[comp.lang.misc] functional language ml

george@icad.COM (George Colpitts) (11/29/89)

Is it possible to obtain a version of ml from someone on the net ? 
Is there a newsgroup for functional languages like ML and Miranda  ?

nick@lfcs.ed.ac.uk (Nick Rothwell) (11/29/89)

In article <GEORGE.89Nov28184025@icad.icad.COM>, george@icad (George Colpitts) writes:
>Is it possible to obtain a version of ml from someone on the net ? 

If you're in the US, the best bet is to FTP the MacQueen/Appel New
Jersey ML system from AT&T Bell Labs - mail Dave MacQueen
(macqueen@research.att.com) for details. We have this, as well as a
small, portable, ML core language system available on a mail server
here in Edinburgh.

>Is there a newsgroup for functional languages like ML and Miranda  ?

There's a mailing list at CMU - sml@cs.cmu.edu (and a corresponding
sml-request, I think). I believe there's a Miranda one as well, but
don't know anything about it.

Nick Rothwell,	Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science, Edinburgh.
		nick@lfcs.ed.ac.uk    <Atlantic Ocean>!mcvax!ukc!lfcs!nick
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           "You're gonna jump!?"       "No, Al. I'm gonna FLY!"