experiments.",
	Class		= "object-oriented file system, stream-oriented file
			   system, class hierarchy, inheritance, C++, Choices"
	Key		= "Hedin",
        Author  	= "{G\"{o}rel} Hedin",
	Title		= "An Object-Oriented Notation for Attribute Grammers",
	Pages   	= "329--345",
	Institution 	= "Department of Computer Science, Lund University, 
	Month		=  jul,
	Year		=  1989,
	Publisher	= "Cambridge University Press",
	Booktitle   	=  ecoop89,
	Organization	=  bcsws,
	Editor  	= "Stephen Cook",
	Abstract	= "This paper presents an attribute grammar notation 
			   which is based on the object--oriented concepts 
			   of classification hierarchies, inheritance, 
			   and late binding. The notation allows compact and 
			   flexible language specification through the use of 
			   inheritance and equation overriding. Furthermore, 
			   demand attributes can be implemented efficiently 
			   by using a technique similar to the one used for 
			   virtual procedures in Simula. Such attributes are 
			   important especially in incremental language--based 
			   environments as they do not consume storage. 
			   The notation also makes it possible to define 
			   general attributes which can be accessed without 
			   knowledge of the particular language modelled by 
			   the grammar. This can be utilized for integration 
			   of grammar independent tools. The notation is 
			   based on a single--inheritance classification, 
			   and a discussion is given on the problems which 
			   would arise if the notation was augmented to
	Class		= "attribute grammers, demand attributes,
			   language-based enviroments, single inheritance,
			   late binding, Simula"
	Key		= "Yelland",
        Author  	= "Phillip M Yelland",
	Title		= "First Steps Towards Fully Abstract Semantics for 
			   Object-Oriented Languages",
	Pages   	= "347--364",
	Institution 	= "University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory, UK",
	Month		=  jul,
	Year		=  1989,
	Publisher	= "Cambridge University Press",
	Booktitle   	=  ecoop89,
	Organization	=  bcsws,
	Editor  	= "Stephen Cook",
	Abstract	= "A number of denotational models have been 
			   proposed for object--oriented languages. Authors 
			   of more recent models have expressed 
			   dissatisfaction with the lack of {"abstractness"} 
			   in earlier ones. They claim that these earlier
			   models describe details of objects which are 
			   invisible to an external observer --- in short, 
			   that they are not {\it fully abstract}. 
			   In this paper, we present a formal characterization
			   of the visible behaviour of object. We show
			   that using a natural full abstractness criterion 
			   based on this definition, even more recent models 
			   of object--oriented languages are unnecessarily 
			   {"concrete"}. We go on to present a semantics 
			   for a very simple object--oriented language
			   based on projections of state--transition graphs 
			   for programs, and demonstrate
			   that it is fully abstract.",
	Class		= "abstract semantics, visible behavior,  
			   state-transition graphs"
	Key		= "Laenens, Staes and Vermeir",
        Author  	= "E. Laenens and F. Staes and D. Vermeir",
	Title		= "A Customizable Window-Interface To Object-Oriented
	Pages   	= "367--381",
	Institution 	= "Philips PASS-AIT, KIWIS team, Eindhoven, Netherlands
			   and Department of Math. Computer Science, 
			   University of Antwerp, Belgium",
	Month		=  jul,
	Year		=  1989,
	Publisher	= "Cambridge University Press",
	Booktitle   	=  ecoop89,
	Organization	=  bcsws,
	Editor  	= "Stephen Cook",
	Abstract	= "In this paper we present a user interface to the
			   KIWI object--oriented database system. The system 
			   combines ease of use with a powerful customization 
			   facility which greatly simplifies the development 
			   of end--user applications. This is achieved by 
			   using the underlying object--oriented language 
			   (OOPS+) features such as inheritance to define 
			   a consistent and orthogonal set of graphical
			   object classes that can be used to attach a 
			   taylor--made external representation of (a view on)
			   objects and/or classes. In addition, using the
			   same tools, it becomes a simple matter to define 
			   general purpose browsing and manipulation tools 
			   which otherwise would have to be developed
	Class		= "user interface, object-oriented database,
			   graphical objects, OOPS+, KIWI"
	Key		= "Coutaz",
        Author  	= "{Jo\"{e}lle} Coutaz",
	Title		= "Architecture Models for Interactive Software",
	Pages   	= "383--399",
	Institution 	= "Laboratoire de {G\'{e}nie} Informatique (IMAG), 
			   Grenoble Cedex, France",
	Month		=  jul,
	Year		=  1989,
	Publisher	= "Cambridge University Press",
	Booktitle   	=  ecoop89,
	Organization	=  bcsws,
	Editor  	= "Stephen Cook",
	Abstract	= "The definition of an appropriate architecture
			   is an important problem in user interface design. 
			   Without an adequate architectural model, the 
			   resulting software may be hard to modify and 
			   maintain. Even worse, it may be unable to take 
			   the user's characteristics into account.\\
			   This paper presents an overview of three 
			   significant architectural models and proposes an 
			   evaluation. It shows that the monolithic 
			   sequential views of interactive software do not 
			   match the cognitive processes involved in
			   computer--human interaction. Early experiences 
			   with PAC, an object--oriented model, tend to 
			   prove that parallel multi--agent views are 
			   well--suited to the opportunistic behaviour 
			   of the user and to interactive design.",
	Class		= "user interface design, user interface software 
			   architecture, interactive software model,
			   object-oriented model, PAC"
-------------------------- > T U C  here < ----------------------
end of ECOOP'89 bibliography.

	Niels Christian Juul
	DIKU (alias Dept. Comp.Sci., Univ. of Copenhagen)
	Universitetsparken 1
	DK 2100 Copenhagen 
	Email: ncjuul@diku.dk
	Phone: +45 31 39 64 66

(traillings for line-eaters)

ncjuul@freja.diku.dk (Niels Christian Juul) (07/21/89)

Dear fellow-netters.

I have compiled a bibliography containing the Proceedings of the Third

European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP'89).

The format is bibtex, but abstracts and keywords of articles are included too.
The bibliography will be submittet to newsgroup comp.lang.misc in the
absence of a special oop group.
So look there if You want to include these references.
You can also get an impression of the European OOP scene this summer, by 
browsing through the abstracts.

% File: Bibliography/ecoop89.bib
% Proceedings of ECOOP'89 European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming.
% Compiled by Niels Christian Juul, DIKU, Denmark,  89.07.21.
% Though throughfull proof-readings has been done, no warrenty is given that
% contents of this document is complete correct (neither should it be
% complete incorrect).

	Niels Christian Juul
	DIKU (alias Dept. Comp.Sci., Univ. of Copenhagen)
	Universitetsparken 1
	DK 2100 Copenhagen 
	Email: ncjuul@diku.dk
	Phone: +45 31 39 64 66

(traillings for line-eaters)