(Mario Barbacci) (04/17/91)
CALL FOR PAPERS IEEE Computer Society 1992 International Conference on Computer Languages San Francisco, California, USA, April 20-23, 1992 Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Computer Languages. In cooperation with IFIP Working Group 2.4. This is the fourth in a series of conferences devoted to all aspects of computer languages, serving to bring together people broadly interested in machine processable descriptions. The hallmarks of ICCL are diversity, openness to a wide range of linguistic research, and international representation. The focus is on new ideas in languages and language technology which are innovative or experimental in design, implementation, specification or application. The conference normally includes a number of panel discussions on particular linguistic issues as well as a formal tutorial on a topic of general interest to the computing community. Papers are sought that describe significant new theoretical results or approaches, novel language features and designs, clever implementation techniques, notable application experiences, or insightful evaluations. Areas of particular interest include but are not limited to: language design & implementation language processing & analysis language theory & semantics language abstract interpretation reqm'ts/design/specification languages functional/relational/logic languages distributed/parallel/real-time languages object-oriented languages multiparadigm languages visual/graphical languages application-specific languages prototyping languages Papers should be at most 20 double-spaced pages (10 pt on 16 pt) in length, should have an abstract of approximately 250 words, and a separate cover page indicating the title, authors, and a list of keywords. Papers will be judged on the basis of their relevance, significance, originality, correctness, and clarity. Accepted papers will appear in a full proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society Press, for which authors will be expected to sign a copyright release form. Also sought are proposals for panel sessions on linguistic topics of general interest to the computing community. Panel session proposals must include a title, organizer's name, approximately 250 word overview, and a list of panelists that have agreed to participate if the proposed panel session is accepted. Submit 4 copies of papers or 3 copies of panel session proposals by September 15, 1991 to Professor J.R. Cordy, program committee chair, at the address below. Submissions should be accompanied by a cover letter that includes a return mailing address, telephone number and email address (if known). Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by December 1, 1991. Camera ready versions of accepted papers will be due January 15, 1992. Program Committee Chair: Conference Chair: James R. Cordy Mario R. Barbacci Dept. of Computing and Information Science, Software Engineering Institute Queen's University Carnegie Mellon University Kingston, Canada K7L 3N6 Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA (613)545-6054 (412) 268-7704 Steering Committee: Joseph Urban (Chair), Arizona State Univ., USA Boumediene Belkhouche, Tulane University, USA Pei Hsia, University of Texas, Arlington, USA Alexander Wolf, AT&T Bell Laboratories, USA Program Committee: Henri Bal, Vrije University, the Netherlands Judy Bishop, University of Southampton, UK Doris Carver, Louisiana State University, USA Patrick Cousot, Ecole polytechnique, France Jim Donahue, Teknekron Software Systems, USA John Gannon, University of Maryland, USA Mark Green, University of Alberta, Canada David Hanson, Princeton University, USA Eric Hehner, University of Toronto, Canada Tadao Ichikawa, Hiroshima University, Japan Mehdi Jazayeri, Hewlett-Packard, Palo Alto, USA/Pisa, Italy Gail Kaiser, Columbia University, USA Kai Koskimies, University of Tampere, Finland Rudolf Landwehr, Competence Center Informatik, Germany Chris Marlin, University of Adelaide, Australia Harold Ossher, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA Nigel Perry, Queen Mary&Westfield and Imperial Colleges, UK Mary Shaw, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Doaitse Swierstra Utrecht University, the Netherlands Robert Tennent, Queen's University, Canada Bill Wadge, University of Victoria, Canada W.M. Waite, University of Colorado, USA David Watt, University of Glasgow, UK Jeannette Wing, Carnegie Mellon University, USA ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mario R. Barbacci, internet: uunet: ...!harvard!!mrb Software Engineering Institute, CMU, Pittsburgh PA 15213, (412) 268-7704