[comp.lang.misc] The Language List - Part 1 of 3

billk@hawk.cs.ukans.edu (Bill Kinnersley) (04/06/91)

[Since Tom has had repeated trouble posting this list from his site, 
he asked me to post it to comp.lang.misc for him. --Bill K.]


To the net and the world -

Due to my changing work and life responsibilities, I do not 
feel I will be able to properly "finish" a real draft of
this list.  Thus, I feel it is best to send it out "as is"
on the chance that others can benefit from it.  I do promise
to save any e-mail'ed corrections or comments that are sent
to me, but can not guarantee how soon they may be added to
any future versions.  

Possibly, some other netter(s) will offer to co-ordinate ongoing
modifications to this list, if there is enough interest.  (I 
know the impending publication of "The Jargon File" is causing
an e-mail/news riot, but feel this group is scholarly enough
to avoid such ado.)

Thanks again to the 50 or so netters who responded.  Their names
and e-mail addresses appear at the end of the list.

Tom Rombouts  (tomr@ashtate.A-T.com)  
Ashton-Tate Product Development
April 4, 1991
(Note:  This is my third attempt to globally post the list)


The Language File
First release, version 1.0

Last Modified:  March 7, 1991

Started by:
Tom Rombouts
Ashton-Tate Product Development
20101 Hamilton Avenue, Torrance, CA  90277
Work: (213)538-7108

535 Esplanade, #502
Redondo Beach, CA  90277
Ans Svc: (213)543-3811

USENET:  tomr@ashtate.A-T.com

Introduction:  This document is intended to become among the
longest lists of computer programming language names ever
assembled or compiled.  (But not interpreted!  HHOJ)  It is more
for fun than to be any sort of scholarly, definitive list.

As of this writing, about 50 netters have contributed to it. 
Their names and e-mail addresses appear at the end.  It is my
dream that this can become a living document with at least one
definitive reference work included for each entry.

Most entries should ultimately contain the following information:

Name:  An explanation of the language name, which, in perhaps 80%
of the cases, is some form of acronym or abbreviation.

Date of first implementation:  When possible, a year in
parentheses indicates when a language first appeared.  Since the
design, implementation, and wide acceptance of a language can
take place over a several year period, such dates should be
considered approximate.

Definitive reference work or Publisher:  At least one reference
work on the language, in theory as definitive or as official as
possible, is included when possible.  In the case of a commercial
product, the software publisher and city is often listed.  Few
people who see a language in this file should ever have to ask: 
"How can I get more information on that language?"

"See also:"  Related languages or terms that may also be of

Some various comments or criticisms:

"YOU LEFT OUT LANGUAGE ___!" - If this is the case, e-mail the
relevant information to whoever is maintaining this list.  (It
may not be me by the time you read this.)  A citing of at least
one published reference to the language will help determine

"Clutter" - When in doubt, languages are included.  To compensate
for this "clutter" effect, more widespread languages such as C or
FORTRAN should have longer entries.

The "Published" Rule - In order to reduce clutter somewhat, a
language should be "published" to be included in this list. 
There is no precise criteria here.  To state a rough example, a
language devised solely for a PhD thesis would not necessarily be
included.  However, if material on that language was published in
a technical journal or otherwise distributed, or if it formed the
basis for additional research, it should be included.

In case it is unclear, a language does NOT have to be implemented
(actually running on at least one computer) to be included.  Many
theoretical languages appearing in the ACM Sigplan fall into this
category.  One gray area, however, is INTERNET/USENET or RBBS
distribution.  In general, when in doubt, an entry will be

(Future builders of this list may be able to include a wider
range of academic "theory" languages.  I do not have the research
resources for this.  At minimum the author's name, university or
company, and date should be listed.)

For historical completeness, roughly 200 early pre-1959
"automatic programming systems" were included.  (Based on a list
from CACM, Vol 2, No 5, May 1959.)  It can be argued that many of
these are not really "programming languages" as the term is used

Languages vs. dialects - Again, when in doubt, a term was
included.  Thus, languages with many variants or flavors will
have many extra entries.  This is intended to make the document
more useful to beginners, not to make common languages appear
more popular or "better."  (In defense of this practice, since
any two implementations of a given language almost invariably
have at least a few differences, one could argue that from a BNF
grammar point of view, Microsoft C and Turbo C (for example) are
two distinct languages. [In fact, since each of these compilers
can be affected by command line switches, one could argue that
either one represents as many as 10 distinct C-like dialects!] ) 
On the other hand, this is not intended to be a catalog of
commercial programming products.  Note also that some names
("ML", "Vulcan") have been used for two or more distinct

Languages vs. versions - There has been criticism that there are
separate entries for ALGOL 58, ALGOL 60, etc, but not for C++
1.0, C++ 1.2, C++ 2.0, etc.  This was simply an oversight on my
part.  (I personally feel it is easier to have separate entries
for each, however)  Any language that has some sort of ANSI or
IEEE standard should include the dates and versions approved. 
Also, for specific brands, such as "Turbo Pascal," the versions
and release dates could be added within that entry.

Classification - This document makes no attempt at classification
except by name.  However, the following broad categories seem to
apply:  assemblers, general purpose languages, specialized
languages, query languages, 4GL's, application sub-languages,
specification languages, experimental languages, and theoretical
languages.  The precise definitions of these categories can be
debated elsewhere.

Editorial Comments:  Warning - as in the many USENET jargon
files, some entries here contain remarks that could be construed
as editorial in nature.  For instance, if one happened to called
Pascal "Algol-like," it might manage to offend both some Algol
and some Pascal users.  Also, some historical origin questions
are disputed to this day.  This document is intended to aid the
student or researcher, not to ignite flame wars among old-time
hackers.  The reader is encouraged to refer to other sources for
more definitive discussions of any particular language.  When in
doubt, "supposedly" or a "(?)" may appear to warn that the
material is uncertain.  Phrasing like "somewhat" or "roughly" is
also used liberally.

Brand names - Some entries, such as "Turbo Pascal" have drawn
early concern.  However, since many languages offer non-standard
extensions to the base language, it can be argued that these are
technically dialects of the base language.  (Quick example: 
Turbo C offers a command line switch to enable nested comments,
which are clearly prohibited by ANSI C.)  To take this a step
further, some have suggested that not only is each compiler ever
created a different language, but that if there are various
command line arguments, each permutation of command line
arguments could also be considered a distinct language!

Material in "[ ]" brackets clearly needs editorial work or

                        * * * * * * *

473L Query - English-like query system for Air Force 473L system. 
Sammet, 1969, p. 665 ff.

9 PAC - Early report generator, c. 1961.  Sammet, 1969, p. 314.

A-0 or A0 - Possbily the first compiler ever.  Developed by Grace
Hopper's team at Remington Rand, 1952.  UNIVAC I or II.  Sammet,
1969, pg. 12.

A1 - Early system on UNIVAC I or II.  From list in CACM, Vol 2,
#5, (May 1959) p. 16.  [Same as A-1?]
A2 - Early system on UNIVAC I or II.  From list in CACM, Vol 2,
#5, (May 1959) p. 16.  [Same as A-2?]

A-3 - Early UNIVAC language for math.  [May be alternate name for
Arithmatic]  Sammet, 1969.

ABC - Steve Pemberton[?].  Book and implementations
exist.  [Is this the same as below?]

ABC:  A simple interactive language for beginners.  Infinite
precision arithmetic, multiple workspaces.  Indentation is
significant.  "The ABC Programmer's Manual", Leo Geurts et al.,
Prentice Hall, 1989.

ABC - a BASIC-like language from Amsterdam in Holland.  An
implementation  was recently posted to the net. I don't have a
reference though.

ABCL/+ - A family of languages from Aki Yonesawa, Tokyo, Japan.

ACOM - Early system on IBM 705.  From list in CACM, Vol 2, #5,
(May 1959) p. 16.

ACTUS:  From R. H. Perrott, "A Language for Array and Vector
Processors," ACM TOPLAS, Vol. 1, No. 2, Oct. 1979, pp. 177-195. 
Improved language for the Illiac IV computer -- generalized the
work in the language Glypnir.  Other languages following Glypnir
and Actus include Parallel Pascal, Vector C, and most recently
CMU's language called PIE.

Ada - (Supposedly in honor of Ada Lovelace, arguably the world's
first computer programmer.)  Designed by U.S. Department of
Defense (DOD) for use in very large software projects.

ADAM - A DAta Management system.  

ADAPT - Subset of APT.  Sammet, 1969, 606.

ADES - Early system on IBM 704.  From list in CACM, Vol 2, #5,
(May 1959) p. 16.

ADES II - Early system on IBM 650.  From list in CACM, Vol 2, #5,
(May 1959) p. 16.

AED - Automated Engineering Design or ALGOL Extended for Design. 
Sammet, 1969.

AED-0 -

AED-1 -

AED-JR - Subest of AED?

AESOP - An Evolutionary System for On-line Programming.  On-line
query system used with light pen.  Sammet, 1969.

AFAC - Early system on IBM 704.  From list in CACM, Vol 2, #5,
(May 1959) p. 16.

AIMACO - AIr MAterial Command compiler.  Modification of FLOW-
MATIC.  Supplanted by COBOL.  Sammet, 1969.

ALCOR - Subset of ALGOL.  Sammet, 1969, pg 180.  

Aldat:  Based on extended Algebra.  From list by M.P. Atkinson
and J.W. Schmidt presented in a tutorial in Zurich, 1989.

ALGEBRAIC - Early system on Whirlwind.  From list in CACM, Vol 2,
#5, (May 1959) p. 16.


ALGOL-58 -

ALGOL-60 -  J. W. Backus et al

ALGOL 60 Modified - (Modified Report on the Algorithmic Language
ALGOL 60, Comp. Journal  Vol 19 (4) p364, also SIGPLAN Notices
Vol 12 (1) 1977, with erratum in Comp. Journal Vol 21 (3) p282
applicable to both)

ALGOL 60 Revised - Modification of original ALGOL-60 spec.

ALGOL 68 - van Wijngaarden et al

ALGOL 68 Revised - Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language
ALGOL 68, Van Wijngaarden et al, Acta Informatica Vol 5 1975,
also SIGPLAN Notices Vol 12 (5) 1977)

ALGOL W - Successor to ALGOL 60.  Wirth, 1966.

ALGOL X -  Sammet, 1969, p. 194.

ALGOL Y - Sammet, 1969, p. 194.

Algol C:  Cambridge University, c. 1981.  Variant of Algol 60;
the major additions were structures and exception handling. 
Designed to be a first language for students.  Designed and
implemented by Clive Feather.

ALGY - Early language for formal algebra.  Sammet, 1969.

Alphard - Pascal-like language.

ALTAC - An extended FORTRAN II.  Sammet, 1969, pg. 146.

ALTRAN - Extension to FORTRAN for formal algebra.

ALPAK - Related to ALTRAN?  Sammet, 1969.

Alphard - late 70's, abstract data types.

Amber - L.Cardelli, concurrent, 1980's

Amber - Not the same as Cardelli's Amber.  An object-oriented
distributed programming language based on an O-O subset of C++. 
Developed in the late 80's at the University of Washington.

AMBIT - Algebraic Manipulation by Identity Translation.  String

AMTRAN - Automatic Mathematical TRANslation.  System allowing
input of equations in seminatural format.

ANCP - Early system on Datatron 200 series.  From list in CACM,
Vol 2, #5, (May 1959) p. 16.

Animated Movie - Language to assist in preparing animated movies.

Anna:  Annotated Ada.  ftp anna.stanford.edu  "An Overview of
Anna, a Specification Language for Ada", D. Luckham, IEEE
Software, 2, 9-22 (March 1985)


ANSI FORTH - Soon to be adopted standard.

APL - K.Iverson 1960's-80's

APL implementations:
APL*PLUS/PC II, MCM APL, Honeyapple, and DEC APL.

APL\360 - On-line subset of APL.  (Sammet [1969] refers to it
consistantly as "APL/360"  Is this a typo or different version?]

Applesoft BASIC - Version of BASIC on Apple computers.

APT - Automatically Programmed Tools.  For numerically controlled
machine tools.  IBM 650, IBM 1103 and 1103A.
APT II - IBM 704, 1958.  Sammet, 1969, pg. 606.

APT III - IBM 7090, 1961.  Sammet, 1969, pg. 606.

APX III - Early system on Datatron 200 series.  From list in
CACM, Vol 2, #5, (May 1959) p. 16.

ARITH-MATIC or ARITHMATIC - Early system on UNIVAC I or II.  From
list in CACM, Vol 2, #5, (May 1959) p. 16.  [Apparently variant
of A-3?]

ASP - Language?  Sammet, 1969, pg. 702.
ASSEMBLY - Early system on IBM 702.  From list in CACM, Vol 2,
#5, (May 1959) p. 16.

Astral:  Based on Pascal.  From list by M.P. Atkinson and J.W.
Schmidt presented in a tutorial in Zurich, 1989.

AT-3 - Variant of MATH-MATIC?  Sammet, 1969.

ATLAS:  _THE_ mil-spec language for automated test programs. 
Replaced/upgraded Gaelic and several other test languages.

Atlas Autocode:  Ferranti Atlas may have been first commercial
machine with hardware-paged virtual memory.

AWK - Aho, Weinberg, Kernigan.  Simple yet powerful text
processing/macro language.  "The AWK Programming Language," Aho,
Weinberg, Kernigan.
AWK:  The `Aho Weinberger Kernighan' programming language.  A
UN*X favorite since the name says it all, but it gets the job

AUTO-PROMPT - Specialized 3-D language from IBM.  Sammet, 1969,
pg. 606.

AUTOCODE - Early system on Ferranti Pegasus.  From list in CACM,
Vol 2, #5, (May 1959) p. 16.

AUTOCODER - 1.  Early system on IBM 702.  From list in CACM, Vol
2, #5, (May 1959) p. 16.  2.  Early system on IBM 705.  From list
in CACM, Vol 2, #5, (May 1959) p. 16.  [Are these the same?]

AUTOCODING - Early system on Ferranti Mercury.  From list in
CACM, Vol 2, #5, (May 1959) p. 16.

Autolisp - Dialect of LISP used by the Autocad CAD package,
Autodesk, Sausalito, CA.

B -  Successor to BCPL, led to C.

B-0:  Original name of FLOW-MATIC, Remington Rand.  UNIVAC I or
II c. 1958.

BABEL - Mentioned on page 241 of Weinberg's "The Psychology of
Computer Programming," 1971 ed.

BACAIC - Boeing Airplane Company Algebraic Interpreter Coding
system.  Pre-FORTRAN system on the IBM 701, IBM 650.

BAL - what most people called 360 assembler

BALGOL - ALGOL on Buroughs 220.  Sammet, 1969, pg. 174.

BALITAC - Early system on IBM 650.  From list in CACM, Vol 2, #5,
(May 1959) p. 16.
BAP - Early system on IBM 701.  From list in CACM, Vol 2, #5,
(May 1959) p. 16.

BASEBALL - Query system tied to baseball database.

bash - Some form of UNIX command interpreter shell?

BASIC - Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.

BASIC AUTOCODER - Early system on IBM 7070.  From list in CACM,
Vol 2, #5, (May 1959) p. 16.

Basic COBOL - Subset of COBOL from COBOL-60 standards.  Sammet,
1969, pg. 339.

Basic FORTRAN - Early standard of FORTRAN.  Sammet, 1969, pg. 150

Basic JOVIAL - Certain subset of JOVIAL, c. 1965.  Sammet, 1969,
p. 529.

BAWK - Variant of AWK.

BC NELIAC - Version of NELIAC, post 1962.  Sammet, 1969, p. 197.

BCPL - Basic CPL, M. Richards.  Immediate predecessor to C.  

BDL: Block Diagram Compiler.  A block-diagram simulation tool,
with associated language.  "A Software Environment for Digital
Signal-Processing Simulations," D.H. Johnson and R.E. Vaughan,
"Circuits Systems and Signal Processing" Vol. 6, No. 1, pp.
31-43, 1987.

BELL - Early system on IBM 650 and Datatron 200 series.  [Is
Datatron version the same?] From list in CACM, Vol 2, #5, (May
1959) p. 16.

BELL L2 - Early system on IBM 650.  From list in CACM, Vol 2, #5,
(May 1959) p. 16.

BELL L3 - Early system on IBM 650.  From list in CACM, Vol 2, #5,
(May 1959) p. 16.

BETA - The successor of Simula.

BIOR - Early system on UNIVAC I or II.  From list in CACM, Vol 2,
#5, (May 1959) p. 16.

Bison - Input language of "bison", the GNU project's
implementation of "yacc".  [How different than YACC?]

Blaze:  Single assignment language designed for parallel

Bliss -

Blosim:  Block-Diagram Simulator.  A block-diagram simulator.
"A Tool for Structured Functional Simulation", David G.
Messerschmitt, "IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in
Vol. SAC-2 No. 1, 1984, pp. 137-47.

BMDP - From UCLA, statistical language.

BNF - Backus-Naur Form or Backus Normal Form.  Meta-language to
define computer languages.

BOEING - Early system on IBM 1103 or 1103A.  From list in CACM,
Vol 2, #5, (May 1959) p. 16.

BOSS:     Bridgport Operating System Software.  Derivative of the
ISO 1054 numerical machine control programming language, oftent
used for milling machines, lathes, et cetera.

BRIDGE - Component of ICES for civil engineers.  Sammet, 1969,
pg. 616.

BSL:  Variant or version of IBM's PL/S systems langauge.

BSL1:  Variant or version of IBM's PL/S systems langauge.

BSL2:  Variant or version of IBM's PL/S systems langauge.

BUGSYS - Used in preparing animated movies.  Sammet, 1969.

C - Bell Labs, c. 1978.  Algol-like language developed to write
the UNIX operating system.  Based on BCPL.  "The C Programming
Language, 2nd Ed."  Brian Kernigan and Dennis Ritchie.

C* - 

C++ -

C-10 - Improved version of COLINGO.  Sammet, 1969.


C-Linda:  No details.

C-Scheme:  No details.

CADET - Computer Aided Design Experimental Translator.  Sammet,
1969, pg. 683.

CAGE - Early system on IBM 704.  From list in CACM, Vol 2, #5,
(May 1959) p. 16.

CAL - Dialect of JOSS.  Sammet, 1969, pg. 217.
CAMAL: Computer algebra system specialized in general relativity.
Developed by J. Fitch[?], from Bath, England, during the mid-70s.
Implemented in BCPL.

CASE SOAP III - Early system on IBM 650.  From list in CACM, Vol
2, #5, (May 1959) p. 16.


CCS - A specification language.  [Denmark?]

CDL - Command Defintion Language.  Portion of ICES used to
implement commands.  Sammet, 1969, pg. 618-620.

Cedar:  A superset of Mesa, adding garbage collection and runtime
types.  A large complex language designed for custom Xerox
hardware and a custom runtime system.  Data types: atom, list,
rope, condition.  Primitives which relate to threads: fork, wait,
notify, broadcast, abort.  Monitors.  Signals sent to "catch
phrases".  "A Description of the Cedar Language", Butler Lampson,
Xerox PARC,

CHARYBDIS - LISP program to display math expressions.  Related to
MATHLAB.  Sammet, 1969, pg. 522.

CHASM - CHeap Assembler.  MS-DOS shareware assembler.

CHILL:  CCITT HIgh-Level Language. Standard in the telecomms
community, roughly Ada-like in scope but different in almost any
detail you might think of.  1988.

CHIP - Early system on IBM 1103 or 1103A.  From list in CACM, Vol
2, #5, (May 1959) p. 16.

CITRAN - Variant of JOSS.  Sammet, 1969, pg. 217.

CLAM: Computer algebra system specialized in general relativity. 
Developed by R. d'Inverno and Russell-Clark in the early 70s.
Implemented in Atlas assembler first, LISP later.

Clarion - MS-DOS 4GL.

CLIP - Compiled Language for Information Processing.  Based on
ALGOL 58.  Influenced JOVIAL.  Sammet, 1969.

Clipper - Compiled dialect of MS-DOS dBASE from Nantucket
Corporation, Los Angeles.  Versions:  Winter 85, Spring 86,
Autumn 86, Summer 87, 4.5 (Japanese Kanji), 5.0.

CLP-R - Constraint Language Programming - Real.  Contains a
built-in constraint solver over the domain of real-valued
numbers.  The syntax is similar to Prolog but the semantics are
quite different.
Clu - late 70's abstract data types

CLP - Cornell List Processor.  Extension of CORC for list
processing.  Sammet, 1969.

CMS-2 - Mentioned in "An Overview of Ada" by J.G.P. Barnes. 

COBOL - COmmon Business Oriented Language.

COBOL-1961 Extended - Short-lived separation of COBOL
specifications.  Sammet, 1969, pg. 339.

COGENT - COmpiler and GENeralized Translator.  Compiler writing
language with element of list processing.  Sammet, 1969.

COGO - Co-ordinate geometry.  Sammet, 1969.

COLASL - Processes input of natural math expressions.  Sammet,
COLINGO - English-like query system.  Sammet, 1969.

COMAL - Structured replacement for BASIC.  Cross between Pascal
and BASIC.  Popular in Europe and Scandinavian schools.

COMAL-80 - Revised COMAL.  Adopted as an introductory language in

COMIT - First significant string-handling and pattern matching
language.  Sammet, 1969.

COMIT II - Sammet, 1969.

COMMEN - L.J. Cohen.  Proc. SJCC, Vol 30 (1967) pg.671-76.

Commercial Translator - English-like pre-COBOL language for
business data processing.  Sammet, 1969.

Common LISP - Variant of LISP.

Compact COBOL - Subset of COBOL defined, but not published, c.
1961.  Sammet, 1969, pg. 339.

Compas Pascal - Brand of Pascal?  From Denmark?

COMPASS:  (COMprehensive ASSembler)  Assembler on CDC 6500/6600
series machines.

COMPREHENSIVE - Early system on Whirlwind.  From list in CACM,
Vol 2, #5, (May 1959) p. 16.

COMPROSL - COMpound PROcedural Scientific Language.  Lanaguage
for scientists or engineers.  Sammet, 1969, pg. 299-300.

Computer Compiler - Proposed language for compiler design. 
Sammet, 1969.

Computer Design - Proposed language for computer design.  Sammet,

COMTRAN - Early name for Commercial Translator.  Sammet, 1969,
pg. 324, 331.

CONVERT - Additions to LISP.  Sammet, 1969, pg. 388.

Concurrent C - Variant of C intended for parallel processing

Concurrent Euclid:  Subset of Euclid with extensions for
concurrent programming.  Specifically it provided language level
support for monitors.  The subset of Euclid before the
concurrency was added was called Simple Euclid in the book.  It
is not clear whether this language was ever implemented without
the concurrency extensions that turned it into CE.  Holt, R.C.
"Concurrent Euclid, The Unix System, and Tunis,"  Addison-Wesley,
Reading, MA, 1983.

Concurrent Pascal - Brinch Hansen

Concurrent Smalltalk - Variant of Smalltalk.

Conniver - A.I. language

CORAL - Class Oriented Ring Associated Language.  Handled certain
ring types of lists on the TX-2.  (1964?)  Sammet, 1969.  Another
UK invention.  Real time system programming language used by the
Ministry of Defence and its contractors until Ada arrived on the

CORAL 66 - Mentioned in "An Overview of Ada" by J.G.P. Barnes. 

CORBIE - Early system on IBM 704.  From list in CACM, Vol 2, #5,
(May 1959) p. 16.

CORC - CORnell Compiler.  Simple language for students doing
mathematical problems.  Sammet, 1969.

CORREGATE - Based on IT.  Sammet, 1969, pg. 139.

CPL - C. Strachey et al

CPS - On-line PL/I-like subset.  Sammet, 1969.

CRISP -- This was a lisp-like compiler that ran on IBM 370
hardware.  It differed from Lisp in a number of interesting ways,
one of which is that it generalized the 2-part cons nodes to
n-part.  Designed by Jeff Barnett, one of the early lisp'ers. 
SDC, Santa Monica, CA, early 1970's?.

Crystal:  High level functional parallel language.

[CS - Early system on Whirlwind.  Sammet, 1969, p. 132.  This is
likey an OS.]

CS-4 - Mentioned in "An Overview of Ada" by J.G.P. Barnes.

CS/PCode:  Used at Microsoft.

CS/QCode:  Used at Microsoft.
csh:  C-Shell command shell interpreter in UNIX.

CSP - Communicating Sequential Processes.  Experimental language
based on Hoare's theory of multi-processing.  [Is there another
CSP that is a specification langauge?]

Culler-Fried - On-line system for mathematics.  Sammet, 1969.

CWIC - Compiler for Writing and Implementing Compilers.  One of
the early metacompilers.  Designed by Val Schorre.  He wrote a
paper on an earlier version "Meta-II: a syntax oriented compiler
writing language," Proc. 19th ACM National Conf 1964.

CYBIL - Control Data's answer to system programming languages in
the '80's.  Major parts of CDC systems written in this.

D - "The Data Language."  MS-DOS 4GL.

DAISY 201 - Early system on G-15.  From list in CACM, Vol 2, #5,
(May 1959) p. 16.

DAS - Digital Analog Simulator.  Represents analog computer

DATA-TEXT - From Harvard.  Used by social scientists.

DATATEXT - Version of ATS leased by IBM.  [ May actually be
editor. ] Sammet, 1969, p. 684.

DATACODE I - Early system on Datatron 200 series.  From list in
CACM, Vol 2, #5, (May 1959) p. 16.


dBASE II -  First release of "dBASE" product.  (There never was a
"dBASE I")




dBFAST - dBASE dialect for MS-DOS, MS-Windows.

DBPL:  Procedural high level language with relational database
constructs.  J.W. Schmidt, H. Eckhardt, and F. Matthes, DBPL
Report. DBPL-Memo 111-88, Fachbereich Informatik, Johann Wolfgang
Goethe-Universitaet, Frankfurt, Germany, 1988

dBXL - dBASE-like interpreter/language for MS-DOS from WordTech,
Orinda, CA.

DCALGOL:  Data Communications ALGOL. A superset of Burroughs
Extended ALGOL used for writing Message Control Systems.

DCL:  Digital Command Language.  Equivalent of sh/csh for VMS.

DEACON - Direct English Access and CONtrol.  English-like query
system.  Sammet, 1969, p. 668.

Delta - expression based, J. C. Cleaveland 1978

DEMON - Program generator for differential equation problems. 
Benntt, N.W., Austrailian Atomic Engergy Commission Research
Establishment, AAEC/E142, Aug. 1965.
DETAB 65 - DEcision TABle.  Pre-COBOL business aid.  Sammet,
1969, pg. 315.

DETAB X - DEcistion TABle.  Pre-COBOL buisness aid.  Sammet, 196,
pg. 315.

DIALOG - Math computations using light pen.  Illinois Institute
of Tech, c. 1966.  Sammet, 1969.

DIAMAG - On-line extension of ALGOL.  Sammet, 1969.

DIMATE - Depot Installed Maintenance Automatic Test Equipment. 
For automatic equipment tests.  Sammet, 1969.

Disiple:  A DSP language.  "A Compiler that Easily Retargets High
Level Language Programs for Different Signal Processing
Architectures", J.E. Peters and S.M. Dunn, Proceedings of ICASSP
89, May, 1989, pp. 1103-1106.

Distributed Smalltalk - Variant of Smalltalk.

DMALGOL:  Another superset: extensions to interface to DMS II,
the Burroughs database. 

DOCUS - Display Oriented Computer Usage System.  On-line system
using push buttons.

DOUGLAS - Early system on IBM 701.  From list in CACM, Vol 2, #5,
(May 1959) p. 16.

DOL - Display Oriented Language.  Subsystem of DOCUS.  Sammet,

DOW COMPILER - Early system on Datatron 200 series.  From list in
CACM, Vol 2, #5, (May 1959) p. 16.

DRUCO I - Early system on IBM 650.  From list in CACM, Vol 2, #5,
(May 1959) p. 16.

DSL - Dynamic Simulation Language.  Sammet, 1969.

DSL/90 - Digital Simulation Language on 7090.  Extensions to
FORTRAN similar to analog computer functions.  Sammet, 1969.

DSP/C:  A numerical extension to the C language, not necessarily
DSP specific, but sort of.  "DSP/C: A Standard High Level
Langauge for DSP and Numeric Processing", K. Leary and W.
Waddington, Proceedings of ICASSP 90, Apr, 1990, pp. 1065-1068.

DSP32 Assembly Language:  A `high level' assembly language for
the DSP32 Programmable DSP Chip.

DSPL:  Digital Signal Processing Language.  A C-derived DSP
language.  "The Programming Language DSPL," Albert Schwarte and
Herbert Hanselmann, Proceedings of PCIM 90, 1990.

DTALGOL:  Decision Table Algol. A local (Victoria University of
Wellington) superset that added Decision Tables.  On Burroughs
Large System.

DUAL-607 - Early system on IBM 701.  From list in CACM, Vol 2,
#5, (May 1959) p. 16.

DYANA - DYnamics ANAlyzer.  Early specialized language for
vibrational and other dynamics systems.  Sammet, 1969.

DYNAMO - Early continuous simulation lang.  Sammet, 1969.

DYSAC - Digital Simulated Analog Computer.  Sammet, 1969.

DYSTAL - Package of embeddable subroutines used in other
languages.  Sammet, 1969, p. 388.

Eagle - dBASE-like dialect bundled with Emerald Bay, sold by
Migent from 1986-1988.  (Became "Vulcan" when Wayne Ratliff re-
acquired the product.)

EASE II - Early system on IBM 650.  From list in CACM, Vol 2, #5,
(May 1959) p. 16.

EASIAC - Early system on Midac computer.  From list in CACM, Vol
2, #5, (May 1959) p. 16.

EASY FOX - Early system on Johnniac computer.  From list in CACM,
Vol 2, #5, (May 1959) p. 16.
EBASIC - Form of BASIC that led to CBASIC.

ECL -  Extensible CL

ECMA - Subset of ALGOL.  Sammet, 1969, pg. 180.

Edison - A Brinch Hansen language.  [Denmark?]

EDL - Experiment Description Language.  J. Steven Jenkins
(language author), Christian P. Valcke, and Denham S. Ward, "A
Programmable System for Acquisition and Reduction of Respiratory
Physiological Data", Ann Biomed Eng, Vol. 17, pp. 93-108, 1989.

EFL:  Extended FORTRAN Language - preprocessor for FORTRAN to
allow structured programming.

Eiffel - Bertrand Meyer.  

EL-1 -  base for ECL, B. Wegbreit  1970.

ELI - Early system on IBM 705, IBM 650.  From list in CACM, Vol
2, #5, (May 1959) p. 16.

ELISP - Widely used to refer to EMACS LISP.

Ellie - Another object-oriented langauge.  Developed and
implemented in Denmark by Birger Andersen. Language report in a
recent SIGPLAN Notice.  Object-oriented parallel language for
fine-grained distributed computers.  Based on BETA, Smalltalk,
and others.  University of Copenhagen?

EMA:  Extended Mercury Autocode.

EMACS LISP - Variant of LISP used by EMACS editor.  (This is the
"offical" name, based on the EMAQS FAQ file.)  Richard Stallman.

Emerald - (the successor of EPL).  Developed at University of
Washinton, Seattle, Washington.

Emerald:  An object-oriented distributed programming
language/environment.  Developed in the early 80's at the
University of Washington. 

English - the concept of using a natural language (such as
English) as a programming language.

EPL - Version of PL/I used by Bell and MIT during MULTICS
development.  Sammet, 1969, pg. 542.

ERFPI - Early system on LGP-30 computer.  From list in CACM, Vol
2, #5, (May 1959) p. 16.

ES-1 - Early text editing interpreter.  Sammet, 1969.

ESCAPE - Early system on IBM 650.  From list in CACM, Vol 2, #5,
(May 1959) p. 16.

ESI - Dialect of JOSS.  Sammet, 1969, pg. 217.

ESP - Extra Simple Pascal.  Subset of Pascal.

ESPOL: An ALGOL superset used to write the MCP (Master Control
Program) on Burroughs Large System. Obsoleted by NEWP.

Estelle - A specification language.  [Denmark?]

Esterel:  A synchronous language.  "The ESTEREL Programming
Language and its Mathematical Semantics", G. Berry and L.
Cosserat, INRIA, No. 327, 1984.

Euclid - systems language, Sigplan Feb 77.

EULER - Revision of ALGOL.  1966?.  Sammet, 1969, p. 194.

Eva - Described in "Formal Specification of Programming
Languages:  A Panoramic Primer", by Frank G. Pagan,
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632

Extended ALGOL - On Burroughs B5500, c. 1966.  Sammet, 1969, p.

FACT - Fully Automated Compiling Technique.  Pre-COBOL English-
like business DP language, c. 1959. (Aka Honeywell-800 business
compiler.)  Sammet, 1969, p. 327 ff.

FAIR - Early system on IBM 705.  From list in CACM, Vol 2, #5,
(May 1959) p. 16.

[end Part 1 of 3]

--Bill Kinnersley
226 Transfer complete.