[comp.lang.misc] A polyglot program

peril@extro.ucc.su.OZ.AU (Peter Lisle) (03/18/91)

A little while ago some people were talking about polyglot programs in
rec.puzzles, these are programs that are written in several languages.
We thought it sounded like fun so we wrote this one.

Our friends suggested we should post it -- so here it is, let us know
what you think.

-------- cut here (keep the blank lines: they are important) --------

Cu  #%* )pop mark/CuG 4 def/# 2 def%%%%@@P[TX---P\P_SXPY!Ex(mx2ex("SX!Ex4P)Ex=
CuG #%*                                                                  *+Ex=
CuG #%*------------------------------------------------------------------*+Ex=
CuG #%*   POLYGLOT - a program in seven languages      15 February 1991  *+Ex=
CuG #%*                                                                  *+Ex=
CuG #%*   Written by Kevin Bungard, Peter Lisle, and Chris Tham          *+Ex=
CuG #%*                                                                  *+Ex=
CuG #%*   We have successfully run this program using the following:     *+Ex=
CuG #%*     ANSI COBOL:            MicroFocus COBOL85 (not COBOL74)      *+Ex=
CuG #%*     ISO  Pascal:           Turbo Pascal (DOS & Mac), Unix PC,    *+Ex=
CuG #%*                            AIX VS Pascal                         *+Ex=
CuG #%*     ANSI Fortran:          Unix f77, AIX VS Fortran              *+Ex=
CuG #%*     ANSI C (lint free):    Microsoft C, Unix CC, GCC, Turbo C++, *+Ex=
CuG #%*                            Think C (Mac)                         *+Ex=
CuG #%*     PostScript:            GoScript, HP/Adobe cartridge,         *+Ex=
CuG #%*                            Apple LaserWriter                     *+Ex=
CuG #%*     Shell script:          gnu bash, sh (SysV, BSD, MKS), ksh    *+Ex=
CuG #%*     8086 machine language: MS-DOS 2.00, 3.03, 4.01, 5.00 beta    *+Ex=
CuG #%*                            VPix & DOS Merge (under unix)         *+Ex=
CuG #%*                            SoftPC (on a Mac), MKS shell          *+Ex=
CuG #%*                                                                  *+Ex=
CuG #%*   Usage:                                                         *+Ex=
CuG #%*     1. Rename this file to polyglot.[cob|pas|f77|c|ps|sh|com]    *+Ex=
CuG #%*     2. Compile and/or run with appropriate compiler and          *+Ex=
CuG #%*        operating system                                          *+Ex=
CuG #%*                                                                  *+Ex=
CuG #%*   Notes:                                                         *+Ex=
CuG #%*     1. We have attempted to use only standard language features. *+Ex=
CuG #%*        Without the -traditional flag gcc will issue a warning.   *+Ex=
CuG #%*                                                                  *+Ex=
CuG #%*     2. This text is a comment block in all seven languages.      *+Ex=
CuG #%*                                                                  *+Ex=
CuG #%*     3. When run as a .COM file with MS-DOS it makes certain      *+Ex=
CuG #%*        (not unreasonable) assumptions about the contents of      *+Ex=
CuG #%*        the registers.                                            *+Ex=
CuG #%*                                                                  *+Ex=
CuG #%*     4. When transfering from Unix to DOS make sure that a LF     *+Ex=
CuG #%*        is correctly translated into a CR/LF.                     *+Ex=
CuG #%*                                                                  *+Ex=
CuG #%*   Please mail any comments, corrections or additions to          *+Ex=
CuG #%*   peril@extro.ucc.su.oz.au                                       *+Ex=
CuG #%*                                                                  *+Ex=
CuG #%*------------------------------------------------------------------*QuZ=
CuG #%*                                                                  *+Ex=
CuG #(*                                                                  *(
C   # */);                                                              /*(
C   # *)  program        polyglot (output);                             (*+
C   #     identification division.
C   #     program-id.    polyglot.
C   #
C   #     data           division.
C   #     procedure      division.
C   #
C   # * ))cleartomark   /Bookman-Demi findfont 36 scalefont setfont     (
C   # *                                                                 (
C   #
C   # *                  hello polyglots$
C   #     main.
C   #         perform
C     * ) 2>_$$; echo   "hello polyglots"; rm _$$; exit
C             stop run.
     -*,                'hello polyglots'
C         print.
C             display   "hello polyglots".                              (
C     */  int i;                                                        /*
C     */  main () {                                                     /*
C     */      i=printf ("hello polyglots\n"); O= &i; return *O;         /*
C     *)                                                                (*
C     *)  begin                                                         (*
C     *)      writeln  ('hello polyglots');                             (*
C     *)                                                                (* )
C     * ) pop 60 360                                                    (
C     * ) pop moveto    (hello polyglots) show                          (
C     * ) pop showpage                                                  ((
C     *)
           end                                                          .(* )
C)pop%     program       polyglot.                                      *){*/}
------------------------------ cut here --------------------------------------

Have fun...


kdq@demott.com (Kevin D. Quitt) (03/19/91)

    Polyglot did not work as advertised on my 386 system.  It blows up
at a BOUND instruction.  Does it work for anybody else?

Kevin D. Quitt         demott!kdq   kdq@demott.com
DeMott Electronics Co. 14707 Keswick St.   Van Nuys, CA 91405-1266
VOICE (818) 988-4975   FAX (818) 997-1190  MODEM (818) 997-4496 PEP last

                96.37% of all statistics are made up.

rel@mtu.edu (Robert Landsparger) (03/25/91)

In article <1991Mar18.230137.11443@demott.com>, kdq@demott.com (Kevin D. Quitt) writes:
|>     Polyglot did not work as advertised on my 386 system.  It blows up
|> at a BOUND instruction.  Does it work for anybody else?
|> -- 
|>  _
|> Kevin D. Quitt         demott!kdq   kdq@demott.com
|> DeMott Electronics Co. 14707 Keswick St.   Van Nuys, CA 91405-1266
|> VOICE (818) 988-4975   FAX (818) 997-1190  MODEM (818) 997-4496 PEP last
|>                 96.37% of all statistics are made up.

worked fine under C, FORTRAN, sh, ps for us.  Haven't had time/resources
to check the others out yet.

| Robert E. Landsparger (rel@mtu.edu)	| 
| Computing Technology Services		|  "Fall behind early, it gives you
| Michigan Technological University	|  more time to catch up"
| Houghton, MI 49931	(906) 487-2110	|                         -rel
| The above comments do not always represent those of my employer.