IRWIN@pucc.Princeton.EDU (Irwin Tillman) (12/10/87)
Does anyone know of a FORTRAN to C converter that would run on IBM PCs or compatibles? Please respond by MAIL. Irwin Tillman BITNET: IRWIN@PUCC Princeton University UUCP: {allegra,ihnp4,cbosgd}!psuvax1!PUCC.BITNET!IRWIN (Philip Peake) (12/14/87)
I'm interested too by a fortran->C converter Yves Bertheau INRAaAXIS EARN: BERTHEAUaFRINIRA72 (Ross Wetmore) (12/18/87)
Someone once posted a PD Pascal to C converter that did things properly (ie compiled to an intermediate code and de-compiled to C). They said a Fortran front-end was in the works. Did this ever appear? Ross W. Wetmore | rwwetmore@water.NetNorth University of Waterloo | Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1 | {clyde, ihnp4, ubc-vision, utcsri} (519) 885-1211 ext 3491 | !watmath!rwwetmore (Inst. Natl. Rech. Agronomique) (12/22/87)
I'm interested by this fortran to C converter Please email to: Yves Bertheau UUCP AXIS!INRA EARN/BITNET BERTHEAU@FRINRA72