[comp.lang.fortran] Spelling of Fortran

brainerd@unmvax.unm.edu (Walt Brainerd) (04/28/89)

There has been a fair bit of discussion recently in both X3J3 and
on Unix news about the "spelling" of "Fortran".  All caps, one cap and
lowercase, one cap and small caps, etc.  Also Fortran 88 vs. Fortran 8x
vs Fortran 90, or whatever.

I just happened to pull out my autographed (by Backus) copy of the
reproduction of the first Fortran manual (for the IBM 704).
The title one the cover is

              Programmer's Primer for


One capital F and the rest lowercase!!

Should I be fair and add that it is done both with all caps
and with one cap and small caps inside the manual?   Naw...