[comp.lang.misc] CFP: Midwest Soc. for Prog. Lang. & Syst. Fall Mtg.

wilson@uicbert.eecs.uic.edu (09/01/90)

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                   please post and/or redistribute

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                       Call for Participation

                        Fall 1990 Meeting of

                         Midwest Society for
                 Programming Languages and Systems

            Chicago, Illinois, Saturday November 10, 1990

    The Fall 1990 meeting of the Midwest Society for Programming Languages
and Systems will be held on Saturday, November 10,1990 at the University of
Illinois at Chicago.  Registration and a buffet lunch will be from 11:30 to
12:45, followed by the meeting itself; all will be at the Science and
Engineering Offices Building.  There will be a $20 fee to cover lunch,
the meeting, and dinner at a local restaurant afterwards. 

   A few volunteers to give 25-minute talks are solicited.  There will be
at most one speaker per institution.

    For more information contact:

                    Paul R. Wilson
                    Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Dept.
                    University of Illinois at Chicago
                    Box 4348 (M/C 154)
                    Chicago, IL 60680

                    phone: (312) 996-4562 (lab), or 226-3179 (home box)
                    E-mail: wilson@bert.eecs.uic.edu

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cut here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    To register make checks payable to "Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science Dept. -- UIC" and mail with the registration form below to Paul
Wilson at the above address.

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    !                       Midwest Society for                      !
    !              Programming Languages and Systems                 !
              Name !
        Department !
       Institution !
          Address  !
    City/State/Zip !
            E-mail !

     give talk?                 no   yes 

     if yes, give title                       

     host Spring 1991 meeting?  no   yes

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cut here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  UNIVERSITY of ILLINOIS at CHICAGO           G      |   |     \         \ 
  EAST ("CIRCLE") CAMPUS MAP                   r     |   | T    \ KENNEDY \
  (Just Southwest of downtown Chicago)          e    |   |  o    \  EXPWY. \
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  |   |        EISENHOWER EXPRESSWAY (I-290)         |   |                    |
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  <-- To West (Medical Center) Campus     Harrison St.
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  |   |   | U H |                                    |   |          |         |
  |   |   | n a |                          Dorms     |   |          |         |
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  |   |   |L       |                     |   r  o |  |    -------   |  DAN    |
  | S |   | i      |        and          | C  c   |  |   |          |  RYAN   |
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  |   | | OFF. BLDG.|      | Science and Engr. |     |   ||      |  |         |
  |   |  ===========       | Laboratories Bldg.|     |   ||      |  |         |
  |   |        \ \          -------------------      |   | ------   |         |
  |   |         | |              Engr. Bldg.         |   |          |         |
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 <-- to Little Italy         Taylor St.
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                              NOT TO SCALE
   <- West         MANY SMALL BUILDINGS HAVE BEEN OMITTED.           East ->

 MSPLS meets in Room 1000 on the 10th floor of the Science & Engineering
 Offices Bldg., 851 S. Morgan.  SEO is the 13-story building near the
 corner of Morgan and Taylor. 
Paul R. Wilson                         
Software Systems Laboratory               lab ph.: (312) 996-9216
U. of Illin. at C. EECS Dept. (M/C 154)   wilson@bert.eecs.uic.edu
Box 4348   Chicago,IL 60680