tbh@bcd-dyn.UUCP (5143 5229B) (02/27/88)
i recently obtained the "CRC Plotting Package" from Purdue University. Please bear with me if there are any mistakes in this message, I am using USENET for the first time! so I hope that this message is correctly posted. back to the story. The qplot/plot3d package is a combination of c and fortran programs, the fortran programs call the c subroutine (in plot3d). I tried to compile the source in our machine without much success because our c compiler (from green hills) and the fortran 77 compiler from Silicon-Valley software hate each other. The SVS manual talks about writing "wrapper" routines in assembler to interface c anf f77 routines, I have almost no experience in c however. A few datails about our machine: XEPIX gator L (formerly the company was called PIXEL and we have one of their old PIXEL AP 100) The operating system is characterized as: "UNIX System V Compatible, source licensed from AT&T, which includes Berkeley 4.2, PWB and xePIX enhancements" I had a few questions: 1) Are C and Fortran Compilers in general such that programs written in one language cannot link/load with programs written in the other? I mean for example is there any easy way to link the *.obj files together? I 2) has any one else heard about xePIX computers and what are your experiences with this system? 3) Does any one have a plot package similar to the qplot/plot3d written completely in C or in Fortran? I would appreciate comments, help, so that we can have the plot program working on our machine. Krishnan K. Chittur Battelle-Columbus Division (national center for biomedical infrared spectroscopy) 505 King Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43201 (614) 424 6515 -- Krishnan K. Chittur UUCP: cbosgd!osu-cis!bcd-dyn!tbh (614) 424-6515 USPS: 505 King Ave., Columbus, OH 43201