[comp.lang.misc] OOP for IBM ?

scb1@tank.uchicago.edu (Sam Blackman) (09/16/89)

Does anybody know of an Object-Oriented Programing language package that
will run on an IBM PS/2 system, possibly under OS/2 ?  I'm looking for
something easy-to-use (on a relative scale) that will be used for
database development.

Thanks in advance !!


Samuel C. Blackman        ! InterNet : scb1@tank.uchicago.edu   Link : UG0184
University of Chicago     ! Disclaimer : Who cares what I say? I'm a student !
5319 S. Maryland Ave. #2  ! Quote : "Changing the world one person at a time"
Chicago, IL 60615         ! Phone : (312) 715-3100 x.60 (w) (312) 947-8652 (h)