[comp.lang.fortran] FORTRAN for 6386 WGS running UNIX SYSV 3.2

acp@ms.uky.edu (ACP Network) (07/12/89)


	We are setting up AT&T 6386's for instructional use
	and would like to accquire a reliable COMPILER for

	We are less concerned about the exact vintage (though
	F77 would be preffreable) than its suitability for use
	by beginning students.

	If you know where we might obtain such a compiler, which 
	might be implemented on a 386 running sysv 3.2, please
	let us know.
	ACP Network
	University of Kentucky
	715 Patterson Office Tower		acp@ms.uky.edu
	Lexington, KY	40506			roy@ms.uky.edu
	606 257 2975