[comp.lang.fortran] New 8X Standard

carols@drilex.UUCP (Carol Springs) (11/06/87)

I used to work on Fortran compilers for Unisys (Burroughs)
mainframes, and therefore am reasonably familiar with the
new 8X standard and the reasons for Unisys's "no" vote.  I
hope that the material available for public review contains
all of the commentary by the various committee members
regarding their respective rationales.  Some of my colleagues
put a lot of work into these comments, and I'd hate for
people to get their perspectives entirely from quotes in
rush-job articles in _Computerworld_.  (At least one of these
quotes was used as an example of a "Unisys" position in spite 
of the interviewee's request that he not be quoted in that
context.  Maybe there was a misunderstanding, but it's 
tempting to say "So much for journalistic integrity.") 
I urge _everybody_ who uses Fortran or will otherwise be
affected by the new standard to obtain a copy of the standard
and supplementary material.  Then make your views known. 
Carol Springs