db@lfcs.ed.ac.uk (Dave Berry) (04/11/90)
Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science A Three Day Course: Programming in the Large in Standard ML 30 May - 1 June 1990 Kevin Mitchell, Dave Berry, Mike Fourman, Ed Kazmieczak, Nick Rothwell An advanced course in large-scale software engineering using the Standard ML language A primer/refresher course is available on 28/29 May covering basic features of the ML language needed for the full course This is an intensive course covering the the design, formal specification and implementation of software systems, using the Standard ML Programming Language. The Standard ML `Core Language' provides advanced features for constructing small- to medium-scale systems - the Module Facility supports the assembly of program modules into medium- and large-scale systems. The main course will cover the modules facility, both in concept and in use for constructing large systems. There will be a significant amount of practical work. There will be an introduction to structured operational semantics and its use in defining the Standard ML language. The Course will conclude with an introduction to the formal specification of Standard ML programs using the Extended ML specification language. The main course is fairly intensive and attendees should be familiar with the core language (for example, by studying the books "Functional Programming in Standard ML" by Ake Wikstrom published by Prentice Hall or "Elements of Functional Programming" by Chris Reade, published by Addison Wesley). Alternatively a two day primer to the core language is available before the main course - this will bring newcomers to the language up to the level required by the main course or might be used as a refresher course. There is a considerable amount of practical material on the course. This will be done on Sun workstations and attendees will find it beneficial if they are familiar with window systems such as X-windows or Suntools and editors such as Emacs or vi, as well as Unix itself. The registration package will include further background information. The Standard ML Language Standard ML is distinct in giving the full range of facilities of a functional and list processing language with the benefit of strong typing and implicit polymorphism. With a formal semantics for both the static and dynamic aspects of the language, Standard ML can claim, mathematically, to be the best understood programming language in widespread use today. A number of implementations of the language are available and are in use in many hundreds of sites around the world. The language has been generally acclaimed as being fairly easy to learn and also as having met its design goal of being particularly suitable for large scale software engineering. SML systems are implemented as incremental compilers thus giving the benefit of rapid interactive working with the performance of a compiler. Participants may take a copy of the public domain implementations away with them. (Bring a blank tape or cartridge.) Course Topics: + structures (packages) + signatures (interfaces) + functors (parameterised packages) + hierarchical and shared structures + operational semantics and the Standard ML language + case study - the design and implementation of a compiler. + formal specification of Standard ML programs - defining functions by means of axioms - loose specifications - specifying interfaces - "abstract" programs Course Presenters: Dr. Kevin Mitchell, Course Co-ordinator, Lecturer in the Computer Science Department at the University of Edinburgh and member of the LFCS. He has been involved in the Standard ML project since its inception, is a member of the language design team and has been the principal implementor of the Edinburgh Standard ML system. Chief research interests are operational semantics, compiler-compilers and the implementation of functional programming languages. Dr. Dave Berry, Research fellow in LFCS. He is a member of the ML design team and is working on development of ML programming environments. His research interests include automatic generation of software tools from formal specifications of programming languages and object oriented programming. Prof Michael Fourman, Professor of Computer Systems in the Computer Science Department at the University of Edinburgh and member of the LFCS. Research interests include category theory and its application to Computer Science, mechanised theorem proving, hardware verification and the design and use of functional languages. He is a director of Abstract Hardware Ltd. which is producing advanced behavioural design tools. Dr. Ed Kazmierkzak, Research Fellow in LFCS. Recently imported from Tasmania, working on Extended ML. Research interests include algebraic specification and its use in program development, functional languages and mechanised theorem proving. Dr. Nick Rothwell, Research Fellow in LFCS. He is a member of the ML design team and has designed and implemented polymorphic languages to investigate concurrency utilisation, nondeterminism, user interaction and typechecking. His chief research interests are development environments and interfaces for interactive programming languages. Booking To secure a place on this course return the reply form or telephone UnivEd Technologies at the number shown below. Fees The fee of 450 +VAT (300 for the primer) includes course notes, lunches and light refreshments and the course dinner (to be held on Thursday 31st). Payment is due prior to the start of the course. Cheques should be made payable to UnivEd Technologies Ltd. For cancellations prior to 23rd May a 20% administration charge will be deducted from refunds; thereafter no refunds can be made. Substitutions may be made at any time. Academics and members of organisations affiliated to LFCS are eligible for a 25% discount on course fees. In addition academics can apply for significant additional discounts on standby places which are allocated one week before the start of the course; contact Edith Field at the number below for more information. Venue The Course will take place in the James Clerk Maxwell Building, The King's Buildings, University of Edinburgh. This is the science campus of the University, about 2 miles south of the city centre. There is ample parking and a list of nearby hotels and guest houses is available on request. LFCS Courses This is one of a number of short courses presented by the Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science. These courses are an introduction to the internationally recognised research of LFCS; they combine theoretical grounding with practical application, usually through the use of tools. Other courses include: Functional Programming in Standard ML; Algebraic Specification in Theory and Practice; Formal Verification and Design; Machine Assisted Proof and Reasoning about Concurrent and Communicating Systems; Semantics of Formal Systems. For further information contact: Edith Field, Continuing Education Manager UnivEd Technologies Ltd. University of Edinburgh 16 Buccleuch Place Edinburgh EH8 0LL Tel: 031-667 1011 ext.6742 Fax: 031-662-4061 ________________________________________________________________________ Registration Form Programing in the Large in Standard ML 30 May - 1 June 1990 (Primer: 29 - 30June) Please reserve ____ places at 450 pounds + VAT (517.50)on the full course and____ places at 300 pounds + VAT (345) on the primer. (25% discount for Academics and LFCS Affiliates) (also standby places for academics (200 and 100 (each +VAT) pounds for full course and primer respecively) and research students (100 and 50 pounds (+VAT)) - contact Edith Field for more information) Participant 1:___________________________________________ Participant 2:___________________________________________ Organisation:____________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Telephone:_______________________________________________ _ |_| I enclose a cheque for ______made payable to UnivEd Technologies Ltd. _ |_| Payment will be made on receipt of an invoice. Return to: Edith Field Continuing Education Manager UnivEd Technologies Ltd. Freepost 16 Buccleuch Place Edinburgh EH8 0LL Tel: 031-667 1011 ext. 6742 Fax: 031-662-4061 Electronic mail: edith@uk.ac.ed.lfcs _ |_| I cannot attend, but please keep me informed of future LFCS Courses. Dave Berry, LFCS, Edinburgh Uni. db%lfcs.ed.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk Premise 1: The people who control information will control society. Premise 2: People in power tend to stay in power. Conclusion: ...