jnw@shades.cis.ufl.edu (Joseph N. Wilson) (03/29/90)
C.I.S. COLLOQUIUM SERIES Department of Computer Science University of Florida Recent Advances in the Study of LR Parsing Formalisms Dr. George Logothetis AT&T Bell Laboratories Liberty Corner, New Jersey Monday, April 2 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Building CSE, Room 305 (Refreshments Provided After the Talk) Abstract ________ We will discuss some recent fundamental developments in the formalisms of certain types of LR parsing schemes, that considerably enhance their understandabiliy. These developments include a fundamentally new and better way of formulating the problem of computing lookahead for LR parsers, and new algorithms that are as efficient as their old counterparts, but much more concise and straightforward. Specifically, we will discuss a new LALR(1) technique based on the following discovery: the computation of LALR(1) lookahead amounts to nothing more than the computation of certain suitable Follow sets. This observation captures, once and for all, the essence of the problem of computing LALR(1) lookahead. It also leads to the most straightforward and concise LALR(1) algorithm yet discovered, and reveals important structural similarities between LALR(1) and other types of LR techniques.