[comp.lang.apl] Workshop on Symbolic and Numeric Computing, Helsinki May 30-31

apiola@cc.helsinki.fi (04/11/91)

  Workshop on Symbolic and Numeric Computation 

  Helsinki 30 -- 31.5. 1991 


    Helsinki University Computing Centre
    The Rolf Nevanlinna-Institute
    CSC (Centre for Scientific Computation)


- Computer algebra and some of its applications

- Interaction of Computer Algebra, numerical computation and
  scientific visualization

- Applications of Scientific Software and Scientific Computing


The workshop aims to bring together different computational cultures
represented by the symbol algebra, numerical and graphical software and 
matrix-vector language communities. We will try to provide a forum for
exchanging ideas and introducing projects that develop or use some 
combination of such tools.


Helsinki University Computing Centre
Teollisuuskatu 23
SF-00510 Helsinki
Tel: +358-0-70851
Fax: +358-0-7084441


Heikki Apiola   apiola@cc.helsinki.fi          
Juha Fagerholm  fagerholm@csc.fi
Marko Laine     mjlaine@cc.helsinki.fi
Esko Valkeila   valkeila@cc.helsinki.fi


A tentative list of speakers and demonstrations
Question mark (?) means "not confirmed"

James Davenport, University of Bath (UK)
   1. Symbolic and Numeric Computation
   2. Demonstration of IRENA  (Reduce-NAG-interface)

Jarmo Hietarinta, University of Turku (FI)   
      From an analytical formula to a movie, by way of REDUCE and C.

Norman Thomson, IBM/Winchester (UK)
   1. The ASL-project  (APL statistical library, based on 
                        APL-Fortran-interfaces) ?
   2. An APL-tutorial

Ari Lehtonen, University of Jyv{skyl{  
    1. Examples of Mathematica Graphics,experiences of teaching differential 
       geometry ...

    2. Demonstration of Mathematica on a Silicon Graphics workstation,
       animation of the construction of Klein Bottle (among other things).

 Ken Rimey, Helsinki University of Technology
    1. Highly interactive computer algebra
    2. Demonstration (?)

 Esko Valkeila, University of Helsinki 
        Ito-Calculus with Macsyma

(?) Minaz Punjani, University of London
        SENAC, Symbolic Environment for Numerical and Algebraic Computation

 Lasse Holmstr|m, The Rolf Nevanlinna Institute 
        An upper bound for the L1-error of a kernel density estimate in a 
        Euclidean space.

 Alexei Serebrovski, Inst. for Information Transmission Problems, 
                      USSR Acad. of Sci
      Some topics in stochastic control theory

 Victor Kistlerov  Inst. for Information Transmission Problems, 
                      USSR Acad. of Sci
      FLAC - Functional Language for algebraic computation

 Heikki Haario, University of Helsinki and the Kemira company
       1. Experiences of the use of a MATLAB-NAG/IMSL-interface
       2. Demonstration of Data-analysis toolbox

 Heikki Apiola, University of Helsinki and Helsinki University of Technology
      1. Principles of ESC - Environment for Scientific Computing
      2. Demonstration of a X-Windows/TCP/IP - realization using
         workstations, mainframes and supercomputers

 Pirkka Peltola (Espoo-Vantaa Institute of Technology)
      1. Applications of ESC ...(maybe experiences in engineering education)
      2. Demonstration of PC-ESC

(?) Mika Sepp{l{  University of Helsinki and Academy of Finland (project)
       Computational problems in the theory of Riemann surfaces and algebraic 
In addition: Exhibitions, posters, BOF-sessions 