[comp.lang.fortran] Scientific programming in C++

jon@hanauma (Jon Claerbout) (06/25/89)

Scientific programming in C++ ?

I converted some simple scientific Fortran/Ratfor programs into C++
to see if they would look suitable for a textbook
such as my last book "Imaging the Earth's Interior".
I conclude C++ is about as good as ratfor.
Unfortunately, mixing Fortran with C++
ranges from undocumented to impossible.

The new Lippman C++ book looks like a replacement for the Stroustrup book
since it fully describes the new AT&T version 2.0.
Pedagogically it is a big improvement too.
Since both Stroustrup and Lippman describe both C and C++
I infer they mean eventually to replace C by C++
(else why the 100+ extra pages to explain C
which K&R already do beautifully)?
A section called "linkage to other languages" mentions C but not Fortran.

We couldn't link gnu C++ mains to fortran subroutines.
I converted two simple fortran scientific programs to a C++ style
designed to please fortran users.  Here they are:
 *	Demonstrate a scientific C++ program in a fortran-like style
 *		such as would be suitable for a numerical analysis library
 *		or an engineering textbook with tutorial programs.
 *	Works on gnu c++

void filter(			// convolution routine.
	const	int	nb   ,	// number of coefficients in filter
	const	float	bb[] ,	// numerator moving average filter
	const	int	npq  ,	// length of time series, both of pp and qq
	const	float	pp[] ,	// input time series
		float	qq[] )	// output time series
	int ib, i ;
	for( i=0 ; i < npq ; i++ ) {		// This means "do i=0,npq-1"
		qq[i] = 0. ;
	for( ib=0 ; ib < nb; ib++ ) {
		for( i=0 ; i < npq ; i++ ) {
			qq[i+ib] = qq[i+ib] + pp[i] * bb[ib] ;

//	Test program follows below.
#include <stream.h>
const npq = 4;
const nb  = 2;
float bb[ nb] = { 1., 1.};
float pp[npq] = { 1., 0., 1., 1. };
float qq[npq];

main() {
	// void filter( int, float[], int, float[], float[]);
	filter( nb, bb, npq, pp, qq);
	cout << "Should print 1 1 1 2 next.\n";
	for( int i=0; i<npq; i++ )
		cout << qq[i] << "\n";
	return 0;				// return "no error"

----------------------------------------- another example
//	Illustrate C++ with complex arithmetic.
// 	(Compute spectrum via slow Fourier transform.)
#include <CC/complex.h>

void spectrum(
	const	int	nb   ,	// length of time series
	const	float	bb[] ,	// time series
	const	int	ns   ,	// number of points in the amplitude spectrum
		float	ss[] )	// amplitude spectrum
	int	ib, is ;
	float	top;
	complex	cz, cb ;

	for( is=0 ; is <  ns ; is++ ) {		// this is "do is=0,ns-1"
		cz = exp( complex( 0., (3.14159256/(ns-1)) * (is) ) ) ;
		cb = bb[nb-1] ;
		for( ib=nb-1 ; ib > 0 ; ib-- ) {
			cb = cb * cz + bb[ib-1] ;
		top = real( cb * conj(cb)) ;
		ss[is] = sqrt( top ) ;