thomas@ektools.UUCP (Thomas B. Kinsman) (12/22/88)

   The following is a bibliography generated by a recent request  to
   the  net  for reference books on algorithms in general.  No names
   will be mentioned, but replies came from  many  countries  around
   the  world.   Several  people  that I consider influential in our
   field responded.  Thanks are expressed for all who responded.

   I found it amusing that there were several different combinations
   of  titles  and  authors given for "THE Dragon Book". The rumors
   are not clear as to whether the authors  (Aho,  Hopcroft,  Sethi,
   and  Ullman)  are  married to each other, or are simply joined at
   the waist from birth. :-)  You can all speculate about that among  
   yourselves.   Certainly they  have made an important contribution 
   to our field.

   People generally mentioned Knuth.  However, Knuth was  frequently
   mentioned  as  a  lower priority choice when priorities were men-
   tioned.  Many expressed difficulty with the  way algorithms  were
   given  in  Knuth.    Others  suggested  that  Knuth's  method  of
   presentation  leads to  a better  understanding of  the method of

   Sedgewich was a popular first choice.  However, no one  mentioned
   that there is now a second edition of this book.

   Note: This was not a scientific survey.  Votes were  cast  for  a
   reference  by mentioning it in a positive way.  In the case where
   prioritized lists were received, no weights  were  assigned.  Ti-
   tles,  Authors, etc... were taken on good faith. The existence of
   references was NOT CHECKED.

   Some people just responded by mentioning authors.  Referring to a
   book  as  "Smith, and Jones" is not always helpful, especially if
   Smith and Jones ARE really married to each other and have jointly
   written several books. I did my best to figure out which book was
   intended, without killing myself in the process.

   Some respondents  just  mentioned  titles.   Some  books  are  so
   closely related, i.e.  the  "Numerical  Recipies  in..."  series,
   that  they were grouped together.  At any  rate,  this  is   just
   an  information source for your consideration.  Neither I, nor my
   company, recommend any of them.  The following sources of inform-
   ation  are  some you  may wish to know about: A more verbose list
   is posted to the news group "comp.misc".


General Quotes:	"...you judge the utility of a reference handbook by the condi-
		 tion (the more battered the copy, the more it's been used)..."
		"...It's really difficult to pick a first, because this is 
		 nearly always context-dependent..."
		"...I hunt around other peoples desks or wander through the 
		 load of sources we have on our system..."

Source:		"Algorithms", by Robert Sedgewick
Votes:		19
quotes:		"...general purpose..."

Source:		"The Art of Computer Programming", by Donald E. Knuth
		Volume 1/ Fundamental Algorithms
		Volume 2/ Seminumerical Algorithms
		Volume 3/ Sorting & Searching
Votes:		39
quotes:		"...the last place I go..."
		"...No question.  Knuth..."

Source:		"Intro to Data Structures & Algorithms", (or perhaps),
		"Data Structures & Algorithms", by Aho, Hopcroft & Ullman
Votes:		9
quotes:		"It's a great little book of basic algorithms & data 
		 structures.  Nothing too outrageous, though.  My copy is
		 almost worn out."

Source:		Data Structures + Algorithms = Programs, by Wirth
Votes:		6
quotes:		"...slightly easier to read, & includes quite a bit of
		 Modula-2 code..."
		"...A notorious book...Disgusting..."

Source:		Design & Analysis of Computer Algorithms, 
		by Aho, Hopcroft & Ullman
Votes:		6

Source:		The Theory of Parsing, Translation & Compiling, by Aho & Ullman
Votes:		2

Source:		Compiler Design, by Hopcroft, Ulmman & Sethi
quotes:		These are the "dragon" books.		<DRAGON>

Source:		Principles of Compiler Design, by Aho, Hopcroft & Ullman
Votes:		4
quotes:		The "dragon" book.			<DRAGON>

Source:		Compiler Design, by Aho, Hopcroft & Ullman
Votes:		3
quotes:		This is the second Dragon book.		<DRAGON>

Source:		Intro to Formal Languages, Automa Theory & Computation
by:		Hopcroft & Ullman

Source:		Handbook of Algorithms & Data Structures, by G.H. Gonnet
Pub:		Addison-Wesley, 1984
Votes:		4
quotes:		"I often look at [this book].  It is useful in itself (with 
		 code in Pascal and/or C) but also full of references--  
		 to 23 textbooks & 683 papers to be exact."

Source:		Writing Efficient Programs, 	by Bentley
Source:		Programming Pearls, 		by Bentley

Source:		Numerical Recipes in C, the art of scientific computing
		Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN, the art of scientific computing.
		Numerical Recipes, the art of scientific computing.
by:		W.T. Vetterling, S.A. Teukolsky, W.H. Press, B.P. Flannery
Pub:		Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1988.  ISBN 0-521-35465-X
Votes:		8
quotes:		"...It doesn't matter which language, really..."
		"...for numerical stuff..."

Source:		Structure & Interpretation of Computer Programs, 
		by Abelson & Sussman
Votes:		3
quotes:		"...for numerical stuff..."	

by:		Bender & Orszag
quotes:		"...for numerical stuff..."	

Source:		Artificial Intelligence Programming
by:		Charniac, Reisbeck, Mcdermott & Meehan
quotes:		"...It's not the most fundamental book, but I've found [it] to
		 be the book that establishes the leap from 'Let's Learn Lisp!'
		 to Lisp in the Real World - filled with all sorts of ideas,
		 & permanently beside my terminal."

Source:		Recursive Techniques in Programming, by D.W. Barron, 
quotes:		New York, 1968: American

Source:		Fundamentals of Data Structures
		Fundamentals of Data Structures in Pascal
by:		Horowitz & Sahni
Votes:		5
quotes:		"...my personal favorite..."

Source:		Principles of Data Structures & Algorithms
by:		Horowitz & Sahni
Votes:		2
quotes:		"...for general data structures..."

Source:		Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, by Horowitz & Sahni

Source:		Computers & Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of
		NP-Completeness, by Michael R. Garey & David S. Johnson.
Votes:		2
quotes:		"...Perhaps not an algorithm catalog in the strict
		 sense, but I find it useful in problem solving..."

Source:		Heuristics, by Pearl
quotes:		"...if the problem is NP complete..."

Source:		How to Solve It by Computer, by Dromey R.G
pub:		Prentice/Hall International Series in Comp. Sci.

Source:		Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms & Complexity
by:		Christos H. Papadimitriou & Kenneth Steiglitz
quotes:		"fairly new but looks like its full of interesting stuff.
		 I looked at several similar ones & bought this."

Source:		Computer & Job-Shop Scheduling Theory
by:		E. G. Coffman, Jr. (Ed.)
quotes:		"A collection written by several recognizable people."

Source:		"Factorization Methods For Discrete Sequential Estimation"
quotes:		"useful for estimation algorithms."

Source:		Data Structures & Network Algorithms, by Tarjan
quotes:		"...for network problems..."

Source:		Graphs & Network Algorithms, by Tarjan
quotes:		"...for combinatorial algorithms & recursive structures..."

Source:		Priciples of Database & KnowledgeBase Systems, by Ullman
Votes:		2

Author:		Teorey & Fry
quotes:		"...for data base work..."

Source:		Implementations of PROLOG, by Campbell
Source:		The Computer Modelling of Mathematical Reasoning, by Bundy
Source:		Anatomy of LISP, by Allen
Source:		Natural Language Understanding, by Allen

Source:		Data Structures, by Reingold & Hansen

Source:		Data Structures, by Standish
Votes:		2
quotes:		"...understandable level with good Knuth style specifications.
		Quite complete also..."

Source:		The Unix Programming Environment, by Kernighan & Pike
Source:		Software Tools, by Kernighan

Source:		Matrix Computations, by Holub & Van Loan
quotes:		"...for numerical analysis..."

Source:		Artificial Intelligence, by Winston
quotes:		"...for AI work, either of the books by Winston..."

Source:		LispCraft, by Wilensky
Source:		Computer Algorithms, by	Sara Baase
Source:		Lisp, by Winston
Source:		The Art of Prolog
Source:		Prolog programming for AI, by Bratko

Source:		Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics
by:		Foley & Van Dam
Votes:		2
quotes:		"...for graphics stuff..."

Author:		Chris Date
quotes:		"...Relational Databases..."

Author:		Ullman, Liskov, Guttag & Sowa
quotes:		"...Data structures/abstraction..."

Source:		Any number of articles in CACM
		Collected Algorithms of the ACM (CALGO).
		Comm. of ACM 
		TODS (Transactions on Database Systems)
Votes:		5

Source:		Recent journal article(s) I've read on that problem
Source:		Algorithms in SNOBOL4, by Gimpel
Source:		"...the SIGARCH world..."