[comp.lang.misc] MATHEMATICA

hhasan@max.physics.sunysb.edu (Hidayat Hasan) (12/08/90)

	-> We have a Mathematica package on our system for the last 
	   one year. Recently, I decided to explore its capabilities. 
	   I have encouraged several of my fellow graduate students
	   to use it for there programming. I myself have written
	   several small programs and a couple of packages. 

	-> I would like to exchange ideas about the plus and minus
	   points of the Mathematica with other users. I would
	   particularly like to hear and learn from people who are
	   using the system for longer time and also from people
	   who have used similar other packages.

	-> So far, our impressions about 'MATHEMATICA -- A System for
	   Doing Mathematics by Computer" are:
	   -> It is very easy to use for common computations.
	   -> It handles symbolic mathematics efficiently.
	   -> Due to the large library of build-in functions
	      programming is generally very concise.
	   -> For common numerical work no special knowledge
	      of 'language' is required.
	   -> It can handle all kind of graphics but making changes 
	      from the default values is not as neat as the rest of
	      the system.

	-> Although its speed for many numerical works is impressive
	   (it takes less than 45 seconds to calculate pi to 5000
	   places of decimal on our system), the time for programs
	   written by us seems to increase exponentially with the
	   size of the code. Is it our novice programming or other
	   users also have the same impression?

	-> My prior apologies if this is not the right newsgroup to
	   discuss this. If so, can someone direct me to the right
	   one. Thanks.

   Hidayat Hasan, Physics Deptt., SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794.