[comp.lang.apl] APL Resources

wlee@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (Wan Ngai Wayne Lee) (03/21/90)

The following two files are from the PD I-APL.  Enjoy!
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                            APL Publications

     These books are available from Renaissance Data Systems, PO Box 20023,
Park West Finance Station, New York NY 10025-1510, which offers to obtain
any APL book in print.  Call 212/864-3078 for a current catalog. Your local
bookstore can order most of them from the publishers.

     APL programming

APL and Insight.  Paul Berry et al.  APL Press 1978

APL:  An Interactive Approach.  Third edition.  Gilman and Rose. Wiley

APL:  An Introduction.  Howard Peelle.  Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1986.

APL:  The Language and Its Usage. Ray Polivka and Sandra Pakin. 
Prentice-Hall 1975.

The APL Encyclopedia.  Helzer.  I-APL Ltd. 1988.

     APL idioms--common APL expressions

FinnAPL Pocket Idiom List (book and PC diskette).  Finnish APL

CIPS APL SIG Toolkit.  Canadian Information Processing Society

The APL Idiom List.  Perlis and Rugaber.  Yale University

Collected Whizbangs, Vols. 1 and 2.  Sykes.  APL Press

     Textbooks in APL

Abstract Algebra:  A Computational Approach.  Sims.  Wiley 1984.

Accounting Structured in APL.  Ijiri.  American Accounting Association

Algebra--An Algorithmic Treatment.  Iverson.  APL Press 1977.

APL in Exposition.  Iverson.  APL Press 1976.

APL Programs for the Mathematics Classroom.  Thomson.  Springer-Verlag 1989.

APL-Stat:  A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Computational Statistics Using APL. 
Ramsey and Musgrave.  Lifetime Learning 1981.

Applied Linear Algebra with APL.  Helzer.  Little, Brown & Co. 1982.

Applied Mathematics for Programmers.  Iverson.  I. P. Sharp Associates

Calculus in a New Key.  Orth.  APL Press 1976.

Circuit Analysis by Computer--from algorithm to package.  Spence and
Burgess.  Prentice-Hall 1986.

Computing in Statistical Science through APL.  Anscombe.  Springer-Verlag

Elementary Analysis.  Iverson.  APL Press 1976.

The Four Cube Problem.  McDonnell.  APL Press 1982.

Mathematical Experiments on the Computer.  Grenander. Academic Press

Probability in APL.  Alvord. APL Press 1986.

Resistive Circuit Theory.  Spence.  APL Press 1979.

Digital Systems:  Hardware Organization and Design, 3rd Edition.  Hill
and Peterson.  Wiley 1988.


APL News. Edited by Edward Cherlin.  Springer-Verlag.  Bimonthly.   News,
reviews, articles, tutorials, annual APL directory.  Write for a free
sample issue to Magazine Department, Springer-Verlag New York, 175 Fifth
Ave, New York NY 10010, or call 1-800-SPRINGER.

Each of the national APL organizations publishes a journal and the local
groups publish newsletters.  Quote-Quad from ACM SIGAPL and Vector from
the British APL Association are the leading English language journals.
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                          APL Product Directory

Copyright (C) 1987, 1989 Springer-Verlag New York Inc.  All rights reserved.

This list is mostly excerpted from the Annual Directory issue of APL News, 
Vol. 19, No. 2, 1987, with permission.  It may be reproduced on disk 
as part of the non-commercial distribution of I-APL, and printed out 
for personal or classroom use.  Any other reproduction and any sale of
this material without express written permission from the publisher is
forbidden and is a violation of copyright laws.

To subscribe to APL News or to receive a free sample issue, call 1-800-
SPRINGER.  Visa and Master Card accepted.  $27/year for four issues.

APL Interpreters and Compilers

     There has been considerable progress in APL implementation
technology in recent years.  The APL software companies have greatly
extended the variety of systems which can run one or another APL
interpreter to include all of the popular 16-bit personal computers.  
I-APL will soon be available for all of the widely used 8-bit computers.
We have seen the first round of mainframe APL compilers, and a second
generation is under development.  IBM now offers APL support for the 
3090 vector facility.
     In the next year or so we can expect even wider availability of
various APLs, as the Apple Macintosh and systems from Atari and Commodore
provide PCDOS and UNIX options, and the 640K barrier in PCDOS is finally
broken for 80286 and 80386 computers.  Nested arrays and megabyte objects
under PCDOS have also become practical.
     For precise information on the computers that various APLs run on,
contact the vendors.  This information changes so rapidly for the various
portable implementations that a listing here is impractical.

Company             Product Name       Computer or       Size of   Nested
                                       Operating System  Computer  Arrays

Analogic                APL               The APL Machine     AP
APL Computers Ltd.      MCM APL           MCM Power           S
Commodore               Waterloo APL      SuperPET            S
Control Data Corp.      APL/VE            CDC Cyber 180       L
Data General            AOS/VS APL        Data General        M       x
DECUS                   APL-11            DEC PDP-11          M
Digital Equipment Corp. APL-10            DEC 10              L
                        VAX-11 APL        DEC VAX             M
Harris                  Harris APL        Harris              M
Honeywell               GCOS7 APL7        Honeywell           L
I-APL Ltd.              I-APL             Various 8-bit       S
                                          IBM PC              S
IBM Corp.               APL2              IBM mainframe       L       x
                                          PC                  S       x
                        8100 APL          IBM 8100            M
I. P. Sharp Associates  Sharp APL         IBM                 L       x
                        Sharp APL/PC      IBM PC              S       x
                        Sharp APL         UNIX                S,M     x
Kinch Computer Company  UCSF APL          AT&T UNIX systems   S,M
Leptonics Systems Co.   MacAPL            Macintosh           S
Dyadic Systems          Dyalog APL        various UNIX        M,S     x
MicroAPL Ltd./Spencer   APL.68000         various 68000       S
  Organization                            Macintosh           S
                                          Commodore Amiga     S
                                          Atari ST            S
                                          PC + coprocessor    S
MIPS                    MIPS/APL          Prime               M
Portable Software       Porta APL         IBM PC              S
                                          Apple Macintosh     S
                                          various             S,M
STSC                    APL*PLUS          IBM                 L       x
                        APL*PLUS UNX      UNIX, PC/RT         S,M     x
                        APL*PLUS PC       IBM PC              S
                        APL*PLUS II       80386 PC            S       x
                        Pocket APL        IBM PC              S
                        APL*PLUS MAC      Macintosh           S
                        APL*PLUS/80       Radio Shack         S
SYNC                    APL90             Various UNIX        S,M
                                          Macintosh           S
Telecompute             Ideal APL         IBM PC              S
The Computer Company    Action APL.SV     IBM                 L
UC Berkeley             Thompson APL      4.2 BSD UNIX        M
Unisys                  APL700            Burroughs           L
                        APLB              Burroughs           L       x
                        APL/1100          UNIVAC              M
WATCOM                  Waterloo APL      IBM                 L
                                          DEC                 M
                                          IBM PC              S

L=large, Mainframe     M=Medium, Minicomputer     S=Small, Microcomputer
AP=Array Processor

Viz::APL is in the public domain.  APL90, Sharp APL/PC and I-APL are
copyrighted and may be copied freely but not sold or modified without
permission.  All four free APLs are available from various user groups
and bulletin board services, and from APL News (California, not New
York).  What I have called Thompson APL is available for a tape charge
to users of BSD UNIX. 

APL Compilers

Company                  Product                  Target

Oregon State University  APLc                     C
STSC                     APL*PLUS Compiler        IBM 370
Wayland Products         F83VEC                   FORTH83

     APLc and F83VEC compile subsets of APL to standalone programs.  STSC
compiles functions that coexist with interpreted functions in the
Remote Computer Services

Company                             APL             Computer

Boeing Computer Services            VS APL          IBM
CiSi Systemes                       VS APL          IBM
D & B Computer Services             APL/CSS         IBM
Finreport Computer Services         VS APL          IBM
I. P. Sharp Associates              Sharp APL       IBM
Numetrix                            APL-10          DEC
Proprietary Computer Systems        PCS/APL VS      IBM
STSC, Inc.                          APL*PLUS        IBM
The Computer Company                Action.APL/SV   IBM


The letter quality APL print elements available now are:

Company    Form                          Name                Product Number

Diablo     96 char plastic wheel         APL10               38150-01
           96 char metal wheel           APL10               311951-01
IBM        88 char Selectric golfball    APL10               987
NEC        128 char thimble              APL10/
                                          Light Italic (12)  803-020004-692A
                                          Prestige Elite     803-020004-292A
Qume       96 char plastic wheel         APL10               82183
           96 char plastic wheel         APL10/
                                          Light Italic 12    80962
Ricoh      128 char plastic wheel        APL10               50021
Xerox      96 char plastic wheel         APL10               9R80071
           96 char metal wheel           APL10               9R21135
           98 char plastic wheel         APL10               9R81938

     Diablo 311951-01 = Xerox 9R21135
     Diablo 38150-01  = Xerox 9R80071

     Qume and Diablo 96 character plastic wheels are interchangeable, and
Diablo printer drivers will work on Qume printers.  Diablo 96 character
plastic and metal wheels are not interchangeable since the petal spacing
is different.  The NEC thimbles and the Ricoh daisywheel include complete
APL and ASCII character sets on one element by using some characters in
both sets.

     The letter quality printers that can print APL are just those that
can accept these elements.  The Selectric mechanism is entirely obsolete,
and is no longer manufactured.  There are a number of manufacturers of
printers that use Diablo, Xerox and Qume 96 character plastic wheels,
although Diablo, Xerox and Qume have turned away from them and now make
printers with incompatible elements, for which they do not supply APL
wheels.  NEC and Ricoh are the only real supporters of letter-quality APL
printing.  No other manufacturer supports their print elements.  The
Xerox 98 character wheel is not mapped normally for either typewriter
pairing or bit pairing.  Compulations offers a driver for the Xerox
printers that use it so that they will work with APL software.

Dot-Matrix Printers

     There are over a hundred models of dot matrix printers for personal
computers, and you will have trouble finding one any more that cannot
print APL, since nearly all of them emulate Epson or IBM printers which
either accept downloaded characters or can print characters in graphics
mode.  STSC's APL*PLUS/PC supports both styles.  
     There are only a few dot matrix printers with APL as a factory
option, from AMT, Datasouth, DEC, Genicom, Texas Instruments and Toshiba.  
Only two APL font cartridges have appeared so far.  One is the Toshiba
A38351FC13, with Greek/Math I and APL I, dealer price $49.50 for the
Toshiba P351 printers and their near relations the P341 and P321.  The
overstrike characters unfortunately do not line up properly in this font. 
The other cartridge is the Texas Instruments #2244586-0001 for the models
855 and 865.
     Font editors for screen, dot matrix and laser printers and
typesetting are becoming popular.  Altsys Fontastic (Macintosh screen and
dot matrix printer) and Fontographer (PostScript) are the leaders in the
Apple world.

Laser and Other High-Resolution Printers

     Almost all desktop laser printers are compatible with either the 
Hewlett-Packard Laserjet Plus or the Apple LaserWriter series.  STSC has
APL fonts for sale for Xerox, HP Laserjet Plus (but not Laserjet, which
does not accept downloaded characters) and PostScript printers.  IBM and
Talaris provide their own APL fonts.  Some other laser printers emulate
Epson or IBM dot matrix printers and can be used with downloadable fonts,
but not at full resolution.  
     There are hundreds of programs that generate PostScript or drive
HP Laserjet Plus printers, and can thus print APL on the devices listed
here.  We have not had time to determine which ones support screen
display of alternate character sets.  Accordingly no list of software for
APL word processing and page makeup appears here.  In general programs on
the Macintosh, or on the IBM PC under Gem or Windows will support font
display.  A few other PC programs handle alternate fonts themselves, such
as Clickart Personal Publisher, which can use PostScript fonts imported
from the Macintosh.

Typesetting machines for APL

Linotype Company   Linotronic 100                    PostScript
                   Linotronic 200                    
                   Linotronic 300                    PostScript

     The Linotronic 200 typesetters can use Linotype's APL font, known as
Special Digital #3002, Universal Monospace #3.  Compugraphic and Vari-
typer offer high resolution laser printers with PostScript to complement
their typesetters, but they are not of typesetter quality.  Other type-
setter manufacturers have started to support PostScript as well.
APL Displays

     The major new development in APL displays is on 16-bit personal
computers with terminal emulation boards and software.  There are APL
character ROMS for monochrome character displays on IBM PCs and other
MSDOS systems; an APL option for Emulex/Persyst BoB boards and DCA IRMA
and Agile Klone 3270 emulation boards; RAM loadable APL characters for
IBM EGA and compatibles and the Hercules Graphics Plus board; and soft,
graphically generated characters on the Macintosh, Atari ST, Commodore
Amiga and in several APL interpreters for the Hercules monochrome
graphics card and IBM color card.  APL interpreters emulate a variety of
APL terminals on various personal computers.  (Consult vendors for

User Groups

APL Users Group (Sydney)
GPO Box 1425
Sydney, NSW 2001

APL Club Austria
Wiener Stadtwerke
Mariannengasse 4-6
A-1095 Vienna

Belgian APL-CAM Users Society
Rooienberg 72
B-2750 Duffel

Toronto Special Interest Group on APL
Xerox Canada Inc.
703 Don Mills Road
Don Mills, Ontario
Canada M3C 1S2
416/429-6750 x268

The APL Group
Danish Data Processing Association
14, Kronprinsensgade
DK-1114 Copenhagen K
+45-1-11 15 60

APL-Club of Germany e. V.
Postfach 6380
D-5700 Karlsruhe 1
Federal Republic of Germany

Finnish APL Association
P. O. Box 1005
SF-00101 Helsinki 10

35 Boulevarde Brune
F-75014 Paris

APL Club Italia
Via S. Maria 36
I-56100 Pisa
Sociedad Mexicana de APL, A.C.
Hidalgo No. 128 Esq. Garcia Torres
Edificio 'El Parian'
Mexico, D.F.

Werkgroep APL
Rijks Computer Centrum
Fauststraat 1
NL-7323 BA Apeldoorn

Associacao Portuguesa da Linguagem APL
Rua Pedro de Barcelos 14
Encosta do Restelo
P-1400 Lisboa

APL Special Interest Group-SSI
S-103 71 Stockholm
8 - 7818914

Swiss APL Users Group
c/o Claude Henriode Informatique
CH-1965 Saviese

British APL Association
C. E. G. B.
85 Park St.
London SE1
United Kingdom

I-APL Ltd.
2 Blenheim Road
St Albans, Herts AL1 4NR
United Kingdom
(0) 727-60130

APL Bay Area Users Group
c/o I. P. Sharp Associates
220 California Ave.
Palo Alto CA 94306

APL Princeton Users Group
Winklevoss Group--3B
Johnson and Higgins
212 Carnegie Center
Princeton NJ 08543
Denver Interest Group for APL
PO Box 3931
Englewood CO 80155

Houston APL Special Interest Group
Charter Oil Company
PO Box 87535
Houston TX 77287-7535

I-APL Ltd.
6611 Linville Drive
Weed CA 96094

New York / SIGAPL
Suite 524
660 Amsterdam Ave.
New York NY 10025

Rochester Chapter, ACM SIGAPL
PO Box 92487
Rochester NY 14692

Association for Computing Machinery
11 West 42nd Street
New York NY 10036

Southwest APL User's Group
PC Results
1805 High Meadow Cove
Carrolton TX 75006

University of Washington DH-05
Seattle WA 98155

Washington Chapter, ACM SIGAPL
Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare HFF-146
Washington DC 20204


Analogic Corp.
Audubon Road
Wakefield MA 01880

APL Computers Ltd.
300 Steel Case Road West
Unit 21
Markham, Ontario
Canada L3R 2W2

AST Research, Inc.
2121 Alton Ave.
Irvine CA 92714

Boeing Computer Services
PO Box 24346, MS 7C-24
Seattle WA 98124-0346

Commodore Business Machines, Inc.
1200 Wilson Drive
West Chester PA 19380

Control Data Corp.
8100 34th Avenue South
Bloomington MN 55440

D&B Computer Services
187 Danbury Road
Wilton CT 06897

Data General Corp.
4400 Computer Drive
Westboro MA 01850

One Iron Way
Marlboro MA 01752

Diablo Systems, Inc.
24500 Industrial Blvd.
Hayward CA 94545
Digital Equipment Corp.
146 Main Street
Maynard MA 01754

Dyadic Systems Ltd.
Park House
The High Street
Alton, Hampshire

Finreport Computer Services, Inc.
One Moody Street
Suite 301
Waltham MA 02154

Honeywell Inc.
Honeywell Plaza
PO Box 524
Minneapolis MN 55440

IBM Corp.
Old Orchard Road
Armonk NY 10504

IBM Madrid Scientific Center
Paseo de la Castellana, 4
Apartado 179
28046 Madrid

I. P. Sharp Associates
Suite 1900
2 First Canadian Place
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5X 1E3

Kinch Computer Company
501 S. Meadow St.
Ithaca NY 14850

Linotype Company
425 Oser Ave.
Hauppauge NY 11788
MicroAPL Ltd.
Unit 1F, Nine Elms Industrial Estate
87 Kirtling Street
London SW8 5BP
Great Britain
01-622 0395

MIPS Software Development Inc.
31555 West 14 Mile Road
Suite 104
Farmington Hills MI 48018

Oregon State University
Software Distribution
Dept. of Computer Science
Corvallis OR 97331

Portable Software
1640 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge MA 02138

Proprietary Computer Systems
16625 Saticoy St.
Van Nuys CA 91406

STSC, Inc.
2115 E. Jefferson St.
Rockville MD 20852

12, Place Hotel de Ville
42000 Saint-Etienne

Telecompute Integrated Systems, Inc.
34 Kelfield St.
Rexdale, Ontario
Canada M9W 5A2

The Computer Company
1905 Westmoreland Street
Richmond VA 23230
PO Box 500
Blue Bell PA 19424-0001

WATCOM Products, Inc.
415 Philip Street
Waterloo, Ontario
Canada N2L 3X2

Wayland Products
4 Shore Drive
Wayland MA01778